Destiny of Fates: Sign-up / OOC


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Re: Destiny of Fates: Sign-up / OOC

Postby Mystic Mina » Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:54 pm

Name: Ethan Degalen
Age: 54
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance: Weston is a lightly tanned, green-eyed Caucasian of moderate height and weight. He's managed to keep himself reasonably fit throughout the years through rigorous training and constant traveling, but it's apparent by his graying brown hair and ever increasing fits of coughing that time is catching up to him. To hide this fact, he tries his best to keep himself fashionably dressed. The clothes make the man, after all, so if he wears young clothing, then he should look young, right?
Personality: Weston is very outgoing and pleasant person with a hearty thirst for adventure. This thirst can cause him to get himself into some deep trouble at times, but he honestly wouldn't have it any other way. Besides, accidents and mistakes are what make life interesting, right? There's no point to living if everything's going to go exactly your way.

Name: GM Pick
Age: Anything 25 or below is fine.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Physical appearance: GM Pick, but try to go for something just a tad tomboyish if possible.
Personality: Slightly more adventurous than before. Gotta live life while you're young!
Speed of change: Long and drawn out.
Method of change: GM Pick
Level of detail: Sky high!.... Alright, just high.
Relationship status: Single and on the look out for a mate. ;)
Occupation: GM Pick
Family situation: GM Pick
Restrictions: Try not to change my character's mind too much. That's never any fun.
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Re: Destiny of Fates: Sign-up / OOC

Postby Jacqueline » Tue Apr 14, 2009 6:26 am

It looks like we have enough players. Game should start sometime today.

A small update to the opening post. Nothing that should affect any of the existing characters, just rephrasing and adding a few clarifications. Main point is a small change to the setting. Instead of taking place at a temple, the location will be a mysterious city, in order to eliminate some confusion about what characters would do after the change.

A few properties were added. Feel free to add these to your characters, otherwise I will assume a default value.
'Awareness of change': I will assume all current characters should be fully aware of any changes that happen to them.
'Sexuality' for pre-change characters: I will assume everyone is straight beforehand, unless told otherwise.

All current characters are essentially okay. If there was a point I would like some clarification of, you will find a PM in your inbox. I see a lot of 'GM picks.' Guess some people don't care what happens, as long as they get transformed. :roll: Oh well, it just means more work for me.
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Re: Destiny of Fates: Sign-up / OOC

Postby Ookalf » Tue Apr 14, 2009 6:43 am

I editted in the new info. And it's not so much "just in it for the TF" as "I like surprises". :P
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Re: Destiny of Fates: Sign-up / OOC

Postby Rodney » Tue Apr 14, 2009 7:09 am

Hi, I'm willing to be a co-GM. However as I'm not a native from an english speaking country, I would rather PM you any transformation I write so that you can review/edit any grammatical error or strangely twisted sentence before you post then.
I don't want to ruin anyone RP because of my lack of knowledge of proper english.
Tell me if it's ok with you.

As for my character, instead of my usual tall arrogant guy reduced to shy little maid, I'm willing to try playing a short shy geek lad becoming a tall sexy figure of authority.

Name: Victor Stuart
Age : 21
Gender : male
Physical appearance : Skinny and a bit short : He doesn't do any sport but doesn't eat much either.
His face disappear behind large geeky glasses.
Brown hair tied in a very short pony tail
Some facial hair.
Light skin : he avoids going out.

Personnality : Lacks a lot in the human relationship department : he feels always a bit ackward when surounded by people. His skills developped in the videogames field, not the social one. He isn't good at being popular but is very efficient at sitting silently in the side of a room and not being noticed.
Still a student, didn't graduate yet.

Name : GM pick
Age: mature but no older than 40
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Mostly into guys, instinctively acts as a seductress
Physical appearance: tall and mature sexy woman, well endowed (busty or very busty is ok), could be a bit like the look of Tiffany from the Tiffany's Grimm Academy RP.

Personality: No change in the memory but strong change in the behavior. Feeling the need to lead, taking charge of things. Also being a sort of a femme fatale. The GM is encouraged to take control of the character with things like ' suddenly discovered she crossed her legs in a very seductive manner without realizing it ' or ' She felt the need to shout for everyone to shut up '

Speed of change: within a few moments or drawn out across several scenes : GM pick
Method of change: Any, I like when a human being is involved like a angry priestess but it's not mandatory.
Level of detail: Medium to High, GM pick
Awareness of the change: Aware but unable to talk about it.
Relationship status: Single, but one boyfriend in each city.
Occupation: Any figure of authority : Teacher, Doctor, Captain of a vessel, General, CEO.
Family situation: Has some distant relatives.
Restrictions: Not a blood sucking vampire or demoness.
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Re: Destiny of Fates: Sign-up / OOC

Postby Jacqueline » Tue Apr 14, 2009 7:35 am

Hm... an interesting character. I've been wanting to produce a character like that...
Consider yourself a co-GM. Your English seems more than good enough to me, so I don't see any real need for me to review your texts. Besides, I'm not a native English speaker myself.
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Re: Destiny of Fates: Sign-up / OOC

Postby AshK » Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:37 pm

I forgot the Awareness of Change part.

