by Brnin8r » Mon Dec 22, 2008 6:36 pm
(ack!!! sorry Muffin...forgotsted about you.)
Julian's captor would put their finger to a helmeted face, "Shhhh." If he were to look behind to see the soldier's gesture, he could tell that the helmet on this particular person was shaped as a cat's head.
As soon as Shawn's twig snaps, two of the patrolling dog soldiers are at her side at lightning speed. One quickly gets her in a full nelson while the other puts their hand over her mouth.
Surge's target is downed in an instant and hits the ground with an almost silent *thud*. Already the leader of the pack seems suspicious but does nothing yet.
Dan would feel like his body was ablaze for a second as his body finally thrust itself to the final stages of his transformation (sorry it took so damn long, I was getting bored with your body slowly mutating to it's final form...but oh well lol). His body practically molded itself in one molten instant. Arms became feet and there was no Dan for a quick moment it seemed. As the pain subsided though, Dan could notice that his skin had taken on the sheen of plastic. If that wasn't the first thing he noticed, then his new enhanced bust would have to be next. It took a minute for Dan to look over his frame but it seemed as if he had taken on body proportions more similar to a barbie doll than a real person. His feet were tiny but his legs were much longer. He wasn't a perfect barbie (if he was he wouldn't be able to stand up) but he looked more like a doll than a human. If he were to find a mirror, he could find that his face was made up perfectly for a girl's doll. (I'll still keep calling Dan a him might find out soon enough...)
The corn field seems quickly flattened at the part Alana finally reached, a single hole in the ground in the middle of the crop circle is the only thing in view. Although the hole is big, it doesn't look like it would be able to fit anybody larger than a teenager.
It's not about how much dough you make -- it's about how delicious a pizza you eat at the end. An ancient dA page that is thinking about standing up again someday.