Math or language?

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a) Something serious.
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c) Something silly.

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Question is in the post. Oh, noes!

Poll ended at Wed May 20, 2009 5:33 am

I'd be a boy!
I'd be a girl!
I don't know, or can't tell the difference in my skill between them, so I must be a hermaphrodite! @_@
Total votes : 15

Math or language?

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Wed Mar 25, 2009 5:33 am

Assume that girls do better with language and that boys do better in math. Which one do you consider yourself to be better at, and would that make you a girl or a boy in this context? If math, a boy; and if language, a girl.
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Re: Math or language?

Postby Gee-chan » Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:18 am

....what if I fail miserably at both?
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Re: Math or language?

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:41 am

You're asexual? :P

But, technically, you fall under the second condition for hermaphrodite.
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Re: Math or language?

Postby Mendi-chan » Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:18 am

By language do you mean reading and writing, cus' I'm pretty dang good at reading but I crash and burn when it comes to writing.
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Re: Math or language?

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:48 am

Reading, writing, speech, spelling, et cetera. Your ability to communicate and understand in general.
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Re: Math or language?

Postby Garath the Shadowshifter » Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:56 am

Apperntly by those rules I'd be a girl. I'm great at reading, writing, spelling, and generally understanding people and getting my point across.

But I SUCK at math. Spent like two entire school years trying to get through algerbra. Took it first sesmester, failed. Tried again second semester. Failed. Finally barley passed it during summer school.

Bah to this day I still can't do fractions or percentages. I just don't mix with math.
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Re: Math or language?

Postby Helel » Wed Mar 25, 2009 9:13 am

Well, despite how much I dislike doing raw math (mainly because of professors and they way it's often thought) I'm still good at it. That or going through and doing well in Calc 3, DiffyQ and advanced Statistics and Probability have all been a delusion.

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Re: Math or language?

Postby Marky » Wed Mar 25, 2009 9:15 am

Heh, how "simple" is this Math that we're talking about. Cause if it is algebra and all that, I'm good. But when you get to Calculus, Differential Equations...and such, I start to go into a downward spiral...

As for my reading skills, they're excellent. Writing, so-so, I'd have to say, college-level wise, as the highest grade I've made on a paper here is an A-...I think, and I haven't come close since. Spelling, I'm good. Speaking...hell no. So, yeah, where do I stand?! :P
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Re: Math or language?

Postby Queen Octavia » Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:03 am

I excel at both, wee! People hate me for it though :'(
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Re: Math or language?

Postby Mistress Guendolen » Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:09 am

Apparently I'm a girl in more ways than one, now; both in anatomy and skills. I'm great with language- reading, writing, and the like are all my strongest skill sets. Whereas math is decidedly my weakest, by far.
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Re: Math or language?

Postby Helel » Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:38 am

Mary wrote:Heh, how "simple" is this Math that we're talking about. Cause if it is algebra and all that, I'm good. But when you get to Calculus, Differential Equations...and such, I start to go into a downward spiral...

As for my reading skills, they're excellent. Writing, so-so, I'd have to say, college-level wise, as the highest grade I've made on a paper here is an A-...I think, and I haven't come close since. Spelling, I'm good. Speaking...hell no. So, yeah, where do I stand?! :P

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Re: Math or language?

Postby Queen Octavia » Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:48 am

Higher level math isn't all that bad, but I never enjoyed doing vector calculus etc, the problems were just a chore.

Writing and reading and such are all much more pleasurable. Well, most of the reading... *Has nightmares about some Beowulf from 1st year*
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Re: Math or language?

Postby Helel » Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:56 am

UberLurker wrote:Higher level math isn't all that bad, but I never enjoyed doing vector calculus etc, the problems were just a chore.

A chore can be a bit of an understatement at times. and by times, I mean when you're working out THOSE problems, that take at least a page to solve... assuming you're doing it right.

I can't help but remember the occasions when I'd start a problem, and three or four pages later... have forgotten what I was trying to solve in the first place. Good times, good times.

I also smile fondly on those times when I thought multivariable integration/derivation was difficult. Oh, woe is me. :lol:
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Re: Math or language?

Postby Queen Octavia » Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:14 am

It was always fun after you did three pages of wonky substitutions and random guesses at the next step you looked over your work to see a mistake halfway through page one. I usually bungled a sign error two or three times per page, but learned to catch 'em quick. I found the easiest way to avoid mistakes was to conceptually understand what the beast you're working on represents at all times. If it's just abstract symbols that you know how to manipulate then you don't notice when you make a mistake and change the meaning.

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Re: Math or language?

Postby Musashi » Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:22 am

Hate... math... *Twitch*

I never considered it a gender thing though. I didn't hear anything about that till I was like 14 and a teacher said "Do you think you're bad at math because you're a girl?" and I was all "... no, I just don't get it. o_O;"

I am veryvery much more a language person. Though actually, I have a hard time remembering all the various rules and names of things in grammar n' stuff. I just figure, if it sounds wrong, I just replace it with what sounds right. Works for me so far! In college I was told I wrote in near-perfect English, and I've always been confident in my ability to BS my way through a difficult English assignment when necessary.

My mom and sister are the same as me, but my aunt is very good at math, and my grandmother HATED English and loved math. She said it was like a puzzle, and no matter what you always know there's a logical answer at the end if you just follow the steps. Never worked for me though. XD
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