I want her to be fully aware.
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Re: Destiny of Fates: Sign-up / OOC

Postby Zoey » Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:37 pm

Finally, I got this done!

Name: William Laddermore
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance: He's 5'11 tall and weighs 187 pounds. He has messy blond hair, blue eyes and is Caucasian. William has a bit of a bulky build dispite the fact that he does some sports. He keeps some hair on his face to make him look more mature in an attempt to draw woman. William also needs glasses in order to see. His outfit is a navy blue and red jacket with matching pants with black shoes, due to that fact he attends a rather prestigious school, dispite him not wanting to.
Personality: William is a procastinator with a sense of responability. He'll always try to get out of doing something by justifing it with another thing. He also loves woman and could be considered a pervert. He also has a rather short temper and is not the best when it comes to electronics. William also suffers from bad joke syndrom which sometimes leaves him in very akward positions.
Sexuality: straight.

Name: GM Pick
Age: 20 - 30
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Physical appearance: GM pick
Personality: No change
Speed of change: long, drawn out across several scenes
Method of change: GM Pick
Level of detail: High, duh! 8D
Awareness of the change: Fully aware
Relationship status: Single, sadly xD
Occupation: GM pick
Family situation: Parents >_>
Restrictions: Keep her human and no mental changes and were cool.
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Re: Destiny of Fates: Sign-up / OOC

Postby Nosnits » Tue Apr 14, 2009 7:26 pm

Name: Allen Davidson
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Physical: He is 5'11" and weighs 160 pounds. He's in good condition, due to his outdoormanship. He has blue eyes and short brown hair, but you normally ever see it. Allen loves camping, and as such, he wears your stereotypical camping outfit. He also has glasses which he needs to use to see.
Personality: First off, as already stated, he loves camping, and does it whenever possible. He has poor people skills, with him not normally being able to get coheriant sentences out to attractive girls. He also loves to read.

Name: GM
Age: 16-30. GM Pick for in between those.
Gender: Hmm...Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Mostly unchanged, but very minor if you want to.
Speed of change: Drawn out, over 5-7 posts.
Method of Change: Random (Get the dice ready)
LoD: Ultra (Or high if that isn't availible.)
Awarness: Full
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: GM
Family: None
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Re: Destiny of Fates: Sign-up / OOC

Postby muffinstud » Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:31 pm

Am I too late? This seems somewhat interesting.
Name: Lucy Thompson
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Description: Short at 5'4" with shoulder length brown hair and thick glasses. She dresses very conservatively (sweater, baggy jeans) because of somewhat low self esteem. She wears platform shoes that usually give her an extra 2 inches. Has a small bust (AA cup), but otherwise has a good figure. Hazel eyes and a few freckles on her cheeks compliment her heart-shaped face. She almost never wears make-up.

Personality: Mousy, timid and bookish. Loves Jane Austen books and the like, but she can curl up with just about any good book. She hasn't done too well in the social sector, especially dating. Always used as a "wingman" by her girlfriends, she has just about given up hope for her Mr Right.

Name: Last name Thompson. First name up to GM.
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Hetero- He like-a da ladies.
Description: Tall, Dark and Handsome. A little over 6' (GM decide just how much) and with a dirty blond flat top. He has perfect vision and is well enough muscled to either attract or intimidate. Green eyes and a strong face with a square jaw. If you find a good pic that is somewhat similar or if you want to add on to it, feel free.
Personality: Do as you wish as long as somewhere in the mix he enjoys some kind of athletic activity/pastime
Speed of Change: Quick/Instantaneous
Method of Change: GM
Level of Detail: Medium or High, whichever GM feels works better.
Awareness of Change: Fully aware.
Relationship status: Anything but Single or Looking
Occupation: Fireman, Police Officer, Military, etc. as long as it's got a uniform!
Family situation: Lots of family, but in far off area.
Restrictions: Any mental changes are OK, as long as he still knows without a shadow of a doubt that he used to be a chick.
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Re: Destiny of Fates: Sign-up / OOC

Postby Marky » Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:08 pm

Here's a profile for you to fill out for your character:

Name: Zack Edwards
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance: Average in height, with short, dirty blond hair. Not really an athletic build, moreso of an average one. Wears a polo shirt and blue jeans.
Personality: Somewhat arrogant, at times. Other times, he's a pretty cool guy to be around.
Sexuality: Straight

And here's the form for you as player to fill out to detail the transformation result and method. Leaving anything blank means I won't include it. Put 'GM pick' if you want me to pick something, or 'random' if you want me to roll a die to get something really random. If a property mentions a default, this means 'GM pick' will be that choice.

