Mists of Arlis


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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Zoey » Tue Mar 31, 2009 5:53 am

Evra wrote:evra sighs "you are one of the dumbest miners iv ever met" ( isnt this in like medival times if so how does your helmet gotta lightbulb? )

(We can down the mine via elevator, I think we have enough techonoligal know how to have lightbulbs in the miners helmets. Plus all miners need to have a personal light source when have you ever seen a miners mining in pure darkness? )

"Hey piss off you worm" says Gorten dispite Romeo's words. "I'm gonna go find help..." he sas as he leaves.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby TKC » Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:15 am

Kaizer wrote:
Evra wrote:evra sighs "you are one of the dumbest miners iv ever met" ( isnt this in like medival times if so how does your helmet gotta lightbulb? )

(We can down the mine via elevator, I think we have enough techonoligal know how to have lightbulbs in the miners helmets. Plus all miners need to have a personal light source when have you ever seen a miners mining in pure darkness? )

"Hey piss off you worm" says Gorten dispite Romeo's words. "I'm gonna go find help..." he sas as he leaves.

OOC: The elevator used a pulley system, not an electric motor. Electricity doesn't exist in Arlis, miners use oil lamps to provide light. Hope this clear things up. :) /OOC
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Zoey » Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:24 pm

(( Well let's just hope there's enough oxygen to keep them alive down there, since fire burns it all up >_< ))
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby TKC » Tue Mar 31, 2009 7:14 pm

Kaizer wrote:(( Well let's just hope there's enough oxygen to keep them alive down there, since fire burns it all up >_< ))

OOC: Running out of air is only a concern if the mine is sealed, like by a cave in. :)/OOC
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Zoey » Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:14 pm

(( Yeah, but there several mile/feet, [you never specified] underground. Even at that depth air won't just be there. Caution Cientific thing: CO2 is heavier than Oxygen so it won't easily raise to the top of the cave and let the lighter oxygen sink into the cave. That's why in long tunnels and deep caves they have gigantic air pumps to fix the problem... Or so said the Discovery Channel xD ))
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Rodney » Wed Apr 01, 2009 5:31 am

((OOC : There is so much physics here : Too complicated for my poor little head.

@TKC : I add busty bimbo to my list of preferred transformation : that way I wouldn't have to worry about this anymore and I think I would also have a bigger maximum breathing capacity :wink: ))

Romeo listened worried as the sounds of Gorten's steps faded with the distance. " Lord Miner ?! "
Romeo didn't know how to orient himself in the mine and staying close to this crystal and its strange noise (or was it a song) wasn't exacly his idea of a fun time. Even being trapped with the most anthipatic newcomer appeared as a mild problem compared to the terrifying damp obscurity that surrounded the scene of his peculiar discovery.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Alissa of Someday » Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:49 pm

Rina tilted her head up at Virgil, "How is a smaller spear more advanced, especially if it requires the fish to eat the bait. How do you decided which fish to catch then?" she gave a gasp and smiled up at him, "Oh! Is that how you will make it better?"


/Slightly taken aback by the slowly more-energetic mermaid, Virgil holds the hook in his hand, looking it over for a moment./

"See--with hooks and bait, we don't need to be able to hit quick-moving fish..."

/He trails off, shrugging./

"And--I think that I've figured out a way to increase efficiency--look at this!."

/With that, he pulls out another fishing line--which has hooks tied on it at every two or three inches./

"I should be able to catch...twenty-three fish each cast with this!"
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby TKC » Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:48 am

~~Loriae: Rescue Caravan~~

As Calon, Justin, and the other guards stood at the ready the shadowy form in the mists stopped moving as well, staying just out of clear sight. It made no move that they could see, just stood there, cloaked by the mists. The guards shifted nervously, hands tightening on weapons in preparation for an attack that didn't seem to be coming.


"It is but the truth. You are of the lesser races," the voice replied in Andrews head, "There was a time when such impudence from you would be punished, but that time is long past. So I will inform you that I am one who you would know as an Ancient."


Up at the head of the wagon Jace heard a faint sound, so faint it could have just been his imagination. It sounded like a several horns, all played together.

~~Moridin's Forge: Streets(And nearby buildings)~~

Browsing over the books Ash quickly found a few that might give him a good lead. "Legendary Items of the Ancients", "Ancient Artifacts", and "Findings of the Ancients".

