RMFH - Apartment 2


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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Marky » Fri Sep 18, 2009 11:18 am

Clay having paused, wondering what the girl meant by she'd be able to fix the fact that it was a boy dorm. Before he could even respond to her question, Clay just watched as the girl went around into a couple of the rooms, looking around.
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Sep 18, 2009 11:22 am

Danielle brushes a hand along Clay's arm as he stood and watched the girl enter the second bedroom. "You're not going to just let her march into your room, are you? I can't be the only one that thinks it's crazy to just let a strange girl... and she -is- a strange girl, into the dorm and let her invite herself into the bedrooms? You can't let a girl walk all over you because you think she's pretty!", she huffs, her words rather ironic since that's exactly how she'd got through her teenage years, having boys do everything for her after a little flirting.
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Marky » Fri Sep 18, 2009 11:39 am

Clay nods to Danielle. "You're right. Something just isn't right about all of this, either..." Clay says, before heading over to the door to his room, before closing it and locking it. Looking over to Robert's room, Clay stands in front of the door to his room, arms crossed.
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Jacqueline » Fri Sep 18, 2009 12:43 pm

"I'm sure she'll get around to explaining the situation to us in a moment," James replied. He moved to stand by the door to the room the girl had just entered, looking at her back. "Perhaps you would do us the honour of giving us your name, at least?"
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Rodney » Fri Sep 18, 2009 12:50 pm

The girl looks appealed by the state of the Robert's room, however, while one could expect her to comment on the general mess, she only whispers disappointed : "It's small too."
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Sep 18, 2009 12:52 pm

Danielle nods her head as Clay locks his bedroom door, and then goes to guard another, and then she strides forward to confront the girl in the witch costume, leaning against the frame of the open door and looking into Robert's messy bedroom. "Who are you? Goldilocks? They're all the same freaking size! Now get back out here and start explaining".
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Marky » Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:16 pm

Clay nods. "I'd definitely like more of an explanation, myself. Why weren't we told about this before, and instead have this thrown at us all of a sudden?"
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Mystic Mina » Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:30 pm

Clay is interrupted from his thoughts by a ringing from his cellphone. Strangely enough, checking the user ID of the person calling him reveals nothing, and if he tries to answer it, he's only met with a voice that he can barely make out. It seems that the reception in the apartment has suddenly gone to the dumps, and the only way he'll be able to answer this mysterious call is if he stands outside for a moment.
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Marky » Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:39 pm

Having tried to answer his cell phone, Clay notices the aforementioned things, along with the reception being horrible all of a sudden. "Huh...odd..." Clay says, keeping his cell phone open, in case he can get to the bottom of whoever this is that's calling him, as he heads to the door, opening it, before stepping outside, leaving it cracked open.

((Should I post in the Outside thread, yet, or look for an update there?))
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Rodney » Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:43 pm

Ginny wrote:Danielle nods her head as Clay locks his bedroom door, and then goes to guard another, and then she strides forward to confront the girl in the witch costume, leaning against the frame of the open door and looking into Robert's messy bedroom. "Who are you? Goldilocks? They're all the same freaking size! Now get back out here and start explaining".

" All the same size, ah... that's disappointing. Speaking of Godilocks... nah never mind, you'll find out soon enough. "

The girl walks out of Robert room and back to the main table of the apartment.

Loid Thanead wrote:"I'm sure she'll get around to explaining the situation to us in a moment," James replied. He moved to stand by the door to the room the girl had just entered, looking at her back. "Perhaps you would do us the honour of giving us your name, at least?"

" The name is Helena. "

" Well the explanation is simple, I'm used to much more space at home, I guess I can't expect everything to be perfect from the start, I'll have to make some adaptations. You know, it's like this boy's dorm issue, I'll have to solve that too. "
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Jacqueline » Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:46 pm

James bows politely. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Helena," he greets her. "My name is Wester. James Wester." He thinks about her words for a moment. "If being in the boys' dorm is a problem, could you not have visited the girls' dorm instead? We all have contracts here, so forcing us out is..."
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Mystic Mina » Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:51 pm

(I'll move Marky to the outside thread, so expect your update to be from there.)
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Rodney » Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:54 pm

" Nice too meet you James, it's a pleasure to meet someone so polite, more people like you should be in charge, unlike some..." she doesn't finishes her sentence but looks at Danielle with menacing eyes.

Once more she picks out her phone and starts typing something on it. "Anyway, the pizza should arrive soon, no need to get angry before a meal."
She turns around to spot Robert and Coby, " How many are we ? "
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:57 pm

Danielle's nose wrinkled as the girl brushed passed her, "And what is with that outfit? You look ridiculous", she says, her blonde ponytail sweeping behind her as she turns, following Helena back into the living room, and scowls when the girl implies she wasn't polite.

"There was five of us here before you arrived... and there's really no room for six".
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Rodney » Fri Sep 18, 2009 2:02 pm

Oh, you'll feel ridiculous about your own outfit soon enough thinks Helena as she smiles wickedly at Danielle as she spots the area around her bottom inflating and pushing against her clothes.

"No room for six, you say ? I say this is just bad arrangement. I can make a lot of room from this apartment, we just have to reduce wastes. Beside... common bathroom ?! please..."
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