[FFRP] A Woman's Point of View


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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:51 pm

Jeff looked a little shy himself, talking about such an un-masculine thing as hairstyle, but there was a genuine warmth in his eyes as he nodded. A hand rubbed at the back of his neck, and Emma felt his breasts swell a little inside his bra. "It looks smart.. professional, but still... feminine.. ", commented his best friend.

Kathy tried to struggle, but found the woman was much stronger, "No, Auntie Susan.. ", she protested, only for her own shock to cut her off as she heard what she'd said, making the woman's task even easier, slipping the dress over the stunned girl's head and down over her chubby frame. She blushed brightly at the reflection... even at fourteen, she'd have been trying to make herself older, and not worn anything like this. This is what fourteen year olds wore when they had Mothers that didn't want them to grow up!
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:57 pm

"Thanks." Richard mentally recoiled. The only reason why he didn't physically send himself into whiplash was from the pleasant feeling of his growing chest. Still, it was so wrong. He should never thank someone for telling him how feminine he looked! He should punch Jeff right in the nose for saying that, but the feeling in his chest and the nervousness in his stomach kept him in his seat. He studied the table briefly. "So, how's business?" He pleaded to himself, and however many gods could have been listening that Jeff would let him change the subject.

Auntie Susan walked up behind her and bent down to put her head just over Katherine's shoulder. She had to bend quite far to reach her level. "Doesn't it feel nice? It's perfect for a warm summer's day, skipping through a field and picking flowers." She ruffled her hand in Kathy's hair. "Can you imagine how much fun that would be?" As she asks, Kathy's mind wanders to see herself in the dress, skipping through a field with a basket of berries and flowers she had picked.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:09 pm

Jeff looked thoughtful for a moment, and then nodded his head. "Pretty good... really good, actually. I did some things on the advice of a friend yesterday and made the biggest amount of money for the company they've earned in one day for the last five years. I even got invited out for dinner by the big shots last night, and they paid", he explained, looking like he could hardly believe it had happened.

Kathy shivered as she felt Susan's face over her shoulder, blushing at the image the woman was conjuring up in her head. She nodded nervously, her fingers grasping the white dress, "Y-Yes, Auntie Susan... ", she murmured, feeling awfully relaxed considering what this woman was doing to her.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:26 pm

Richard smiled. A broad, happy smile. It was his first since he had been caught by Susan. Finally, something he had done during all this madness had done something, made a difference. The fact that it had only benefited someone else didn't bother him. He was just glad that finally something went like he planned, better even. It felt to him like he had stuck Susan with a needle. "Really? That's great!" He brought the hand from his skirt to the top of the table and he leaned towards Jeff. "Sounds like something you deserve. Maybe this is a sign of things to come?"

"Oh, I'm glad you like it!" She turned her head and gave Kathy a kiss on her cheek before turning her about and removing the dress. "As cute as it is, that's not quite practical right now. Perhaps something... Ah ha!" Auntie Susan beamed as she brought forth a pleated plaid skirt and a white blouse with a blue vest. "Let's see how you would look in school." Before even asking her if she wanted to wear the items, she started putting them on her, if gently. Once done, she spun Kathy around to see herself in a school uniform. The blouse's large collar looked nice with the vest, even if there really wasn't a bustline for it to accentuate, and the plaid looked nice with her blond hair.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:41 pm

Jeff looked even more suprised when Emma seemed interested. He didn't get to talk to women very often. "Thanks... I sure hope it's a sign of things to come..", he said before taking another small sip of coffee. The breasts swelled a little bigger as Emma spoke in the excited tone with his feminine voice, just a tiny bit. "I'd love to chat a bit longer, but I really should get started with my work... ", he said, standing up and taking the newspaper with him. "Maybe I'll see you later". And with that, he was gone.

Kathy gasped at the kiss to her cheek before the dress was removed, and then her eyes widen as she saw the school uniform being pulled out, and it clearly wasn't one of those sexy, fancy dress sort of school uniforms either. She blushed as she was spun around, looking horrified as she gazed into the mirror, and squirmed as she found herself... kind of liking how it looked. It seemed so much more fitting than the over-sized business suit she'd been wearing the day before.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:52 pm

After Jeff left, Richard let out a contented sigh as he leaned back in his chair a bit. It bothered him that Jeff made him feel this nice, but he couldn't help enjoying the feelings. He really did want Jeff to do well, he was a good guy. He just hoped he could keep up with things. Then, Richard snapped out of his little state of bliss. He wouldn't be able to keep it up. Jeff was only successful the day before because he had told him what to do. Richard got out of his chair and looked around for something to write on. He had helped Jeff for one day, but he didn't know if he could keep doing so. He knew what he had to do, and he would need a few sheets of paper to do it with.

