Black Sky sign-up


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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Azathoth » Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:10 pm

So, Taylor... did you want to be outside of G-Sec as an archeologist or something?

And I think we are ready to start... once I get this strike team leader bussiness sorted out...

*thinks* I suppose I could do it.... hrmm...

Either that, or I think of a number 1-10 and whoever guesses closest gets it! XD
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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Brnin8r » Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:03 pm

Ack...well being the team leader would work since I'm a tactics nut and whatever...*places post it note of those words verbatim on Azy's head*...but I'm not asking or anything.

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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Azathoth » Wed Oct 01, 2008 10:46 pm

OKAY! I have decided that I will start the RP early next week. I have a trip this weekend, and I dont want to begin, then leave everyone hanging. Expect probably... monday.
Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil...prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon...
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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Haylie » Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:43 am

Okay, I'll try... hmmm...


I was always horrible at this game.
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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Shadell » Sat Oct 04, 2008 8:41 pm

Azathoth wrote:To Shadell!: Yes they are illegal! At least illegal for you. Officers might request incendiary weapons for special assignments... but your not going to be seeing regular operatives carrying them. Unless they get them through the black market and keep them hidden... So your strike team leader might have one... or you if you like playing dangerously.

And sci-fi-ish weapons are fine! As long as they arent too uber powerful and make some kind of feasible sense. Like your sword? Swinging it would make enough of a charge for like... a static shock.

So, going by your example.... We already have tech that can power cell-phones and radios just by carrying them around, just applied differently? (We already have the tech to charge electronics by motion in that way) Then again, we have working death rays too.

As to sparks, wouldn't that mean the weather is frequently fatal? Especially if people are living at the tops of skyscrapers (Which have a tendency to get struck by lightning.)

And isn't someone already using a stun-gun?

Regardless, I regret to say that, given the number of paper's I got assigned this week, I don't think I'll have time to participate for a good while.
Hmm.... Does anyone actually read these anyway?
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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Katty » Sat Oct 04, 2008 8:47 pm

That stun gun thing was mine. It was just an idea really. I never really wanted one. I just wanted to be the depressing Swordswoman is all. But Azathoth just gave me the option of a ranged weapon, and I said the one I would be most likely to use is all.

Sorry about the misunderstanding. =^-^;=
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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Lanzerus » Sat Oct 04, 2008 10:38 pm

Um, i will go with either, G-sec, or not. whatever you think would be benificial to the story you are intending to plot out.
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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Katty » Sat Oct 11, 2008 7:58 am

So when is this one starting again? I forgot. =^-^;=
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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Knight Errant » Thu Nov 27, 2008 7:34 pm


Hah! I have returned... and I have decided to take over GM-ing this from... myself! I am sorry it never got off. The moment of sublime inspiration that sparked it became covered with the dirt of way too many things happening in my life at once.

Things are still happening... but I get the desire to continue this.

So... hands up everyone who still wants in/didnt sign up before but might be slightly interested!
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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Evra » Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:12 pm

ill join dis one:

Name : Evra Von
age: 22
history: he had always been a violent person and a excellent shot so hefinnaly became a sniper

( hope this is good xD ill edit if needed :P )
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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Brnin8r » Sat Nov 29, 2008 12:50 am

Gah!!!! I know this one!! Where'd I put it?? *looks desperately for his hand* I know I put it somewhere near here...

*stumbles on a box*

Aha!! Victory!!

*holds up hand*
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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Knight Errant » Sat Nov 29, 2008 6:31 pm

*thumbs up* Okay, good for Evra, 8r, and Nephilim (who PM'ed me).

Anyone else?
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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Haylie » Sat Nov 29, 2008 8:02 pm

I believe my info is already posted. I'll stay in, if you'll have me.
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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Knight Errant » Sat Nov 29, 2008 8:06 pm

Yay four people!

And yes, new as well as old people are invited... I just want a confirmation before I kick it off. I'll wait around for one or two more, but if no show I will get things rolling.

Its been long enough, aye?
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Re: Black Sky sign-up

Postby Mystic Mina » Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:04 pm

Aye, cap'n. Time for us to set sail.... TO ADVENTUUUUUUURRRRRREEEEEE! @.@
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