[FFRP] A Woman's Point of View


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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Sat Sep 26, 2009 7:04 pm

Richard drooped his head low. "No..." Of a truth, he was afraid of anyone seeing him like this, period. He knew it should be impossible, but Susan was right. Everyone who saw him would only see a woman, not Richard. He slowly walked towards his wife and sighed. But perhaps...perhaps he might find a way to escape from her while they were out. Yes, he would run, maybe find a way to take Katherine with him. He looked up from the floor, finally feeling somewhat better.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Sat Sep 26, 2009 7:09 pm

Susan led the pair of them from the study, and in the kitchen a pair of white, strappy sandals were waiting for Richard, and sneakers for Katherine. The teenage pulled them on, blushing at how her tummy pushed her t-shirt up a little when she bent over. Susan slipped into a pair of smart white heels, and started to walk towards the back door when she paused, "Since you're afraid of being recognised, perhaps to be safe, Kathy and I should refer to you by another name this evening? When I was little, I always imagined having a younger sister named Emily.. you can be Emily, dear", she winked at Richard.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Sat Sep 26, 2009 7:19 pm

Richard spread his legs a bit to bend down and put on the sandals, grateful that he wouldn't have shoes he'd be swimming in. He also thought they looked just as feminine as the capris, and he doubted how well he could run in them. He would just have to see after walking in them a bit. He stood up and absolutely cringed at the name Susan suggested. It sounded so...soft to him, flowery even. But, he wouldn't dare let himself be called Richard and chance people making the connection between himself and this...woman he appeared to be. But with that also went his best chance of tipping people off that something was wrong. He shut his eyes and sighed loudly before swallowing down his pride. He didn't want to do this, but..."All right. Call me Emily," he breathed.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Sep 27, 2009 8:21 am

Katherine's chubby hand softly slipped into his, giving it a little squeezing as they were led out from the house, and into Richard's car, before being parted again as the teenager was made to sit in the back. Susan smiled at her before getting into the driver's seat and starting the engine. The soft breeze tickled Emily's lower legs, her bare shoulders and arms, the capris hugging her bottom as she sat down in the passenger seat, the safely belt rubbing her small breasts, although the bra offered a little protection to them. The car reversed out onto the road, and Susan began the drive to wherever she'd picked for dinner.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:32 am

Richard sat in his seat in silence, staring at his lap the whole drive over. Everything was just so wrong to him, and in every way. Why then did that breeze feel nice? Why did he like the feel of the soft clothes? Before he knew what they were, he had enjoyed the feelings he had gotten from his breasts as well. Thankfully his bra gave him a little protection from the tingling pleasures of before, and a part of him thought it did serve a purpose, even if it was so many kinds of wrong to even need it. As he stared into his lap, he wondered what would be next. He wondered if he really could get away.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:00 pm

Eventually, they reached a little burger bar at the end of town. It was somewhere neither Richard or Katherine's friends would ever be seen, so perhaps the pair of them could relax a little. Maybe that was even Susan's plans, to get them both feeling more comfortable in their altered bodies. Stepping out of the car, she grabbed her purse and slipped it over her shoulder, smirking as she watched the teenager climbing out, and then looked towards Emily.

It was quiet around the bar, the patrons tending to be of the younger variety, around Kathy's new age, although there were some older people them, young couples with their small children for example. Susan led them inside, and Kathy reached for Emily's hand again as Susan glanced back at them.

"What are you having?".
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:13 pm

Richard exhaled deeply, quite thankful that they were in a place where no one he knew would or should ever be. Still, he stayed near Katherine and kept his arms at his sides, trying not to meet anyone's gaze. He looked at the menu above the cashier and grimaced. This was far from the kind of food that he liked to eat. Being successful for as long as he had been had somewhat spoiled him food wise. "I think I'll pass. I'm not even that hungry..."
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:17 pm

"Emily dear, pretty soon you won't be able to be so picky about your food, you'll be eating for your baby, and things like this will certainly be off with menu, so make the most of it and pick something, or I'll pick for you". She orders a large burger for herself, and the same for Kathy. Some people were looking at Emily and whispering, as at this point, he looked like a feminine guy, but the bump and breasts would suggest he was a female, but it didn't quite look right yet.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:23 pm

Richard kept his head low and tried not to notice the people staring at him. He knew he must have looked like some kind of man-woman, who wouldn't stare. "Just, get me a soda or something. I'm not hungry." He tried to cower and hide standing out in the open, but it did nothing to keep those eyes from crawling on his skin. "And...can I just wait in the car?"
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:28 pm

Susan looked thoughtful for a moment, glancing back and forth between the pair of them. "I see.. come on then", she said, and brushed passed them, her heels clicking as she walked back out of the diner, and towards the car, it's light flashing. "Just remember, this is what you wanted, Emily", she says, climbing back into the car and motioning for them to follow.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:32 pm

Quite confused, Richard followed her out to the car and got himself buckled in. "Susan? Where are we going now?" He looked back at the people in the diner and then back at Susan. She was doing something again, and Richard was sure he wouldn't like it. "I don't understand what not being hungry has to do with this..."
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:35 pm

She reverses out of the diner's parking lot, and back onto the road. "I know you're lying to me about being hungry, little sister. You're just being stubborn, but perhaps you'll come to realise I was just trying to be nice. We're going to the supermarket, to stock up on all the foods a pregnant young woman should be eating".
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:41 pm

Richard groaned and leaned back as far as he could in his seat. A supermarket meant more people. More people seeing him like this, and in these clothes too. He rubbed his hands over his bare arms, noticing how much smoother they were without his hair on them. Maybe...maybe he could find his chance to run in the market? Yes, he could lose Susan and make his run for it. Richard got a look of determination on his face and waited, again in silence, until they reached the supermarket.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:47 pm

It seemed a lot of Katherine's confidence had come from her body, as she'd barely said a word, and was silent as she climbed out of the car when they reached the supermarket, her blue eyes looking around nervously. There was a lot more people here than at the diner, crowds of them going back and forth, and there were all sorts of people too. The diner had just had teens and young families, but there was every chance of bumping into someone they knew at Susan led them inside.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:53 pm

Richard gulped at the crowd. This place couldn't always be this busy, could it? He trailed behind Susan and took Katherine's hand while giving her a small, pained smile. He figured this crowd could help him just slip away from Susan and make a break for it. He just had to stay quiet and slowly give the crazy woman more room. Then, when enough people could walk between them, he would take his chance and be free of "Emily" forever.
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