by Brnin8r » Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:11 am
To the readers of this letter,
You, the SU, are called to depart for your next mission.
No one is to know of this.
If gossip starts, all members of the team will be TERMINATED
You are ordered to gear up, go to the deployment bay, take a motorbike with a suitcase next to it, and ride to these coordinates.
68.24:44.13 IDAHO
Your mission is to destroy a bridge that is of major importance to the girl's supply line.
Once completed, you are to camp until evacuated the next morning.
Do well. Return Alive.
Surge's letter mentions picking up the previously wounded solidiers and getting in a jeep instead of a bike.
Someone yells "Quiet GIRL" at Ashton's exclamation, "We're trying to sleep!" it was obviously not time for everyone else to be up.
Dan could control his body now, but every movement seemed slightly rigid. His hair was longer and his body was incredibly smooth. The curves of his body already seemed dominantly female.
Max found the mess hall without fail, today's meal wasn't ready...since nobody was up. The chef was arranging pans for making breakfast, "What are you doing up? You don't have to be up for another hour."
The girls watch Silva struggle with his heavy body.
Alana's still sleepy.
It's not about how much dough you make -- it's about how delicious a pizza you eat at the end. An ancient dA page that is thinking about standing up again someday.