[SRP] Arcadian Quest


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Re: Arcadian Quest

Postby Hira Kanaki » Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:05 pm

"Huh, a harpy, thought they only existed in dreams, and what's with this mark?" Mel said as she got a little closer.
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Re: Arcadian Quest

Postby Ookalf » Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:45 am

Shadowmaster wrote:Andrew- "Machines?" Serene asks. "Wow, the machines in our world aren't that great..."

Oh, they're pretty advanced where I'm from.
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Re: Arcadian Quest

Postby AshK » Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:57 am

Shadowmaster wrote:Alisha- As the mark glows, you find it harder to picture how you looked before you were changed.

*In her dreamscape.*

"Wh-what is wrong with me? Why am I having such a hard time remembering what I looked like before I changed?"

*She lands and finds a tree and leans against it. "This is just getting too weird."
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Re: Arcadian Quest

Postby Shadowmaster » Tue Mar 03, 2009 6:59 pm

Alisha- The mark stops glowing as quickly as it began. You soon find yourself stirring awake.

Andrew- "That must be really interesting." Serene says.

Mel- As you get closer to the Harpy, you can see that she seems to be waking up.

Jasper- As you look at both Lily and the Goblin, you feel your body changing once again. Once it stops, you find you're now a small, female goblin. Your somewhere between the heights of the two, about 4'6". Lily and the goblin are now looking at you.

Cylestea- Leo holds his hands over Azrael, and a warm light comes out of them. After a moment, you can hear Az making some noise. "Urg...what happened?" he asks.

Luke and Rein- Luna looks at the camera, confused. "That's...really weird." she says. "It's like an instant painting."

Arya- After a moment of tense waiting, you hear footsteps falling on the ladder, and the bandit climbs into the tower. He's clearly quite a bit taller and stronger than you.
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Re: Arcadian Quest

Postby Ookalf » Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:00 pm

Shadowmaster wrote:Andrew- "That must be really interesting." Serene says.

Eh, you get used to it.
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Re: Arcadian Quest

Postby Sasha » Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:05 pm

She smiles at him whipping her eyes. " You told me to go get help after that i don't know. I'm just glade your ok Azrael."
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Re: Arcadian Quest

Postby Evra » Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:07 pm

"ya you can say that " rein says with a smile
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Re: Arcadian Quest

Postby Mystic Mina » Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:27 pm

Jasper stares at her new form through the use of a nearby window, unsure of what to think of the sight. The slightly green skin, the fangs poking out from the sides of her mouth, the pointed ears, the more childish body shape.... Something about it all just screams "CUTE!"

"Well, can't say that I wasn't expecting something like this...."
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Re: Arcadian Quest

Postby AshK » Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:32 pm

Shadowmaster wrote:Alisha- The mark stops glowing as quickly as it began. You soon find yourself stirring awake.

"Um wh-where am I?" Alisha asks as she wakes up.

"Oh yeah that's right. I was sleeping. I do not know if I will be able to go back to sleep." She says.

(Hira: I wasn't supposed to be seeing you, you were seeing me in your dream. It was my mistake.)

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Re: Arcadian Quest

Postby Hira Kanaki » Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:50 pm

"I should probably hide." Mel said trying to do so.

(It's ok)
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Re: Arcadian Quest

Postby Zoey » Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:00 pm

"You don't have these things here? Not even primitive cameras?" asks Luke.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Arcadian Quest

Postby Tala » Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:08 pm

Arya stabs at his heart with a yell.
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Re: Arcadian Quest

Postby Shadowmaster » Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:01 pm

Arya- The bandit goes down rather quickly, but that gains the attention of the few bandits who were still near the tower. Two begin approaching.

Luke and Rein- "Not that I know of." Luna says. "I've never seen anything like that."

Mel- You notice that, despite the Harpy being awake now, she can't seem to see you. You can also see a small, fairy like creature talking to her.

Alisha- "Up already?" the sprite asks you. "I expected you to be out a bit longer than that."

Jasper- "Woooow." Lily says. "That's incredible!"

The goblin shakes his head and goes back to what he was doing once again, now muttering about dopplegangers.

Cylestea- "Yeah, I'm fine..." Azrael says. "But that demon got away with the other one."

"Not a problem." Leo says. "I'm sure I can hunt him down. You just rest up, then you can move onto your next mission."

The blacksmith nods. "Yeah, I'll help you back to the celestial realm." he says, walking over to Az.

Andrew- "Anyway, enough floating here." Serene says. "I should show you around the castle."
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Re: Arcadian Quest

Postby Sasha » Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:15 pm

Cylestea nods. " I'll help also." She says going over to help him.
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Re: Arcadian Quest

Postby Hira Kanaki » Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:29 pm

"Now who's that strange creature she's talking to?" Mel said.
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