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Postby muffinstud » Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:17 am

"Two men enter, one man leaves!"

So, a few of you took part in a thread in the Muffin room called "Hunks 'R Us". In said thread, innocent victims were taken captive and forced to play a game of insidious portent. It started off as a bit of randomness to fill the time until the initial purpose of the thread could come about, but it soon took over and as of this post is still continuing despite the actual game being finished.

So, what is this game?

Each player is held captive, hands bound and facing one other player. Due to the nature of the trap, there was no escape except through playing the game. Each time the player acts, thinks or speaks a certain way, they become one step closer to being the ideal date for the person across from them. It is a battle of wits to see who can maintain their manhood the longest, or if so desired, who can discover the trigger and achieve their feminine ideal before their opponent. The game ends when one of the two players is completely gender switched, both in mind and body (the other is returned to their previous state, if partially tf'd). The trap lets the two go, but at a price. The two always exits as a couple: mostly boyfriend/girlfriend, but one couple was in fact married in the first incarnation. Whether they remain a couple or not depends entirely upon their actions after leaving the game.

Now, how this translates into an RP:

Firstly, there must be an even number of players. I do not want to deal with adapting for odd numbers again. I also welcome as many people as would like to join. If there are 32 players, fantastic, as long as it's an even number. Also, once I decide to start the RP, admissions for characters will end. There will be absolutely no late comers to the game. Sorry, but things will be complicated enough for me without having to make crazy adjustments on the fly.

Secondly, I will assume that most, if not all, of the player characters will be male. If you wish to play as a female with the game turning you male, you MUST and I mean MUST have another female to compete against. If there are any odd females, they will be tf'd into males and play the game as any of the other males playing. Granted, their attitude and goals will be vastly different, but it the game will still induce MtF.

Thirdly, each human player has a limit of two PC's. I will personally be describing all of the transformations, and it just makes things harder for me if I have to keep track of 10 characters responding all from one post.

Fourthly, do not complain. This is a competition. I realize that most of you will be shooting for your male character to become female, but the math just doesn't allow for that. Also, the trigger{s} has(have) already been decided upon. There will be no playing favorites. The transformations are based on a point system. You will win/lose because the numbers decided it, not me. So, should you have any complaints down the line, I would like to refer you to the following statement:
Grow a pair.

Now, the niceties out of the way, let's get to the fun, shall we?

The setting:
Your characters will enter the game through a dating service called "Sure-Fire Cupid". Because of a lack of women applying to the service, the company has resorted to..."other" means of maintaining their good name. They heavily advertise the guarantee that every single person who applies will find a date the same day, or the company will pay the applicant $100, on top of their money back.

Example character bio:
Appearance: (description or picture, either or)
Reason for applying:
Preferred form after losing: (picture or simple suggestions. I recommend suggestions so as to keep an element of surprise)

The gameplay:
Once your character enters the dating service, they will end up trapped in the game. By default, players will be assigned their opponents randomly. If you wish to be paired off with someone in particular, please let me know beforehand either in your character post, in an OOC comment in the RP itself, or by PM (preferred, as this will keep things less cluttered and more mysterious...).

The "winner" is the player who remains their original gender, while the "loser" is tf'd. By default, Slight mental changes are involved with progressing towards being a "loser". If you personally have an issue with this, please make a note in your character application and I will work something out with you.

Once out of the game, each couple is out of my hands. The world is your oyster, and none of it will be provided by me unless it directly involves the dating service. The players will create the world they continue in for each other and themselves. If you would like an example on how to successfully accomplish this, take a look at the "RP Nexus" in the Freeform RP forum [coughSHAMELESSPLUGcough].

You are not "stuck" with your competitor for the rest of the RP. Couples break up. You may decide to break things off after the first date, maybe even before then. For those in this situation, I will provide a "Halfway House." Started by the company to avoid lawsuits, it is a place where any of the characters may decide to live free of rent. They will have jobs and/or education provided for them. It is co/ed, so the single characters will have plenty of opportunities to annoy or to flirt.
Please note that while I am providing this location, you the players will actually decide just how big it is, what amenities it has, etc. Remember, you create the world after the game, not me.