Name: GM pick
Age: GM pick
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Hmm...GM pick
Physical appearance: GM pick
Personality: Not sure what to change, if anything on here. I think I might leave no change, for now.
Speed of change: Drawn out across several scences
Method of change: GM pick/random
Level of detail: Medium
Awareness of the change: Fully aware
Relationship status: Hmm...single, but possibly looking...
Occupation: GM pick
Family situation: GM pick
Restrictions: Complete mental change
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Re: Destiny of Fates: Sign-up / OOC

Postby Jacqueline » Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:33 am

I shall be tossing in a character of my own. I managed to find a second co-GM, who I hope will be taking charge of his transformation.


Name: Jace Tanner
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance: Jace is of average height, with short-cropped, light brown hair and hazel eyes. He has angular features, but does not look overly masculine. Normally he wears mountain boots, jeans and a simple t-shirt.
Personality: Jace is composed and gentle. He tries to take care of the people around him, though he can be a little clumsy. He is also rather passive, and not very good at getting what he wants.
Sexuality: Straight


Name: co-GM pick
Age: Somewhere between 7 and 14
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Gay
Physical appearance: co-GM pick
Personality: Extremely bright and intelligent, a genius. No changes to base personality or memories (though adding small bits of knowledge is fine), but feeling more like the little girl that she is.
Speed of change: Long, drawn-out.
Method of change: co-GM pick
Level of detail: High
Awareness of the change: She is aware, but no-one in her surroundings is
Relationship status: Good friends with a number of girls / women of various ages
Occupation: Computer programmer
Family situation: Loving parents and one much older sister that she looks up to.
Restrictions: (Altering his base personality or memories.)
Other notes: None
Last edited by Jacqueline on Mon Apr 20, 2009 12:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Destiny of Fates: Sign-up / OOC

Postby Jacqueline » Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:29 pm

Small update: TKC will be acting as co-GM for Alexander (played by Lana) , Allen (Nosnits) and Lucy (Muffinstud).
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Re: Destiny of Fates: Sign-up / OOC

Postby Nikki » Sun Apr 19, 2009 12:49 pm

Gender: Male
Physical Appearance: Tall, green hair, blue eyes, thin.
Personality: Very Rude to woman, Almost Chauvenistic.
Sexuality: Straight

You can decide all transformation but I want to happen quickly
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Re: Destiny of Fates: Sign-up / OOC

Postby Kris_Roth » Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:26 pm

Name: Kris Rothman
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance: Short brown hair, blue eyes, 5'10" 185 pounds, medium to athletic build, and very handsome. Wears jeans and t-shirts or button up shirts.
Personality: Calm, friendly, and caring, Kris seems like the kind of man any woman would want to have as a potential boyfriend.
Sexuality: Straight

Name: Krysti Lynn Michaels (Maria Ann's older sister)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Physical appearance: 5'9" 125 pounds, Long brown hair, medium, shoulder length, with beautiful blue eyes. She has an athletic build, with B to low c cup breasts. Krysti wears everything to tank tops to T-shirts, jeans to blouses, the latest fashions. Around her neck would be her amulet.
Personality: Krysti is very loyal to her family and very caring for her siblings. She likes to research new spells of healing and protection so she can help others in need. Her speciality is Herbalism and Alchemy to make health and Mana potions and salves.
Speed of change: Slow to Medium
Method of change: Magical Amulet (passed down from family)
Level of detail: Medium
Awareness of the change: Parents would recognize her as their daughter as if nothing happened, would be aware once she sees her new self in a mirror.
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Student/Witch in training
Family situation: Maria Ann is her younger sister, lives with mother and father, and younger brother.
Restrictions: Just no animal Hybrids, please.
Other notes: GM Pick
Question: Would Krysti after her change recognize Falka's character Maria as her sibling?
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Re: Destiny of Fates: Sign-up / OOC

Postby Kris_Roth » Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:46 pm

BTW, Krysti looks like this, once changed: ... ture-2.jpg

Thanks to Kaiser for the awesome pic.
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