As he browsed the books he noticed the heat and itching was continuing to spread, moving downwards along his left leg at a steady pace.


The door opened with a groan at Bishop's push, revealing a dark and unpleasant smelling room beyond. The woman moved up behind Bishop as the smell wafted outwards, pressing her ample chest firmly against his back as she whispered in her ear, "Do forgive the smell Bishop... but it's just in there. There should be a large box. If you could go and get it for me I'd be so... appreciative..." she accentuated her words by gently rubbing her body against Bishops back, her hands running along his legs.

~~Moridin's Forge: Mines~~

It doesn't take Gorten long to make it back to the illuminated area of the mines where others are working. All the miners around him are simply working as normal, apparently unaware of all that had been happening down the tunnel Gorten had just left.


In the darkness the song faded for Evra and Romeo, followed by the same voice speaking, this time very slow and haltingly, "Who... is... you? Who... disturbs... rest?"

~~Loriae: Streets(And nearby buildings)~~

Before the woman could even respond to Erik's offer the merchant burst into a loud laugh and shook his head, "Why would she care to try out a weapon? Fighting is for men. For a woman to fight would risk her loosing her elegant charm."

Again Erik noticed the anger flash in the woman's eyes, but then she simply smiled and nodded her head at Erik, "I was simply admiring the beauty of the decorations on it. Did you make all of these?"


Eric tensed at Danny's voice, and turned, his mouth open and arm raised to give the man a good yelling, but he froze as his eyes fell upon Maewyn. Taking a deep breath and letting it out as a sigh he brought his good arm up and pinched his nose, "Just... shut the door Danny. Maewyn, allow me to introduce my... pal... Danny."

~~Deep Water: Docks~~

"Those are many many hooks," Rina said with eyes wide in amazement, "With that you could catch enough fish to feed an entire clan shell!"
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Jacqueline » Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:56 am

What was that? Not entirely sure he had actually heard anything, Jace turns to look around for anything that might have caused a sound.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby AshK » Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:57 am

TKC wrote:~~Loriae: Streets(And nearby buildings)~~

Before the woman could even respond to Erik's offer the merchant burst into a loud laugh and shook his head, "Why would she care to try out a weapon? Fighting is for men. For a woman to fight would risk her loosing her elegant charm."

Again Erik noticed the anger flash in the woman's eyes, but then she simply smiled and nodded her head at Erik, "I was simply admiring the beauty of the decorations on it. Did you make all of these?"

"You can hold it if you wish to. And yes I did make all of these myself." Erik says not ignoring the anger in the womans eyes.
Last edited by AshK on Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Rodney » Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:52 pm

(( Sorry, I hit the submit button too many times while the server had errors ))
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Rodney » Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:53 pm

(( Sorry, I tripple posted ... ))
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Rodney » Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:53 pm

TKC wrote:In the darkness the song faded for Evra and Romeo, followed by the same voice speaking, this time very slow and haltingly, "Who... is... you? Who... disturbs... rest?"
Romeo wasn't sure who was speaking with the fair voice. The sound was near but there was probably some strange echo as it appeared to be coming from the crystal. Yet, in the darkness it was hard to know. However hearing a female voice in this place reassured him a bit as his habits of salesman kicked back in.

' You may call me Romeo, I am a purveor of feminine beauty, an artist of the female shape. I create earings, chokers, rings and pendants. I could also present you with a selection of corsets, flowery dresses and accessories. Not right here of course, but you should come and visit our shop in Loriae. From the simplest ribbon to the most sophisticated tiara, I have everything a lady would need and more. '.

The scripted pitch flowed easly, showing years of training. The question following it, less so :

' And, err... Who may you be ? '
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Nosnits » Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:23 pm

“One of the Ancients?” Andrew asks the voice in his head. “I thought all of you died long ago. Ugh….what was that guys name….. Glorious Lorin, I think, was the last one. So, how can I help you?”
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Gee-chan » Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:36 pm

Calon felt the silent wind on his skin as the standoff continued.

"It's taunting us" he growled, "Trying to intimidate us."

It enraged him. Nothing would scare him, nothing. He could not let it, if he did, then he was nothing more than one of those town dwellers, hiding behind the dim light of a crystal. That was not him, he was stronger than that, these were his lands, his home, and he was not going to back down. Before long, this thing would be his next meal, just like all the others.

He gripped his knife hard, held it ready and prepaed himself for the rush.

"Let's not keep the damn thing waiting!"

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