by Brnin8r » Fri Nov 07, 2008 12:40 pm
The council member's tone escalated higher than Surge's "And you Surge can't understand what the picture is beyond ALL of this....none of us can!" he groans and regains his composure as he looks like he just leaked something big, "You haven't seen the citizen haven't even seen the reapers..." he mumbles almost to himself, "How can you possibly know what to do...? Surge, I know you've seen your fair share of the war...but all you've seen are the battles that it parades..." the council members fidget in their seats; tense at the new conversation topic.
The doctor nodded, "Untie her." he says to the escorts, "By all accounts this shouldn't have happened. You were moved to this containment cell because by all right, your transformation should have been almost 110% completed. You would have been too far gone to be saved. But while your physical transformation is complete, your mental capacities remain at 10% changed...almost as if the intensity and speed jammed the programming... I don't know why it is. But you look like you'll be fine." he hands a wristband to Shawn, "Here, it's something recently developed; a wristband (Shawn would think bracelet would be a prettier term) that will detect any further changes. I want you to come straight back if anything odd happens."
The engineer's face was one of shock, "She blew died? they're going out of their way to kill us by killing themselves?" he let it all sink in, "I'm going to have you be taken to quarters for the night. Tomorrow we'll figure out what's different." an escort team helps Dan to a simple bed and tv sort of room where he's laid down on the bed and hooked up to several IVs and tracking devices to monitor his functions, "See you tomorrow." one of the boys says. It's not said sarcastically, but it does have that hint of fear at whatever's going on with Dan. While Dan laid on the bed, he would have this niggling doubt in the back of his head like he had been abandoned. As he tried to think about it, it didn't make sense for them to stay...but just the way they put him down like this...just laying on the bed...he felt tossed to the side.
Silva wakes up on the same table, only now he was all stitched up. You wouldn't even know he had been disected like some twisted experiment. He still couldn't move very much (it felt like he was pushing against a solid lead wall on all sides) and the only tell-tale signs of his experimentation was a few blinking lights under his wrists.
Rachel smiled, "Well we can do anything...but newly transformed are limited to a certain number of things. Think back to when you were a boy and try to imagine all those stereotypical things girls did. What can you think of?"
It's not about how much dough you make -- it's about how delicious a pizza you eat at the end. An ancient dA page that is thinking about standing up again someday.