Fantasy Meets Reality (RP)


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Re: Fantasy Meets Reality (RP)

Postby Rena » Fri Mar 27, 2009 11:59 pm

"This could end up messy. There are far too many things wrong with this plan, especially if effects the whole world." David began, his knowledge shining through. "Even if this man does succeed in transforming the whole world, that just means society as we know it will collapse entirely. Not to mention that there are not enough fictional, mainstream characters to provide unique identities for everyone in the world, so doubles would start showing up, which would cause problems..."

"So basically... we're screwed?" Reid summed things up.

"From the sounds of things, unless we can fix it, yes."
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Re: Fantasy Meets Reality (RP)

Postby Nosnits » Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:01 am

"Well, good thing we know we're screwed. At least we can plan for the worst." Jeff says before going downstairs.
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Re: Fantasy Meets Reality (RP)

Postby Hira Kanaki » Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:02 am

"Yeah." Ace said following the rest of the group.
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Re: Fantasy Meets Reality (RP)

Postby Marky » Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:03 am

Orihime walked over to the rack of costumes, seeing what was there for her, not knowing if Doc would have something that would resemble a school outfit from Bleach, or...that outfit that she wore after she was kidnapped by Aizen...
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Re: Fantasy Meets Reality (RP)

Postby Maiden Miki » Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:04 am


Also in this arrangement of clothing can we expect to find weapons that belong to our characters that have become real or just random stuff?


Mike tried to get up. He looked at his newly and huge breast and said, "How can that Nami handle boobs like these? They are freakin huge." Mike then stood up straight and said, "Well I guess I have to get use to them." MIke then saw a few of the other guys who have turned into girls enter the building and guess that if anything was to give him answer then that place seeing that they were going there.

MIke began to run and could feel his huge brest giggle. Mike was still unsure if this was just a very good illusion or for real but this feeling of having huge brest, no groin and Nami's very good curves was real to him right now.

MIke then enter a room and heard a man saying, Alright... I think the men that are left should go downstairs, while the girls change...And then we can discuss what to do next..."

Mike looked at the clothes and saw mountains of it. He then spot one that looks familar and said, "This looks like something that Nami would wear. There are even the shoes she wears too!"

Mike then heard a radio report and sighed. She took one good feel of her breast which gave her a strong senscation and said, "So this is real."
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Re: Fantasy Meets Reality (RP)

Postby Florina » Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:08 am

Doc, amused at Yuri's expression, nonchalantly presses a button on the wall. The stairs flatten and extend, creating a perfect ramp. "For my poor mother," he explains. "She's no good with stairs, bless her heart... Now, then. Every guy down."

Reid couldn't shake the feeling that he should stay upstairs as he felt himself shrinking, his body dropping weight like a bad habit. He didn't realize it, but his eyes had turned amber-yellow, and his lips had gained a soft, perpetual pout. His fingernails were also shiny and well-manicured (something that a gamer would -never- normally have).

Rita shook her head as she came across - go figure - a "life-like" Rita Mordio costume; of course, "Life-like" meant designed for women of standard proportion, not a barely-developed teen like herself. "Figures..."

(( Standard gear for your character. ))
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Re: Fantasy Meets Reality (RP)

Postby Zoei » Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:13 am

Florina wrote:Doc, amused at Yuri's expression, nonchalantly presses a button on the wall. The stairs flatten and extend, creating a perfect ramp. "For my poor mother," he explains. "She's no good with stairs, bless her heart... Now, then. Every guy down."

Reid couldn't shake the feeling that he should stay upstairs as he felt himself shrinking, his body dropping weight like a bad habit. He didn't realize it, but his eyes had turned amber-yellow, and his lips had gained a soft, perpetual pout. His fingernails were also shiny and well-manicured (something that a gamer would -never- normally have).

Rita shook her head as she came across - go figure - a "life-like" Rita Mordio costume; of course, "Life-like" meant designed for women of standard proportion, not a barely-developed teen like herself. "Figures..."

(( Standard gear for your character. ))

He carefully rolls down the stairs or ramp as the case may be.
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Re: Fantasy Meets Reality (RP)

Postby Zoey » Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:13 am

"ARe you guys really gonna get changed here?" asks Nova looking over at the girls.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Fantasy Meets Reality (RP)

Postby Florina » Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:14 am

"It's that or go around holding our clothes on by hand," Rita sighed, holding her far-too-large pants to her body as if to emphasize the fact. "I think the former would be a bit more practical... If not a bit rediculous..."

"Hurry up, guys!" Doc's voice carried up from the basement.
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Re: Fantasy Meets Reality (RP)

Postby Queen Octavia » Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:16 am

"Already did, guess you missed it." I tell Nova as I walk out of the corner with my outfit on.

Once I'm dressed, I walked over to Mike. "Look... I'm real sorry about before. It's just that I was really freaked out, and I needed someone to give me a hug, or something. I don't know. S**t man now I'm even talking like a stupid chick. Nevermind. Point is I was an ass, alright? I hope you can forgive me and put it behind us, I think we ought to work together, and fighting and yelling was a pretty stupid way for me to get started. Care to head downstairs with me?" I offer in an attempt to make up for past transgressions.

(OOC: I made Shara my avatar pic, and as for Orihime's outfit...<3<3<3 Aizen captured one)
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Re: Fantasy Meets Reality (RP)

Postby Hira Kanaki » Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:16 am

"Right." Ace said as he went to the basement.
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Re: Fantasy Meets Reality (RP)

Postby Nosnits » Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:18 am

"So Doc, what's the plan." Jeff asks him. "Please tell me you have food and water down here."
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Re: Fantasy Meets Reality (RP)

Postby Rena » Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:19 am

"Now what...? We just wait for them to get changed?" Reid asked nobody in particular, not taking notice to the minor changes to his body. David, however, grew speechless as he noticed that the changes were indeed happening to his roommate now. So much for safe! "What... is there something on my face?"

"More or less..." David whimpered, not exactly sure how to describe it.
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Re: Fantasy Meets Reality (RP)

Postby Marky » Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:25 am

((Haha. Yeah, I love the Aizen captured one, too. XD I've seen a pic of it around from time to time...just can't remember the last place I saw it. >.< Then again, can't change it to my avatar, anyways. :P ))

Looking around, Orihime finds the outfit of when the character Orihime was captured by Aizen. "Oh, why did it have to be this one?" Taking it, she walks to a corner in the room and puts it on. "Someone better not have transformed into Aizen, or..." Orihime gulps, not wanting to think about it any longer.
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Re: Fantasy Meets Reality (RP)

Postby Florina » Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:25 am

"Better," Doc laughs, turning around and carefully removing one of the cement blocks that made up the basement wall. Hidden behind it was - here's a surprise - another button. "I knew I had this installed for a reason," he mused as his portly index finger japped at the large red button. Directly behind the stairwell, the wall seemed to host a localized explosion, revealing a large, gaping tunnel... Things were certainly starting to get suspicious.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Rita quickly changed behind one of the racks - despite her strongest hopes of finding evidence to the contrary, it was confirmed; she was, in fact, one-hundred percent female. She stepped out from behind the rack several minutes later, a deep blush on her face. "Why the hell did they keep underwear in these things, anyways? I mean, you'd think the people they're marketed to would have their own... God, this bra is awkward?" In a very un-ladylike fashion, she awkwardly tugged at the strap of her bra - only to have it snap. "Darn it..." She muttered as she slunk back behind the rack to right her mistake.

Reid's appearance was seriously beginning to change, his frail form growing curved and feminine. His eyelashes extended, and his nose turned upwards ever so slightly. His skin smoothed out, all signs of body hair gone.

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