Moderator: Mistress Guendolen
muffinstud wrote:Hayden gives Mandy a warm smile and shakes her hand. "Hayden, yes and yes. I take it you're new at being a girl too. Did you already check your luggage? I've heard they've missed it once or twice."
muffinstud wrote:Hayden stands wide-eyed and tries not to get blown away by all the information. "Um, actually, I was talking about whether your clothes got changed too. When my mom was here, one of the girls had to wait a couple days until her things could actually fit her." She looks down at Mandy's legs. "And you should probably keep your feet close together. There aren't any boys to try and look up our skirts, but there's always one or two girls who don't mind the peep show." She blushes at that. "I hope I don't run in to one." She takes a deep breath and clears her throat. "Anyways, just Hayden will do. I don't really know what this "chan" thing or "manga" is. My mom won't let me read anything non-educational."
muffinstud wrote:"Fun? Well, I got to play around with some potions in my free time, and I brought a few with me. Nothing major, really, but I think they're fun. And then there's my Magic Cards game. I brought a few decks with me. Do you have a deck?"
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