Also in this arrangement of clothing can we expect to find weapons that belong to our characters that have become real or just random stuff?
Mike tried to get up. He looked at his newly and huge breast and said, "How can that Nami handle boobs like these? They are freakin huge." Mike then stood up straight and said, "Well I guess I have to get use to them." MIke then saw a few of the other guys who have turned into girls enter the building and guess that if anything was to give him answer then that place seeing that they were going there.
MIke began to run and could feel his huge brest giggle. Mike was still unsure if this was just a very good illusion or for real but this feeling of having huge brest, no groin and Nami's very good curves was real to him right now.
MIke then enter a room and heard a man saying, Alright... I think the men that are left should go downstairs, while the girls change...And then we can discuss what to do next..."
Mike looked at the clothes and saw mountains of it. He then spot one that looks familar and said, "This looks like something that Nami would
wear. There are even the shoes she wears too!"
Mike then heard a radio report and sighed. She took one good feel of her breast which gave her a strong senscation and said, "So this is real."