I bet most, if not all of you have noticed how much my activity has suffered since I got my summer job. Well, this upcoming week, I'm set to go into work for 10 hours each day, starting Tuesday, and I might even have to work on Saturday. That being said, I'm not sure how much I'm going to be seen this week. I'll try and be online and post, but I make no promises. The Labyrinth of Wonders thread, I'm going to try and update in a bit. When I do that, I might update some more, but after the last update I make tomorrow on it, I might not make any more updates on it until Saturday or Sunday at the earliest.
With this in mind, I'm contemplating being gone for about a month and a half, until I go back to college.. The main reason, it's just that the strain of work and then coming on and posting, has caused me to overreact a bit on a few things, caused me to have a hard time updating my only thread, and such. I highly doubt I can keep myself away from the forums that long, but, I don't know. Before the forums went down, this option seemed a bit more tempting to me, with the way I was. Maybe since my head is actually on straight, I've calmed down and am able to think more clearly.
Either way, just thought I'd let you all know about what's going to happen this week, and such, and if I just don't happen to show up, now you all know.