Ranma 1/2

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Ranma 1/2

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:31 am

Well, it's been years since we've had a topic about Ranma 1/2, so... Why not?

Ranma 1/2 was my first exposure to sex-changing in manga, and perhaps in anime, too. It was during a tumultuous time in my life, when I was living with my father, and my sister had taken out the first graphic novel from a library. If not for that I probably wouldn't be here right now, since one of my main drives in becoming social was by becoming a fan-fiction author. Even today my main interest in fan-fiction is Ranma 1/2. That it was the first manga that I ever read, and just happened to have a sex-changing aspect to it, isn't lost on me now.

It's an easy series to get into, in my opinion. You've got some action here, some comedy there, and a side of drama. I can't say much about the anime, though... Either way there are plenty of characters to love and hate, or both. <_<

That's about it, from me. It has mostly been a source of inspiration for me, in regard to fan-fiction, and I don't think anyone's interested in anything that I have to say about that.

So... How about you?
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Re: Ranma 1/2

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:25 pm

Wow... mmm, that takes me back, around 10 years ago.

I'd just gotten involved in watching anime, through seeing a few shows on my parents' satellite connection (Sci Fi channels old Saturday Anime, amongst others) and a local anime festival. I'd joined up with the local university anime club, and started watching a few shows like Tenchi Muyo and Record of Lodoss Wars.

One day, talking with a friend over lunch, he started telling me about a series he suggested I watch. It was about this guy who was cursed to turn into a girl, and kept getting into fights that he didn't want to get into. I couldn't make heads or tails of the explanation, and it just kept sounding weirder and weirder. XD So he ended up lending me his fansubs so I could check it out.

Needless to say, I was hooked. Okay, I really haven't seen much past the first couple of seasons, or much of the manga either, but it was one of the first true series that I actually say, and it was quite endearing. Sure, it's got transformational hijinks and Ranma's a jackass, but it's also got a lot of fun and playful qualities. So silly...

Now I need to watch it again... I should get some of the DVDs sometime, as my VHS tapes are getting old. XD
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Re: Ranma 1/2

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:40 pm

I recommend the manga instead of the anime. But that's just me. ;p
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Re: Ranma 1/2

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:01 pm

I'll have to see if I can find it. I'm not to savvy with this whole business of finding manga online, so most of what I've got is actual hardcopy. :3

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Re: Ranma 1/2

Postby Sasha » Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:52 pm

I like them both. Only think i hate is Ranma x Akane pairrings and such in fics and the anime and manga.
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Re: Ranma 1/2

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:55 pm

But... but aren't Ranma and Akane the core couple?
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Re: Ranma 1/2

Postby ZeroForever » Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:51 pm

yeah they are the core and the obvious couple of the series.

good anime/manga been ages since i watched or read either though. I still read plenty of fanfics based on it though honestly 99% suck and the authors need to actually read the series before writing about it.
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Re: Ranma 1/2

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:31 pm

Mischa wrote:I'll have to see if I can find it. I'm not to savvy with this whole business of finding manga online, so most of what I've got is actual hardcopy. :3

It's not hard to find Ranma 1/2 online. You should be able to find them at Viz, for instance. I tend to get my anime and manga from Robert's Anime Corner Store, though.

Is that a Bridget avatar?

Same game, but it's May. <3

Mischa wrote:But... but aren't Ranma and Akane the core couple?

Indeed they are, but it's not too hard for people to find/make up a reason for why they're a nonsensical couple, and thus change the coupling to one that makes sense (to them).

ZeroForever wrote:and the authors need to actually read the series before writing about it.

I couldn't agree with you more. I seem to always get into arguments with ignorant fools about what does and doesn't happen in the series, over at Fukufics. ;/
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Re: Ranma 1/2

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Thu Jan 08, 2009 11:50 am

Crescent Pulsar wrote:Same game, but it's May. <3

OH! Yeah! XD I've hardly played any Guilty Gear, but I knew of the pirate woman who threw around the anchor. I just got her confused with Bridget, dangit.

*ponders Jam*

Crescent Pulsar wrote:
ZeroForever wrote:and the authors need to actually read the series before writing about it.

