by Brnin8r » Tue Jan 13, 2009 5:48 pm
Gary smirked at Julian's rebuttal, "Yes it's true, they would have some difficulty with technology. But the worlds' WILL clash if nothing is done." to Surge's question he shook his head, "No. I'm pretty sure there only a handful of people across the world that no what lies outside their own little scenario."
Gary flipped a dial on the radio that brought a frequency that just sounded like static for the most part, occasionally a faint clicking could be heard in the background and then it would be consumed once again with the white noise, "There's another reason I'm interested in with you guys here. I recently stumbled across this blank frequency and found out that the girls have been using those clicks you hear in the background as a primitive code. It details their newest innovation: a superstrain of their original transformation medium the Zeta ray. With it, under full immersion in the radiation, can render an instant transformation from male to female." he smiled to perhaps contrast with everyone's chagrin, "That's our way in." he laid out a map on the table, on it was a large X in the mountainside in norther Idaho, pictures of a tremendously fortified base surrounded the X, "I did my own recon on the place,'s's tight. There's almost no way of getting in without losing your Y chromosome and being a top rated soldier in their empire. Within the base is their prototype. The machine is not nearly portable for a real battlefield weapon, right now it's more or less a big station itself. It's basically a big cathode-ray tube that's shot with this energy for twenty seconds. If we can get the blueprints, the materials, and a nuclear rod with a sample of the radiation, we could reverse engineer the machine and come up with a way for an opposite version. Our own transformation method." he looked to the other boys to see their thoughts on the idea.
Sariah smiled again, "Good job. You're finally looking at what it is you want. But we must prepare you...because you're about to break Rachel out of a hybrids lair...and you saw what they did to an entire platoon of our girls. You'll need to train as much as you can. You need to stop feeling this is going to hurt for a while." With that, Sariah emptied her clip into Alana's shin again.
It's not about how much dough you make -- it's about how delicious a pizza you eat at the end. An ancient dA page that is thinking about standing up again someday.