Black Sky sign-up


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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Haylie » Sat Sep 27, 2008 6:16 pm

Azathoth wrote:Gauss Rifle!

And are you asking how many people I am waiting for? Or how many people are in G-Sec itself...

How many you're waiting for.

Can Cooper have one of those Gauss rifles? Or two? Maybe a backup pistol?
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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Katty » Sat Sep 27, 2008 7:15 pm

Might take a stun gun. Jaz is really not good with pistols. In fact, she is much more defense based then offence. She does not like fighting unless there really is no other option.

Questions huh? Well, what is our base like? Or do we not have one?
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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Azathoth » Sat Sep 27, 2008 9:23 pm

To Haylie: Of course! Its an apocalyptic wasteland! Feel free to pack on the firearms hehe... And we are just about ready...

And that is fine, Katty. But ya realize your a part of a police force... Would you be interested in being maybe in... communications, technician, or a medic? Or of course you could just be a G-Sec oddball hehe....

And as for the base, the one you are in now (there are many G-Sec operation bases) is a repurposed skyscraper. You all have your own quarters, which are in the middle of the building. The training grounds and armory are in the lower sections, and the higher floors have the... higher-ups? The labs, intel, such like that. As well as the helicopters...
Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil...prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon...
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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Katty » Sat Sep 27, 2008 9:44 pm

Well I was self raised on the streets. With nothing but my sword. What other skills would I have? I mean, I got street smarts, and I would be known as "The Depressing Swordswoman"

I got a ref. Street credit. I only just joined the police about no more then a year. But I always see the negative in life.
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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Azathoth » Sat Sep 27, 2008 10:02 pm

Sounds interesting enough, Katty. *nods*

The RP should be up sometime tomorrow. I want to give others a little more time... and myself the right moment of brilliant inspiration!
Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil...prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon...
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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby muffinstud » Sun Sep 28, 2008 1:09 am

Count me in!

Carla Baumgartner, 19
5'5", athletic build
Red hair, green eyes

In training, Carla took to medical like a fish to water. And the analogy fits, since as she grew up on the coast of what was once Maine, she spent a lot of time near the toxic waves. Her family had lived there since before the bad times, giving her and her siblings a resistance to the variety of toxins in the water and air. This comes at a price, however, since it takes her body more to repair itself than someone from elsewhere. She has a small bust, but she compensates by flaunting her choice rear end at cute guys.

She is eager to do her part, mostly because of her fascination with the human body. If left to her own devices, she would probably perform a biopsy on a wounded enemy just to see how their body reacts to their cause of death. Her curiosity makes her seem naive, but she enjoys seeing old vids and reading old books when she finds them. She would love to see former culture revived and thriving, and her greatest wish is to be a part of that revival.

Carla's inventory includes a backpack med kit (collapsible splints, a foam bandage applicator, handheld ekg, morphine, etc), a "Sick Stick" (a cattle prod type device that induces vomiting) and a "Bubble Gun" cuncussion shotgun (think that gun the police had in Minority Report)
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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Shadell » Sun Sep 28, 2008 9:57 pm

A few questions: Would explosives or incendiary weapons be illegal under all circumstances? It seems that the situation surrounding the air would be ideal for say eliminating a large nest of mutants with no civilians (Or perhaps just a few) in the surrounding environment?

Also, how sci-fish are the weapons allowed to be? Would something like say an electrically charged sword that recovers its batteries with motion (Such as swinging it) to shock adversaries be acceptable? What about a demolitions device that uses oscillations or sound frequency to destroy large buildings without explosions? Sound based weapons? etc.

Also, how self-sufficient are teams supposed to be? Would teams be expected to stay in the field for days, weeks, months, or even years? And if so would they be expected to revise and maintain their equipment on their own?

