Mists of Arlis


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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Nosnits » Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:16 pm

“Hmm, that is most unusual.” Andrew says to the young man. After he finishes helping him, he goes over to Michael. “I’d like to volunteer my services for your expedition. I may be next to useless in a fight, but you’ll need someone to record these events.”
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Evra » Wed Mar 11, 2009 3:09 pm

evra follows him as he sits down not ordering anything his equipment still on as he slowly takes off his helmet revealing someone that looked suprisingly young with short silver hair and silver eyes
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Mystic Mina » Wed Mar 11, 2009 5:30 pm

"What? Oh, c'mon! You know me better than that!" Bishop shouted to the blacksmith, Aston, as he threw on a smith's apron and slides behind the counter. That guy.... His comments could be a bit biting at times, but he was still a good guy nonetheless. "So, mind letting me in on your special order of yours?"
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Alissa of Someday » Wed Mar 11, 2009 5:50 pm

/Sitting on dock in Deep Water, Virgil idly stretched, and began to unpack his fishing pole. Today would be the day! An invention of his would work!/
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Gee-chan » Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:01 am

Calon returned a glance to the suspicious guards and paid little heed to the locals. He was used to this sort of treatment, many of the people here saw him as an outsider at best, a monster at worst, and usually something between. Either way it did not matter to him what these people thought of him, why should he care about the opinions of cowards huddled together in the dark, too scared to go out and too weak to last a day in the outside?

Looking at the damaged carts he could see that they were very badly damaged; smashed, torn, cut and pierced. Whatever had made this ambush either had some good numbers, or was something incredibly powerful.

The whispers of the horn came back to his memory, and instinct pieced together a profile of the assailant. It was only a bit of educated guesswork, but few could match his knowledge of the beasts out there in the mist.

"This looks like the work of a Behemoth," he said, "However, a creature that large does not stray into the forest without good reason. Tell me, where are the people who were travelling with this cart and made it here alive?"
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Musashi » Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:40 am

Maewyn let out a little squeak-gasp at Eric's story. She moved a few steps closer and laid a few fingers very gently on his injury. She was certainly genuinely concerned, but she also knew a good opportunity to put some mooovez on when she saw one... XP "Eight all by yourself? That's so brave! I'm glad you were able to escape... this is so strange, though. If this continues, how will any trade be possible?"
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby TKC » Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:23 am

~~Moridin's Forge: Mines~~

Various versions of, "Yes boss," replied to Gorten's orders, and the miners proceeded down to the main shaft. Soon the first sounds of men at work, prying riches from the earth can be heard, and the mood starts to lighten.


Romeo was finding it a bit hard to make his way back out of the mine, due to the press of miners heading in. Even some of the ones who had been protesting earlier were heading in now, and altogether Romeo was finding himself carried along deeper into the faintly lit recesses of the mine.

~~Loriae: Caravan Square~~

"Good!" Michael said with a nod to Justin, "It's nice to see some still have a backbone here!"

Turning to Andrew Michael looked him over, and then gave a shrug, "You want to head out, that's your decision kid. Just so long as you know the risks."


The guards give a few glances back and forth to each other, and then one simply motions back towards where the wounded are being treated. Before Calon can head over there though a voice cuts through the suspicious conversation around him, "Calon! How about you come help us out!" it was Michael, and he was waving Calon over to where Justin, Jace, and Andrew were gathered.


Eric was more than happy to have Maewyn moving closer to him, and he smiled reassuringly to her, "Don't worry Maewyn, we gave those mist spawn a good thumping. I doubt there are many left out there now. I'm sure we'll be trading normally just fine in a little while. Of course," he draped his free arm lightly around Maewyn's waist, "With my broken arm it'll be some time before I can go out again. I'll probably just have to stay here and rest... Maybe find a sweet and charming girl to help nurse me back to health?"

~~Moridin's Forge: Streets(And nearby buildings)~~

Only upon entering the empty street behind him does the man finally notice Ash. His eyes go wide as he notices he is being followed, and after a moment of pause he takes off running as fast as he can, which is not incredibly fast thanks to his robe.


The merchant stares at Evra's face for a few moments, obviously surprise, but stops with a shake of his head, "Please Sir Slayer, order whatever you wish, I will pay of course."


