by Brnin8r » Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:56 am
(Ah Muffin, glad you could rejoin our traveling troop of cavaliers. Apparently you didn't read the sparse posts about engineers, who aren't the same ones from yesterday, examining you and how it seems your body is slowly changing proportions.)
The boys end up at the clearing of trees as Surge led them to it. It was a serene sort of place, as if the harsh reality of war hadn't touched here yet. In the suitcases, the boys would find gear to spend the night: tent, flashlights, dinner rations, etc.
Dan's situation hadn't changed, still being examined, but again, he noticed that none of the engineers that had examined him yesterday were looking at him today...or even working as far as he could see.
(Ah, I see your name has changed once again lol)
Rachel laughs a little at how comical Alana looks with her magnifying glass, " tell me if you find anything else, while I follow these motorcycle tracks that lead to the South." she says as she giggles a little bit more.
It's not about how much dough you make -- it's about how delicious a pizza you eat at the end. An ancient dA page that is thinking about standing up again someday.