I have a few ideas for a character and the answer to those questions would effect things greatly.
Hmm.... Does anyone actually read these anyway?
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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Mystic Mina » Sun Sep 28, 2008 10:31 pm

Name: Project
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: 6 feet, 2 inches.
Hair color: What 'chu talkin' 'bout, Willis?
Google color: Red
Background: He was once a normal, albiet poor, man who scavenged the scarred lands for scrap metal and electronics to make a living, but an unfortunate run-in with deadly chemicals during one of his searches ravaged his body and put him in a state of near death. A nearby group of workers from G-Sec was able to rescue him before he could perish, but the damage had already been done; he was doomed to die regardless. The gases he was exposed to simply did too much damage to his body for anything to repair.

Luckily, or unluckily depending on your point of perspective, G-Sec, which was interested in Jin's case, had several experimental technologies that they wished to test run on an actual human subject, so they gave the man a choice he couldn't possibly refuse: live now and die later, or die now. He chose the first, of course. Who wouldn't?

He would later come to regret his decision. The process of integrating the tech into his body was painful and dehumanizing, and it stripped him of the final vestiges of humanity he had left in his deteriorating body. By the time they were finished with him, he was more machine than man. Everything in his body, from his eyes to his skeleton, was replaced by electronics of some sort; the only thing that remained relatively untouched was his mind, and even that was slowly beginning to slip away as a result of his transformation.

Despite his growing mental instability, however, he performed quite admirably on the field. His effectiveness as a fighter was second to none, and his responsiveness to orders was astounding. He didn't care.... No, he couldn't care. Caring is human. He wasn't. Not anymore.

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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Azathoth » Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:30 am

ZOMG! Cyborg Nazi! *flees in terror!*

But really? Looks neato, Neph. I am sure he will be fine, heh...

To Shadell!: Yes they are illegal! At least illegal for you. Officers might request incendiary weapons for special assignments... but your not going to be seeing regular operatives carrying them. Unless they get them through the black market and keep them hidden... So your strike team leader might have one... or you if you like playing dangerously.

And sci-fi-ish weapons are fine! As long as they arent too uber powerful and make some kind of feasible sense. Like your sword? Swinging it would make enough of a charge for like... a static shock.

Besides... electricity makes sparks. Sparks opens that whole exploding atmosphere can of worms. Not that you can totally avoid sparks with weapons... but having a fracking lightning rod would definetly raise the eyebrows of G-sec...

And they would be expected to be very self-sufficient... trained to survive in... survival situations. XD

With G-Sec strike teams, you never know where you are going to be sent. So flexibility and endurance is definitely a factor. *nods*
Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil...prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon...
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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Katty » Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:03 pm

So my unbreakable sword and I are save. But like I said before, just cause the sword does not ever break, does not mean I am super strong myself.

Who is going to be out squad leader anyway? Or are you going to tell us when the real rp starts? =^-^=
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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Azathoth stand-in » Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:28 pm

Who will be squad leader? Umm... *thinks*

How about I have you FIGHT TO THE DEATHH!!!

The winner gets to be squad leader! ^_^
Azathoth stand-in

Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Brnin8r » Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:52 pm

Well we first need to know where death is so we can fight towards it.

I vote Italy.
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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Circe » Mon Sep 29, 2008 4:49 pm

Please, everyone knows the real death country is Australia. (No, I'm not signing up. Just felt the need to post that.)

Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Katty » Mon Sep 29, 2008 6:36 pm

I'll drop out then. Dieing would hurt my esteem. Besides, Jaz is not the leader type. To depressed to lead. =^-^=
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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Lanzerus » Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:56 pm

Name: Darrius Flint
Age: 27
Gender: male
Height: 6'0''
Hair color: brown
Eye color: blue
Background: He is an aspiring archeologist, hoping to piece earths history back together and the original cause of the change in environment and the degeneration of the human species, he wears a white lab coat, and jeans, a short sleeved green shirt, and he carries a(n ancient weapon,) pistol with him at all times.
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