[SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP


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Re: Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Sasha » Wed May 13, 2009 10:32 pm

Lucia mumbles while out cold. " sis... live for both of us."

James looks at her sadly. " I don't know before we got inside i heard her scream."
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Hira Kanaki » Wed May 13, 2009 10:41 pm

"Sure the honor seems great, but I don't feel like heading with you guys, besides you didn't even explain why you want me?" Andrew said while placing a hand on a pokeball of his.
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Marky » Wed May 13, 2009 10:47 pm

Tyler nods to Nurse Joy as he steps out of the entrance, looking back at the boy who just ran out of the center.
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Nosnits » Wed May 13, 2009 10:50 pm

Ross runs into the center and lets his pokemon down. "Hey, do you know what's going on?" He ask the Nurse.
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby AshK » Wed May 13, 2009 11:02 pm

Shadowmaster wrote:Jason- As you and the others look at the water, you can see a figure emerging from under the Gyarados. The figure is wearing a dark hood, and is slowly walking to the beach. He seems to be far taller than an average person, and is walking in a very awkward fashion.

"What is going on here?" Jason asks as he watches the hooded figure emerge from the water.
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Evra » Wed May 13, 2009 11:56 pm

rein continues running after his eevee "eevee stop now" he says reaching for his eevees pokeball
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Ookalf » Thu May 14, 2009 7:12 am

Shadowmaster wrote:Billy- "Who we are should be fairly obvious by now...we're Hybrids." the man says. "And what we want, well..." he stops for a moment, glancing a round before turning his attention back to you. "In this particular case, you."

A... A hybrid? ...Well, whatever you are, you're not taking me without a fight! Come on out, Mismagius! *Billy throws a Pokeball, releasing his Mismagius.* Mismag!

And you get back here, Geodude. *Billy recalls the rock type.*
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Gee-chan » Thu May 14, 2009 2:42 pm

Tom's attention was drawn by the ruckus in the treetops, but he didn't think much of it. Fearow were pretty rowdy anyway so it may well have just been them encountering a tree of beedrill or something. However, something did seem off. Perhaps it was the odd silence that followed, or perhaps is was the way that Xatu seemed to be eyeing the sun with greater intent, as if to block out all else, or perhaps he was just going mad, which was probably a distinct possibility.

Whatever it was, he found himself move over to take a closer look at the source of the past commotion.

The grass was still, as were the trees, save for the slight rustling of the wind. There was no sign of movement, nothing lurking in the long grass, nothing of the normal processes of life. Despite this however, there was the nagging feeling of being watched by something he could not see, and he did not like it.
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Shadowmaster » Thu May 14, 2009 8:44 pm

Tom- The Spearow continue to chatter quietly, and some of the small pokemon in the ground add in, sounding as distressed as the birds. All together, the noise was quite distracting. You can also hear an announcement from the town telling people to get inside because of an attack.
Billy- The man chuckles a bit. "I love when they fight back..." he says, pulling back his left sleeve a bit to reveal a long, clawed hand covered in white fur. He turns to the Mismagius and yawns. "Night Slash should be enough..." he says lowly, his claw covered in dark energy as he slashes the pokemon, knocking it out. He then turns back to you. "You ready to submit?"
Rein- The Eevee stops not too far from a horrifying scene. A group of humans is slowly being overpowered by the cloaked figures you saw earlier. Luckily, they don't seem to see you, so it would be easy to slip back to the center.
Jason- The hooded figure continues his awkward walk up the beach, slowly approaching the people. He finnaly stops about ten feet from you and the rest of the people. He then speaks, though his voice can only be heard because of the overwhelming silence that has fallen on the beach. "Plenty to choose from...who is right? Who would be a good specimen?" he mumbles, sounding to be on the brink of insanity. "So many to choose, so little time...Need to take them to the boss."
Ross- "Yes, unfortunately." the nurse says. "The town is under attack by the hybrids, and a lockdown has been called..." she looks around. "I'll be completely locking down the center in just a few moments."
Tyler- Everyone is standing around the center, many looking very worried. The girl you were talking to previously looks quite worried. The nurse also looks a bit hesitant about something, and you can hear her mentioning hybrids.
Andrew- "Well, you don't really have a choice one way or another..." the man says. "And as for an explanation, I don't really need to supply you with one." He then chuckles a bit. "Don't bother with the pokeball, whatever you toss out will be crushed by me in a second."
Lucia- Ahh, blissful unconsiousness. You'll wake up eventually...

James- Flora looks at you, terrified. "You...you what?" she asks. "I, I need to go help her. She could be in trouble!" she starts to leave the center when Sarah grabs her. "Don't be crazy. You think she wants you to be caught by those things?" she asks. "James, help me out here." she says to you, pleading.
Kai- The basement of the center is actually fairly well decorated, and houses a large supply of food. It looks as though it could serve as a fairly good bomb shelter.
Everyone in the center- Nurse Joy gets all of your attention and says: "If you could all please proceed to the basement, it'll be alot safer down there."
Last edited by Shadowmaster on Thu May 14, 2009 9:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Evra » Thu May 14, 2009 8:45 pm

rein quickly recalls his eevee as it stops and stands there horrified at the scene as he quickly turns running back towards the center
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Ookalf » Thu May 14, 2009 8:49 pm

Shadowmaster wrote:Billy- The man chuckles a bit. "I love when they fight back..." he says, pulling back his left sleeve a bit to reveal a long, clawed hand covered in white fur. He turns to the Mismagius and yawns. "Night Slash should be enough..." he says lowly, his claw covered in dark energy as he slashes the pokemon, knocking it out. He then turns back to you. "You ready to submit?"

Mismagius! *Billy runs over to the ghort type and kneels next to it.* Okay, just hang on... Mismagius, return. *Bily calls the Pokemon back to its ball.*

...Okay, what do you want from me?
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Hira Kanaki » Thu May 14, 2009 9:03 pm

"Well it doesn't hurt to try first can't I? Go Delcatty, and blast that hooded person with a swift attack." Andrew said while bringing his Delcatty out to attack.
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Sasha » Thu May 14, 2009 9:06 pm

James nods. " Flora your sister is a strong willed person. I doubt they can break her and we will see her soon i hope so don't worry."

Lucia mumbles lightly. " Sis.... be ....safe." she mumbles in her state.
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Nosnits » Thu May 14, 2009 9:20 pm

"That doesn't sound good..." Ross mutters as he walks into the basement.
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Marky » Thu May 14, 2009 9:37 pm

Tyler frowns as he looks back outside. He turns to Nurse Joy and walks over to her. "Nurse Joy, someone ran out of here just as I came inside."
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