by Mitera Nikkou » Wed Sep 24, 2008 1:11 pm
I know what Chaos was to the Greeks. :O (There are a few versions, though, so don't be surprised if I focus on just one for simplicity's sake.)
Although I may not consider it exactly as they did, since it has a been a while and I can't remember all of the details. Basically, while in either the mythology or cosmology (I can't remember if they went hand in hand back then, or if they probably could be considered to be) it was believed that the fundamentals of existence came from Chaos. For me (and this is where I may differ), since Chaos has the seeds of all that exists, I believe that it can't be seen or comprehended because the disorder is really a mixture so complete that you can't distinguish one thing from another, and so it seems like a void despite the fact that non-void-like-things came from it. Kind of like how red and blue, when mixed together, will appear to be purple unless you can distinguish the two fundamental colors apart.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned because only women can give two tits for every tat.