Age: 24
Personality: Julia is the hero. She hails from a mysterious world, and how she came to be where she is at this point is uncertain. However, due to her lineage, she has a very strong sense of morality and justice and frequently throws herself into situations where she believes that wrong is being done. Her sketchy past and history of combat has also left her very lacking in feminine graces, and with mannerisms and language best described as uncouth. She is somewhat temperamental, sarcastic and strong willed, but can come off as prickly and anti-social as well, especially in her dealings with men. At some point, she met up and formed a partnership with Nathan Cruz and his brother Carl, and has lived and worked with them ever since, despite her and Nathan's shared tensions toward one another. She is a skilled engineer and creates a great deal of her own technology and weaponry.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Julia likes guns, tough people, heroing and machines. She dislikes bad guys, bimbos and Julia II.
Skills and Equipment: Julia is a high skilled soldier due to her many years of combat. She is an excellent marksman and operate all kinds of firearms with extreme efficiency. She wears several different outfits into battle, but more often than not, can be found in the combat armor pictured. Julia is a skilled brawler, and prefers a stealthy approach to situations before out and out combat erupts. Aside from her physical prowess and gifts with arms, she has no magical or supernatural prowess whatsoever and is not very gifted at meele combat.
These skills were all erased in her reality shift.