It's the year 2015... maybe. At least one hundred weeks have passed since the demons were repressed by the legendary Alicia. New threats have risen, however, from other sources. It's uncertain what these sources are. Some suggest more demons, others blame Alicia herself.
Blame doesn't change circumstance, however. Humanity's numbers have plummeted to the point where they could be tracked by one person. They now live in clusters of beaten, hopeless groups, counting on each other for survival. But they aren't completely defenseless. Several agents of the dark have surprisingly sided with them, each faction with their own reasons.
One such group of sentients now camp in the center of an area once known as Las Vegas. Shells of ruined buildings tower over the group, it's shadows hiding who knows what. Unknown to all but a few, an attack from the undead is imminent.
A woman clad in black sits in the center of the camp near a fire, an imposing weapon on her lap. She doesn't speak, doesn't look around, barely blinks, even as others whisper behind her back. She just stares into the fire for several hours until the call of danger finally goes out, signifying death's arrival in the form of an undead horde. They move slowly and clumsily, and the barricades easily stop them at first, but they'll need to be dispatched quickly. A horde this size is usually accompanied by something bigger...
(Okay, folks, start off in the camp near Alicia. Zombies are more target practice for survivors at this point, so nobody should be too worried yet)