Please feel free to ask any questions, either here or via PM. I know I just laid out a lot of stuff here, but the purpose of this whole thing is to have fun. I look forward to seeing plenty of you here soon.
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Postby Mystic Mina » Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:23 am

God damn, this sounds awesome! Count me in! I'll just edit this post with a profile once I think of something.....
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Postby Stray-chan » Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:27 am

Woo, you're awesome! I shall ponder on a character and have something up by tomorrow.
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Postby Nosnits » Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:30 am

So shalt I ponder a character, for thine own creativite's stifled currently.

Name: Robert Macdonald

Age: 19

Gender:........Male I think.

P Description: Is a boy of medium hight with light brown eyes and matching light brown hair. His face isn't devilishly handsome, so that normally is why he goes dateless.

Personality: He is a smart, kind, self-effacing boy. However; when he is verbally challenged, he doesn't step down, and knows how to make a speech. He isn't the kind of person that would actually approch a girl and talk to them.

Reason for Entering: As stated before, he never had much luck getting a girl. Plus, when it fails, at least he gets an extra $100

Preffered Form If He Loses: I usualy don't make demands for this section. But since I'm bored, I will. I would like her to.....have red hair. Don't ask me why, it's just I've never had one with that colour. And another thing that I've just remembered. I'd rather 'she' be more cute and girly than the sexy-wetdream-supermodel-braindead type.
Last edited by Nosnits on Fri Apr 24, 2009 1:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Nikki » Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:35 am

Name: Taylor
Age: 18
Appearance:Tall, short black hair
Personality: Smart, egotistical, but cracks easily
Reason for applying: LIkes a challenge and didn't completely read the rules.
Preferred form after losing: waitress
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Postby Kolonel Kaplice » Fri Apr 24, 2009 1:21 am

Could be interesting ja. The mind games, they're quite amusing.

Name: Newton Bradley
Gender: Male
Appearance: Skinny nerd. Glasses and freckles
Personality: Nerdy, somewhat arrogant, intelligent, tends to play challenges by the numbers and rather chauvinistic.
Reason for applying: Wants to end global warming. No, seriously.
Preferred form after losing: Something feminine and sexy, preferably more on the meek side rather than assertive.
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Postby Rodney » Fri Apr 24, 2009 4:23 am

Yeah for mind games and Mad Max !
I didn't find out the previous RP triggers. You bet I want to try and play again.

Name: Romuald Leroy
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall,relaxed guy, doesn't stand straight, doesn't dress well, doesn't shave much. Glasses
Personality: Geekly geek, not very social, more interested in mechanics than people.
Reason for applying: He spends all his time researching for his thesis, has no social interaction, his concerned sister offered him this session as a gift card for his birthday.
Preferred form after losing: Anything not ugly. I would suggest something excessive. Excessively feminine or tomboyish. Huge shapes or ultra skinny. A meek servant or boasting opera singer. Your call ! Feel free to be original. I swear I won't complain ;)
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Postby Queen Octavia » Fri Apr 24, 2009 8:42 am

My character bio:
Name: Alexander Cameron
Age: 22
Gender: M

Appearance: Six feet and some loose change tall, with short brown hair the same length as his trimmed beard. Big brown eyes above his slightly bent nose that looks like it was punched one time too many. Not too big, but an Irish brawler nevertheless. Long arms and legs, broad shoulders.

Personality: Cocky and arrogant. Dismissive of others and rather inconsiderate. Self-centered, shallow and aggressive. Likes to pick fights, and relishes the taste of his own blood in his mouth. Gets knocked down, but gets up again.

Reason for applying: Try and get his money back, plus a smooth $100 refund for booze money. He'll spend that down at the pool-hall, where he has no trouble picking up ladies. Well, no trouble getting slapped by them, at least.

