by Brnin8r » Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:47 am
The doberman girl, once again faster than anyone could see, raps Julian on the side of the head and then smirked at Surge's question, "You have no other guarantee than our word. But I would like to esteem myself and our other hybrid sisters above the other clans in the region. We pride ourselves on honor and I promise to you I won't break my word." after giving her answer, the doberman girl walks up to Shawn, a look of concern was in her eyes, "I don't want you to be that terrified, girl. By being with the boys you've already shown to me that you're no one to hate." her concern was quickly put to the side as another doberman girl, this time in jeans and a grey t-shirt, entered the room. "What have they said?" the newcomer asks. The original turned to Surge as if readied for his answer.
Ken would find himself entering the cave and immediately finding the steep slope. The hill inside the cave descended for a good fifty feet before leading into a new passageway. The dirt tunnel combined with steel supports and lights looked like something out of an old mine. If he continued on he would find himself in a sort of antechamber where a tattered rug decorated the middle. There were three other ways out of the room apart from the one he entered from. The rug in the middle seemed off-kilter and there were several muddy footprints on it.
The bunny girl couldn't help it, she burst out laughing. "...what?...Are you serious? We haven't tried a bird anthro because of the implications; I mean, your bones might become hollow making you easily breakable, your wings wouldn't be attached to your back, they'd be your arms, and they would have to be about twenty feet long for you to sustain any flight at all. You'd be completely useless. Besides, we don't have any sort of DNA that even resembles that sort of exotic nature."
It's not about how much dough you make -- it's about how delicious a pizza you eat at the end. An ancient dA page that is thinking about standing up again someday.