"See? That's much better. You even look a bit older, sweetie!" Auntie Susan chuckled at her remark, indicating she was only playing. "You'd look so cute, talking with your friends in class, playing on the playground..." She rubbed Kathy's shoulder, giving the girl time to let the ideas sink in. "Letting your mother braid your hair."
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:58 pm

Unfortunatley for Emma, before he could find any paper, Dawn returned with two of the guys he usually had meetings with, all three looking rather glum. "If you could just come with us, Ms DeLauney.. ", asked Dawn, and then turned, leading her through the office space, to a private room in the back. It had a couple of black leather sofas, a low coffee table, dark brown carpet and the same colour walls. The two men sat on one sofa, and Dawn on the other, leaving room beside her for Emma.

"Could you show us the documents, Ms DeLauney?", asked one of the men, an older guy named Steve, who's hair was grey, and wore glasses along with his smart black suit.

Katherine blushed and lowered her gaze, her hands playing with the plaid skirt as Susan filled her head with the images of being back in school, as a very different kind of teenager to the one she'd been. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she bites her lip, and turns her back a little towards her. Why did she find she liked the humiliating school uniform so much? Why was she getting the urge to ask Auntie Susan to braid her hair?
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:32 pm

Before sitting down, Richard handed the binder over to Steve. He sat down next to Dawn, making sure to keep his legs together as he sat. Once on the sofa, he took a deep breath. This was it. He was going to be publicly recognized as being dead. There was no going back. Richard felt numb, his face was pale. He still couldn't believe it was happening, that he was letting it happen. No, she was forcing him to do it, he had no choice. The skirt he was wearing was evidence enough of that. He let out a long breath. He wanted it to be over already.

"It feels nice, doesn't it?" Auntie Susan brushed her hand through Kathy's hair for a moment until she got up to fetch something else. "Here, now let's try this." She removed the vest and replaced it with a warm blue jacket. It almost looked like the jacket from a ladies' business suit, but the cuffs were larger, as were the pockets above the hem at the front. It was a school girl's winter jacket, and it only seemed to make the large collar of the blouse steer the eye more directly at Kathy's lack of cleavage. "See? Now you could go to school any time of year, and be warm and cozy. Wouldn't it be nice to come home after a cold walk from school and smell some warm hot chocolate your mother just made for you?"
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:37 pm

Steve took the binder with a nod of his head, "Thank you, Ms DeLauney", he says and leans back, reading over the documents and letting out a sigh. "This is a terrible shock... ", he mutters, and shows the papers to the man beside him. "Of course, we'll make sure his wife gets the insurance payments as soon as possible. She'll be able to live comfortably without needing to work herself, but I can't imagine that will make up for this... ".

Kathy wriggled out of the vest, and blushed at the jacket, as it reminded her of a couple of her business suits. Her hands brushed into the pockets before she pulled it a little closer, her blue eyes looking up, a warm tingle go through her at the thought of walking home in the cold to a nice mug of hot chocolate... "That does sound nice, Auntie Susan... ", she murmurs. "I... I like this outfit... ".
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:50 pm

What would make up for this... turning him back into a man would make up for this. But it was too late. Richard Finch was dead, and Susan didn't mind in the least. "It's tragic. I,I..." He couldn't stop thinking about it. He was dead. His male self was dead. He couldn't be a man any more, the man he was was dead! What could he do? Who could he be? Richard couldn't take it any longer. He propped his elbows on his knees and sobbed into his hands. He couldn't be anybody any more, not anybody Susan didn't want him to be. He was helpless, hopeless, and utterly lost.

Auntie Susan smiled and hugged Kathy while kissing her cheek. "I'm glad you like it. It's fun to play dress-up, isn't it?" She smiles and rubs Kathy's back. "Would you like to see what other pretty outfits I have for you to try? Maybe, if you really like something, I'll let you wear it the rest of the day. How does that sound?" She leaned her head towards Kathy, and used a sing-song tone of voice at the end that is usually reserved for speaking to very young children.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:00 pm

Dawn looked over at the men when Emma began to cry, and she leaned over, sliding an arm around his shoulders. "Don't cry, honey... ", she said in a gentle tone. The two men shrugged their shoulders and rose from the couch, leaving the room. As he cried, Emma would feel himself getting ever so slightly smaller, and the tears blurred his vision. "Did you know him well?", asked Dawn, rubbing Emma's back.

