by ZeroForever » Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:26 pm
Ai didn't receive any answer as all the others prinnies and humans alike were too busy running for the entrance... only to be cut off as the mecha's chest panels fired a beam of light destroying any remaining restraints and blowing the entrance up, which in turn caused the ceiling to cave in. "DOOD IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT I TOLD YOU DOOD NOT TO GIVE IT TO MANY ENERGIZER BATTERIES!!!" one of the prinnies screamed
"FALCONNNN PAWWCCHHH!!!!!" goes Issac unfortunately with no skills or legs to back himself up there's no power in the punch, all he does is speed up his blood loss as his legs spurt out the rest of his life blood, his vision going dim as he can barely even register the mecha's rising up next to him.
"ENERGON!!" boomed the mecha, as it moved breaking the rest of its body out of the stone wall. After freeing itself the death machine paused, the head turning towards the geo crystal... as if thinking the crystal was food it opened what could only be assumed was its mouth eating the entire ledge crystal, dying cripple and all. No sooner than the crystal eaten then the geo panels effect disappeared and Issac's player hp dropped to 0.
Haley fortunately was so skilled at swaying her bosom and butt in tandem that without some random surprise interruption she found herself doing it naturally, the difficulty of the heels and bindings proving no match for her feminine gait.
'Beep Beep' Drizzy checked her cell phone at the notification spell [about time those 2 finished, it's been like 3 hours already... ] speaking into the cell, she looked out the tower window at the pair "Get up here already."
As Rei watched Haley finish her laps, she heard a ringing sound... looking around everyone else was gone leaving just her and Haley... making the sound source seem to come from nowhere until she noticed it was coming from her head. A 'Click' was head as you could head Drizzy's voice cutting in, her command prompt and order seemingly coming from everywhere... though looking up the tower Drizzy's form could be barely made out on the 100 floor window.
The main issue though with the mermaid bra and panties... is that mermaids don't have legs so why would they wear panties... The paradox of the concept apparently wasn't noticed by the assembled, the items were however better armor then either Sora or Erin had on by far.
Either way the NPC's simply dumped the treasures into the item list most wanting nothing to do with them, other simply glad nothing happened as they proceed to open the rest.
James next attempted chest was a red chest, simply cause he didn't specify. Upon touching the chest however he came to the realization that it was alive.... notably cause the mimic grew fangs and began to eat his arm.