Preferred form after losing: "Losing"? Harharharr, never! Alexander is too manly to lose. That said, because I'm cruel, make it a humbling experience. Something much younger (Which means he ought to be paired with someone younger than him, to be their age if he loses), with some typical stereotype. Ditzy/boycrazy/meek, whatever, as long as it's not manly.
Last edited by Queen Octavia on Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Zoey » Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:05 am

Count me in!

Name: Nova Stars
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Appearance: He has short blue hair with green eyes. He's 5"11 with a pretty muscular build. He's wearing his work clothing with is a red shirt with jeans and some sneakers and a fast food name tag on his shirt.
Personality: He is a pervert by nature and sometimes may be rude to woman, but he does have a slight caring nature. Nova is also very competitive and hates losing.
Reason for applying: He's 20 and with no girlfriend. His friends have all got girlffriends and he doesn't. Maybe this is what he needs.
Preferred form after losing: Suprise me
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Postby AshK » Fri Apr 24, 2009 10:21 am

Do I have to post a character right now? It will take me a while to think of one. That's not a problem is it Muffin?
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Postby Marky » Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:44 pm

Name: J.D. Sammons
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Appearance: Average height, average build, with somewhat short brown hair and brown eyes. Wears glasses. Style of clothing is probably worn down blue jeans and any style of shirt
Personality: Fairly temperamental, and a bit of a redneck. Likes to chew tobacco often.
Reason for applying: Lost a bet with his friend, and was forced to apply
Preferred form after losing: No preferred form
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Postby Mystic Mina » Fri Apr 24, 2009 3:51 pm

Name: Vincent Hayton
Age: 21
Gender: Male.
Appearance: I know I used this picture before, but I like the way he looks. He reminds me of.... Me!
Personality: Vincent is a very strong-willed person and won't hesitate to speak his mind when given the opportunity. This tends to drive a lot of potential suitors away, unfortunately.
Reason for applying: After having some bad experiences with trying to find a partner himself, Vincent decided to try out the dating service. Maybe he'll have better luck, eh?
Preferred form after losing: Something cute but at the same time a bit tomboyish. I know, very general. >_>
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Postby muffinstud » Fri Apr 24, 2009 8:58 pm

@ Lana: You don't have to post right this second. I'm gonna give it a little bit so I can get everything written down and concrete.

Currently, there are 11 players in the game. Either some of you need to invite friends over, or you need to use your second character slots. Just keepin' things even.

Oh, and I'm liking the variety of characters so far. You'll all be in, don't worry about that.

I intend to start things up either later on Saturday or Sunday. I'll wait till Monday if it looks like more people want to join up, but that's the absolute latest.
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Postby Mendi-chan » Fri Apr 24, 2009 10:00 pm

If it tis' alright, I shall reserve a spot in dis' here RP. ^_^

I'll begin writing my character up now and post it here shortly.


Name: James Maxwell
Age: 19
Gender: Male

Appearance: Roughly 5' 9" with an average build, having spiked brown hair. Not ugly but not exactly handsome either, a rather typical looking guy. Wears glasses.

Personality: Generally kind and compassionate, he will go out of his way to try and help others. Relatively intelligent, but not any kind of genius either. He can't stand those who pick on those weaker than themselves, be it physically or mentally.

Reason for applying: Despite being an alright guy, he couldn't seem to muster up enough courage to go out and actively persue women and was convinced by friends to try a dating service to get him hooked up.

Preferred form after losing: I'm open to just about anything really. You can surprise meh if you so choose. ^_^
Last edited by Mendi-chan on Fri Apr 24, 2009 11:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Queen Octavia » Fri Apr 24, 2009 10:09 pm

I also have a very strong suspicion about what the trigger might be, if I'm right it will be rather unfortunate for my character.

*Adjusts his metagamer hat a little to the left*

I hope I'm wrong though ^^.
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