Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls


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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby muffinstud » Wed Dec 10, 2008 1:59 am

Hayden crosses her eyes to look at her bangs. She gasps and uncrosses her eyes to give Riana a warm smile. "Thank you!" She gives the headmistress a quick hug and follows the prefect to her new dorm.
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby Nikki » Wed Dec 10, 2008 2:08 am

Hayden finds her dorm is the same as Amanda's. She sees the other girl in the dorm.

Riana goes back out to the Grand Hall. "I need to see Daniel Smith."
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby Sasha » Wed Dec 10, 2008 2:14 am

Sasha sighs. " I guess I take after grandma now and she was a Veela so I guess it carried over."
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby Evra » Wed Dec 10, 2008 2:19 am

I look up as my name is called as I stand up I put my notebook in my bag as I walk up to her and speak "hello" I say slightly nervous
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby AshK » Wed Dec 10, 2008 7:17 am

*Amanda sees Hayden come into the dorm.*

"Oh hey there! What's up? My name is Amanda Aerina Adams. You can call me Mandy or Amanda. So could I ask you something, did you used to be a boy? Also would you like to be friends? Oh yeah, what's your name by the way?" Amanda says then asks as she reaches out to shake Hayden's hand.
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby Nikki » Wed Dec 10, 2008 1:07 pm

"Hello Daniel" She says as she takes him to the Sorting Room and puts the hat on his head.

"Hmmm you're rather quiet and also shy." The hat says thinking "Stripetail!"

Dan's hair grows to reach his midback. His eyes become a brighter blue. His chest forms 2 b-cup breasts. He shrinks a few inches as he becomes more feminine. His manhood pulls into his body as he realizes there is no longer anything there. He becomes calm and comfortable in his new body as his clothes transform into a black uniform with a yellow bow. She is now Daphne


"So that's why you're so pretty" Felina says to Sasha.
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby Evra » Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:09 pm

(am i the only one in stripe tail o.o ? lol )As I look down seeing what happened I blink as I look up and look around "w-were do i go now" I say not sure were to go holding my bag
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby Sasha » Wed Dec 10, 2008 6:26 pm

(no there is another i think)

Sasha blushes a bit. " Thanks I guess."
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby muffinstud » Wed Dec 10, 2008 6:56 pm

Hayden gives Mandy a warm smile and shakes her hand. "Hayden, yes and yes. I take it you're new at being a girl too. Did you already check your luggage? I've heard they've missed it once or twice."
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby AshK » Wed Dec 10, 2008 7:01 pm

muffinstud wrote:Hayden gives Mandy a warm smile and shakes her hand. "Hayden, yes and yes. I take it you're new at being a girl too. Did you already check your luggage? I've heard they've missed it once or twice."

"Oh, yes that is true. I don't seem to mind it though. How about you Hayden-Chan. Can I call you Hayden-Chan or do you just prefer Hayden?" Mandy said then asked.

"Anyway, as for my luggage I already put it in my room. Strangely though all of my clothes changed. Kind of weird huh?" Mandy asks as she returns the handshake.

Mandy is standing with her legs apart.

"I really don't feel right standing like this. Am I standing wrong?" Mandy asked.

"Oh yeah do you like Manga. I also used to write Fanfiction before I came here. It's too bad electronics aren't allowed here. Do you like Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew and Ranma 1/2. I have read all of them. I have also read Naruto as well. I have some One Piece Mangas as well. How about you?" Mandy said then asked.
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby muffinstud » Wed Dec 10, 2008 7:18 pm

Hayden stands wide-eyed and tries not to get blown away by all the information. "Um, actually, I was talking about whether your clothes got changed too. When my mom was here, one of the girls had to wait a couple days until her things could actually fit her." She looks down at Mandy's legs. "And you should probably keep your feet close together. There aren't any boys to try and look up our skirts, but there's always one or two girls who don't mind the peep show." She blushes at that. "I hope I don't run in to one." She takes a deep breath and clears her throat. "Anyways, just Hayden will do. I don't really know what this "chan" thing or "manga" is. My mom won't let me read anything non-educational."
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby AshK » Wed Dec 10, 2008 7:40 pm

muffinstud wrote:Hayden stands wide-eyed and tries not to get blown away by all the information. "Um, actually, I was talking about whether your clothes got changed too. When my mom was here, one of the girls had to wait a couple days until her things could actually fit her." She looks down at Mandy's legs. "And you should probably keep your feet close together. There aren't any boys to try and look up our skirts, but there's always one or two girls who don't mind the peep show." She blushes at that. "I hope I don't run in to one." She takes a deep breath and clears her throat. "Anyways, just Hayden will do. I don't really know what this "chan" thing or "manga" is. My mom won't let me read anything non-educational."

*looks down at her feet and blushes. She immediately puts her legs together.*

"Oh yeah. I'm a girl now so I have to stand differently and walk differently." Mandy says as she tries to walk like the girl she is now. Surprisingly she has no trouble at all.

"Whoa, I am much more balanced walking this way. I was wondering why I kept on almost falling over. It was because of the way I was walking. My Center of Balance is different now. Oh yeah Chan is suffix used to denote friend. Also Manga is a comic book from Japan. I started reading them when I started writing Fanfiction. I don't read them all the time. I study my books as well." Mandy said.

"So Hayden, what do you do for fun? I read my Manga. I also know some Martial Arts as well." Mandy said.
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby muffinstud » Wed Dec 10, 2008 7:49 pm

"Fun? Well, I got to play around with some potions in my free time, and I brought a few with me. Nothing major, really, but I think they're fun. And then there's my Magic Cards game. I brought a few decks with me. Do you have a deck?"
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby AshK » Wed Dec 10, 2008 7:54 pm

muffinstud wrote:"Fun? Well, I got to play around with some potions in my free time, and I brought a few with me. Nothing major, really, but I think they're fun. And then there's my Magic Cards game. I brought a few decks with me. Do you have a deck?"

"I have never played Magic The Gathering. I have played some of the Anime based trading Card Games. I also know how to play Blackjack, Go Fish, Solitaire, and War. War is game where the high card wins. Ace is the highest." Mandy said.
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby muffinstud » Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:01 pm

Hayden shook her head. "Oh no, this isn't a plain old trading card game. I played all sorts of card games with my dad. This one is called Magic Cards because the cards are actually magic."
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