Smash Daisaku!

Gah! It's a high-powered metamorphing green gelatinous blob! Or maybe it's something else. Who's your character? Post here!

Smash Daisaku!

Postby Smash Daisaku » Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:54 pm


"Now... I hadnt planned to bother talking about myself... since my glorious visage speaks for itself. But coming across this battle footage I thought I would share it with you all, along with some commentary."

"This will not only reveal my glorious self... but the soldiers under my command. And my warship which I have brought to your lovely city."

"Well lets begin shall we? Oh... and ignore the Gunstar pest who the footage is centered on... he is no one of any importance..."

*Smash puts a tape into a VCR, and a tape begins being played.*

*yawns* Oh, it must have recorded over some spy footage from inside that insane doctor's lab... ignore that.

(00.25) "Ahh here you see a carrier bird. They fly Empire medical supplies and munitions around to vital areas. Note how the Gunstar commits an act of vandalism by torching it and then leaving an Empire Issue Flame Unit Sphere to sit on the ground pointlessly. Well at least the insect didnt steal it like they usually do."

(00.35) "Here you see the loyal robots of the Empire trying to detain the savage Gunstar. They are issued with laser rifles mainly... but also use hand to hand techniques. Also you see several helibots above... they are quite useful for scouting and pacification with their built in lasers. Also you might notice one or two Empire Issue grenades being thrown by the soldiers... the black spheres with the skull on them? They explode into quite beautiful blue plasma."

(00.45) "Here you see the Gunstar in an act of thievery and vandalism... breaking open Empire property and taking an Empire Emergency Medical Sphere. Note how they do so without even a pause to consider the morals of the situation. Cretin..."

(01.05) "Ahh... the flying support platform... Not only does it give our loyal soldiers a great vantage point on a battlefield, but is equipped with rocket propelled grenades! Lovely..."

(01.42) "The Red Phantom... Sturdy design, efficient hand to hand combat programming, deadly grenades... need I say more?"

(02.18) "Hehehehe... watch the Gunstar get dogpiled... I love this part..."

(02.54) "Watch carefully, as a Grey Phantom jumps into the fray... unfortunately it fares little better than the Red."

(03.50) "Yellow Phantom... I forgot we still produced these. Their chassis coloring is such an eye sore..."

(04.20) "A walking troop transport vehicle... I really dont know what fool decided to send these into battle... but I am sure they were either deactivated or sent to the torture cells."

(05.15) "Well at least it stepped on him..."

(05.20) "Watch the background here... you will see the lovely warship you may or may not have noticed is now in your neighborhood."

(05.55) "..."

(06.05) "He got what he deserved. Now... watch as a true master enters combat!"

(07.20) "I have only begun to fight!"

(08.08) "Ahh... my gun is so... useful."

(08.50) "This is a statement all of you thinking of opposing me should remember..."

(09.09) "A tactical rethinking of the situation was needed... hehehehe."

(09.25) "Those little... ugh. I HATE THEM!"

(09.38) "... I thought I ordered them to edit this part out! Oh someone will pay for this..."

(10.00) *Smash shuts the TV off... with his gun.*

"Well... now you know a bit about me and the Empire. Now if you will excuse me... I have a battle footage record keeper to punish for disobeying orders!"

He blasts off!
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Smash Daisaku
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Re: Smash Daisaku!

Postby Smash Daisaku » Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:25 pm


Minion Soldier: These cute mini soldiers were mass-produced because... they are so useful. They seem to have a strength and weight of a Phantom, but are only about six inches tall. Somehow they also have a good supply of normal sized grenades... and have a sparkling energy beam cannon at their disposal.

Black: This man is... well... he represents the evils of science. Ingenious, and stocked with an arsenal of gadgets under his stylish black trench coat... he is certainly not someone you would want to find yourself against... or in the path of.

(Update! Upon agreeing to study magic from Circe, Black was turned into a much more suitable form... according to Circe anyway.)

Seven Force: If you dont know what it is, you deserve to be crushed under its shifting forms... but just because I am feeling generous, OBSERVE!

Green: The pilot of Seven Force... so far he has yet to appear in person...

Emperor: Yet to Appear.

Orange: A sergeant in the Empire's army... He has the brawn, and ki abilities of a minor DBZ character. He can crush tanks with his bare hands and shrug off a shotgun blast to the face. 'Nough said.

Pink's Band: Hired by the Empire, they tend to stick to fighting in robotic walkers. Pink herself is the pilot, Kain the gunner, while Kotaro is the tech.

GoldenSilver: Yet to Appear.
Last edited by Smash Daisaku on Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Smash Daisaku!

Postby Smash Daisaku » Mon Dec 22, 2008 6:21 pm

Edited! More characters appeared because... they appeared! Yay!
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