"Heh," the blacksmith gave a little chuckle as he worked, "Some rich man came in this morning, practically pounding the door down. He wanted a special sword made, and he wanted it fast. He even paid up front," he indicated a large pile of gold coins on the counter next to him, more than the shop usually made in several months, "Wanted me to do some special things to it, so I'll be working on it most of the day I reckon."

~~Deep Water: Docks~~

As Virgil started to unpack a fishing pole he noticed a mermaid's head slip above the surface, watching him curiously from a ways away. She didn't say anything, or move closer, she just simply watched, only her head visible above the water.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Rodney » Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:20 pm

Romeo kept trying to get out and protested as sternly as he could but he was more used to order around the girly offspring of his customers than the burly miners. All he got was gruff looks and some snickers. The flow was pushing him deeper into the mine. After getting bumped into a few times, he changed his strategy and decided to follow the flood tide of miners as they were going deeper into the mine. Ebb time would certainly come he reasoned himself.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Gee-chan » Thu Mar 12, 2009 1:38 pm

"What do you want?" asked Calon in his usual cold tone. "You planning on heading out into the mist?"

As much as people did not like the boy, they could not deny that from sheer experience Calon was the best person the area had ever seen at navigating the mists. As such he was often employed to either guide people to other towns safely, or to go himself. Those that went with him had very mixed responses; either refusing to go with him again, or insisting in him being their guide from then on. It was probably no co-incidence that most of the former were people from this town, while most of the rest were from outside.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Evra » Thu Mar 12, 2009 2:56 pm

evra shakes his head "no im fine" is all he says sitting there looking around
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Nosnits » Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:19 pm

“I understand the risks, but I feel like I have to go. How long until we depart?” Andrew asks.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Zoey » Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:46 pm

"Ok, men! Work good and hard! Let's bring the gold back home!" shouts Gorten as she opens the elevator doors and heads out to the main shaft with a grin on his face.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Mystic Mina » Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:21 pm

Bishop gave out a long wolf whistle when he saw the huge stack of gold coins lying on the counter. Whoever ordered that sword must be someone very, VERY important.... Royalty, perhaps? Maybe even a wandering master swordsman of some sort?

"So, uh, how much of that is going into my pay? Half of it? Heh heh...."
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Alissa of Someday » Fri Mar 13, 2009 2:55 am

/Assembling his pole slowly in the morning mist, Virgil looks up, and takes pause, looking out at the mermaid./

"Oh--Ah. Hello, there?"
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby TKC » Fri Mar 13, 2009 9:45 am

~~Moridin's Forge: Mines~~

No longer pushing against the miners, Romeo soon found himself in the main mining shaft where the miners split off to get to work. As he turned to leave though he heard a soft, beautiful singing. It was amazing he could hear it over the sound of the picks striking stone, but it was there, a beautiful woman's voice singing a slow song.


As the familiar sounds of mine work fills Gorten's ears another sound rises above it. It takes him a moment to realize what it is, but soon he realizes it's the sound of a woman singing a beautiful song. Of course this doesn't make much sense, as the song is soft and gentle, and even if the woman was standing next to him he shouldn't be able to hear it, but it is there nonetheless.

~~Loriae: Caravan Square~~

"We need to get whatever supplies we can scavange, and check to see if there are any survivors," Michael said not only to Calon, but to Jace, Justin, and Andrew, "We'll be heading out as soon as we've got a pair of wagons unloaded and ready to go. If you've got anything you want to take with go get it now, otherwise help finish unloading the wagons. The sooner we leave the better chance we'll have."

~~Moridin's Forge: Streets(And nearby buildings)~~

"Very well," the merchant says in reply to Evra's comment, "Then to business. I'm sure you've heard of the dreams that some had last night Sir Slayer. They have made many nervous, and nervous people are frugal people. As such, I'd like to hire you to go into the mines. Make a big show of it, give people some confidence that things will be alright. What do you say?"


"Only if you do half the work!" the blacksmith joked back with a hearty laugh, "This be things far beyond your experience though boy. Maybe I'll let ya help out with some of the tempering though, and you'll get paid for that."

~~Deep Water: Docks~~

At Virgil's greeting the mermaid ducks back under the water nervously. After a few moments though she slowly peeks back up out of the water, just her eyes and the top of her head now visible.
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