I couldn't agree with you more. I seem to always get into arguments with ignorant fools about what does and doesn't happen in the series, over at Fukufics. ;/

Mmmm... that reminds me of my self-insertion Ranma fanfic...

None of my characters got transformed, and spent the whole story trying to avoid encountering any of the cast. It was awesome. XD

But I've always felt a fanfic should be respectful to the source material.
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Re: Ranma 1/2

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:09 pm

Yeah. Unless the universe is drastically changed (as in you probably shouldn't consider it the Ranma 1/2 universe), you should put the effort into sticking with canon. I don't think your fantasy, need for justice, or what-have-you, is a good enough reason to ignore the facts within the series.
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Re: Ranma 1/2

Postby Xia » Thu Jan 08, 2009 4:47 pm

oh Ranma 1/2

what a ridiculous manga. I hate and love Ranma (the character), but thats the point. So much of the series is mostly his fault (and to be fair, there is a bunch that isn't his fault).

have never really watched the anime, but I've read the manga several times
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Re: Ranma 1/2

Postby Raleigh » Fri Jan 09, 2009 9:41 am

Hm.. well I rather enjoy the series all around. Read the entire manga series and watched at least three seasons of the anime as well as the ova. I rather agree that authors love to pair Ranma off with someone else but that is a matter of personal preference a lot of the time. One of the key factors for a fanfic is that the author wants to change the set story around in a way that they think would have been more amusing.

Still, I agree that one should respect the source and try to not go too far out of bounds unless you are writing a crack fic simply for amusement of mostly yourself. Lets face it some good natured poking fun of the series or characters is needed on occasions and is even done by series creators at times. Who doesn't want to chuckle at poor Ranma having to deal with the onset of that time of the month or, to use another series, that Itachi killed his whole family because they ate his last piece of pocky?
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Re: Ranma 1/2

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:56 pm

I tried writing a crack fic or two, but they failed majorly. Although the first one did lay down some of the ground work for a more serious fic later.
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Re: Ranma 1/2

Postby Garath the Shadowshifter » Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:41 am

Ranma 1/2 eh? Well I have a confession to make:

I've seen the entire first season, both movies, the first OVA, and about 4 or 6 other random episodes.

That's... well that's it. I did read some of the manga. Only parts of the manga I recall reading however are the stories where Ranma was fighting that guy about eatting. (Where they could open their mouths impossibly wide), and the introduction of Pantyhouse Tara.

Other then playing Ranma 1/2 Hard Battle (which I own! ^_^) and a rom of the Ranma RPG. That's the extent of my Ranma intake.

(Though it's kinda funny. I won a quiz at an anime con (Anime Weekend Atlanta) and won a single chapter of the manga. Though I didn't read it. No point)

Thanks to various fanfics and other such things, I do have a good idea of who's who in the Ranma universe, but I've never actually gone out and attempted to see it all.

Course none of this stopped me from attempting my only try at a Ranma Fanfiction. Which should still be hosted by MSF itself.

'Desire to Change' Pretty much a: "What if Ranma had a twin brother?" Though the concept of my story went way beyond that. I've always wanted to re-do the story, mainly because I loved the interaction between Ranma and his brother Amnar. (Yes I know, I couldn't think of a better name)

Mainly I loved coming up with 'Team Attack' moves. ^_^
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Re: Ranma 1/2

Postby Helel » Sat Jan 10, 2009 11:27 am

Garath the Shadowshifter wrote:Ranma 1/2 eh? Well I have a confession to make:

I've seen the entire first season, both movies, the first OVA, and about 4 or 6 other random episodes.

That's... well that's it. I did read some of the manga. Only parts of the manga I recall reading however are the stories where Ranma was fighting that guy about eatting. (Where they could open their mouths impossibly wide), and the introduction of Pantyhouse Tara.

Other then playing Ranma 1/2 Hard Battle (which I own! ^_^) and a rom of the Ranma RPG. That's the extent of my Ranma intake.

I can top that: I've neither read, nor watched Ramna 1/2 in any form whatsoever. Yeah.
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