She smiled nervously at the kiss to her cheek... her arms reaching up to return the woman's hug. "Yes please, Auntie Susan... ", she said softly, although looked somewhat disappointed at the thought of having to take the school uniform of, and leave those nice thoughts behind for the moment, although she hadn't forgotten who she was, and was still blushing through it all.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:18 pm

He just nodded and kept letting the tears fall. He could feel himself getting smaller, but he didn't care. There was no point in resisting or finding a cure, he was already dead anyways. He cried himself out after a bit and sat back up. "Thank you..." He hugged Dawn tightly. When he let go, he had come to the realization that he would need to be a new person. This Emma he was at the moment was just a cover to let him see his office again. He put his hand on his stomach and felt the knot of muscle that pushed outward. Whoever he would be, he would have to be that person for his child. And as much as he hated to admit it, Emily was the best option he had. He sighed and wiped his cheeks. Then Emily stood up and tried to get the skirt to cover more of his legs. "I'm okay now. At least, I think I'll be okay."

Auntie Susan removed the school outfit and set it neatly on the bed. "In case we want to get back to it, sweetie." Then she went again to the pile and brought forth a white and pink striped shirt and a pair of overalls. Once she had them on her, Antie Susan gave her an appraising look. "Hmm, you don't look like a tomboy, do you? Not even with that outfit. Still, it would be nice for playing outside, or if it rains, you could sprawl out with your coloring books and go nuts!" She laughed a bit. "Maybe you could talk to your mommy when she comes back and you could color with her?"
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:23 pm

Dawn returns the hug, her breasts brushing against Emma's and making them tingle. "Oh gosh, you're pregnant... ", she said as she felt the bump and leaned back a little to look down. "Is it your first time?", she aked, watching as Emma rose up infront of her and brushed her short skirt down over her thighs. The bump had seemed to have grown a little since that morning, although Susan had provided a blouse that wasn't too tight against it.

Kathy looked down at the overalls as if she'd never worn pants before in her life, and then lifts her head as she hears the way Auntie Susan was speaking about her, as if she was much younger than fourteen. "I don't have colouring books, Auntie Susan... ", she blushed. "... and I don't have a Mommy... ".
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:38 pm

Emily nodded. "Yeah. And tell you what, it's scary sometimes." He could have sworn that his bump was a little smaller earlier. Soon, he would have his own child growing within him. Perhaps...perhaps he could use that child to get back at Susan? Yes... through some twisted, hopeless logic, he decided that since the child was all his now, she couldn't possibly have a hold on it. He may be trapped, but his child would be completely free of that woman. Richard smiled, that little ray of hope giving him just what he needed. "But you know? It's worth it."

"Well, we'll just have to get you some coloring books, now won't we?" Auntie Susan grinned and rubbed her back. "But I know for a fact that you have a mommy. She's very protective of you, too." She chuckles to herself. "Her name is Emily. Isn't that a pretty name?" She keeps rubbing Kathy's back, and runs her hand through her hair again. "When she gets home at lunch, you'll get to go back to your house and you can have milk and cookies together and color in your coloring books." She nuzzled her nose to Kathy's. "I bet she'll even braid your hair for you. Wouldn't you like that?"
"Well, you'll have plenty of time to live in a van down by the river, when you're living...in a van down by the river!" --Matt Foley, motivational speaker
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:47 pm

Dawn smiled again, "It's pretty amazing, there's a little person right inside here... ", she said, her hands gently brushed the sides of Emma's small bump, making it tingle. "I've heard there's nothing more painful than child birth though.. and then all those sleepless nights when they're crying... ". Shaking her head, she takes Emma by the arm, leading her out of the private room.

"Richard's wife was pregnant too, you know, that poor woman... ".

Kathy's eyes widen, and she goes rather pale when Auntie Susan spoke to the name of her... Mother. It was the same name she'd given to Richard after his transformation had made him look more like a woman than a man... she couldn't mean.... could she? "Emily... ", she murmured, and then blushed as Susan continued to put thoughts into her head... cookies sounded good..
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