[FFRP] A Woman's Point of View


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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Oct 04, 2009 4:40 pm

Kathy stopped as soon as she felt the hand on top of her own, but still smiled as she looked up at Emily when he opened his eyes. Something behind the teenager would catch his eye though. It was a familiar black car, nothing too sporty or fancy, just a fairly average car. It was stopped at the lights on the other side of the street. From where he was sitting, Emily could quite clearly see the driver. It was Jeff.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Sun Oct 04, 2009 4:47 pm

Still awash in the happy feelings of his tummy and the grinding of his thighs, Emily absentmindedly waved to Jeff as he was stopped at the light. As soon as he did, he blushed and set his hand back down to his side. He didn't want Susan to see the kinds of reactions Jeff made him go through. He didn't want her to even know about him at all. He was a good man. He didn't deserve to be caught up in this mad little world he was trapped in already.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Oct 04, 2009 4:49 pm

Jeff caught the waving, and glanced over briefly, just as the light was changing. There was a confused look on his face, but a beeping of a horn from behind caused him to pull away, the car disappearing around the corner. Seconds later, Susan re-appeared with three ice creams in cups, a coffee, and two milkshakes, which she set infront of Emily and Kathy, taking the coffee for herself.

"It's a pretty nice area, isn't it?", she smiled.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Sun Oct 04, 2009 4:58 pm

Emily nodded and dug into his ice cream. He wasn't sure about the milkshakes, since he didn't really ask for one, but Kathy seemed to be enjoying hers, and that was enough for him. Still, he wondered why Jeff had been driving so close to his new little apartment. "It's nice and quiet. Not exactly as nice as my house you so happily took from me, but nice." The chocolate in the ice cream tasted very nice. Emily was impressed that such a good little ice cream shop was in this neighborhood.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:04 pm

Kathy hadn't seemed to have noticed Jeff, or perhaps she had, and the distraction of the ice cream and milkshake had just pushed it out of her head. Susan was watching her with a smile as she sipped her coffee, and then glanced back at Emily. "Perhaps you can come and visit every now and then". Along the other side of the street, a couple of of schoolgirls were walking by, wearing the same uniform as Kathy wore, and she definatley had seen these, blue eyes following the girls, that seemed about her age too.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:34 pm

Emily ate the ice cream slowly, enjoying the mix of the flavors on his palate. "You know, I think I will. I think I'm not the only one enjoying this ice cream." He placed his hand on his tummy for a second and smiled before he continued to let the ice cream melt over his tongue. As nice as all of this was to him, he was still bothered that Susan insisted she stay with them. He also continued to wonder why Jeff was driving here. It was clearly a residential neighborhood, but Jeff made more money than that, or at least he thought he did.

As the girls walked by, they glanced at Kathy and immediately ducked their heads together conspiratorially. They whispered as they walked, and one glanced back at her before they both giggled and gave her one last look, snickers marring both their lips. Kathy, still a little on the chubby side, and clearly enjoying a large amount of ice cream, should be able to put two and two together.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:45 pm

Kathy blushed, and looked quite hurt as the giggling girls walked away. She looked back at her ice cream, and then down at her round tummy and plump thighs... before helplessly eating another spoonful. It was certainly showing her what it felt like to be on the opposite side of being teased over looks.

Once all three had finished their ice cream and drinks, Susan glanced at her watch and rose from her chair. "Come on then... time to get back. Mommy will have to start making dinner soon if we're to eat on time this evening", she smiled, and gave Kathy a wink.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:56 pm

Emily used the table for support to help himself up. That warm round tummy of his didn't make navigating very easy, but as he held a hand over it he knew it would be worth the trouble. He did frown a bit at the mention of Mommy cooking dinner, and even more at the way Kathy's eyes lit up as Susan mentioned it. He had always hated cooking, despised it even, but if he was going to eat in the near future, he would have to do so and regularly. "That's right, and Auntie Susan is going to help us with dinner tonight, because she's so nice." Emily grinned at the woman and headed off back to the apartment.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:27 am

Susan looked at him for a moment before she gave her shoulders a soft shrug and smiled. It seemed Emily thought he was getting one over on her, but by cooking dinner with her, he was taking a big step towards becoming the woman she intended him to be. "Sure thing, little sister. Perhaps you can learn a few things from me along the way".

The walk back to the apartment building was short, but the steps felt quite hard work with the amount Emily's belly had grown in the store, but Kathy slipped an arm around her waist, and helped her up them, and Susan opened the door to the cosy little apartment.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Mon Oct 05, 2009 2:00 am

Emily was breathing heavily and felt the burn in his legs from the trip up the stairs. Even with Kathy's help, that hadn't been easy. He gulped and looked down at his tummy, now a little frightened at the thought of only getting bigger. And if Kathy was only going to get smaller, he was going to have a rough time of things indeed. "Thank you, Kathy. That was very nice of you." He patted her head and made his tired way into the kitchen. "It's still a little warm for hot chocolate, but how about a glass of chocolate milk for you, hmm?"

Despite hating how domestic it made him sound, he knew that Kathy's current state of mind would be expecting the treat. She was an innocent in all of this, an innocent to whom he had made a promise. It was humiliating, but he set out the glass, poured the milk and mixed in some chocolate syrup until it was just right. "Here you go, sweetie." He turned from the counter and stood wearily as he held out the glass of milk for the girl.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Oct 05, 2009 3:58 am

Susan looked quite amused as she watched Emily making the chocolate milk for the chubby teenager. Her former husband now looked every bit a mother, and it was time to stop thinking of Emily as male, for even the pathetic little thing between Emily's thighs did not make a male.

Kathy smiled as she took the glass of milk, "Thanks, Mommy", she says, before going to sit on the couch. Susan came over, and nodded at Emily. "You'll be a better Mother than I thought, little sister. You really are a woman now, and it suits you... perhaps this is always how you were meant to be...".
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Mon Oct 05, 2009 9:40 am

Emily frowned and looked down at himself. Susan did have a point, and he figured that soon he wouldn't even have that token resistance between his legs. But he would never accept his fate just because she told him to. "If this is how I was meant to be, I would have been born this way." He leaned on the kitchen counter a bit to let his legs rest just a little. "Just because it looks like I'm doing well, doesn't mean I enjoy it. You have no idea how embarrassing all of this feels. And it still feels wrong on so many levels." What he wouldn't admit to her, was how much he was enjoying certain parts of it, probably more than he should.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Oct 05, 2009 12:45 pm

Susan leaned on the counter too, and opened up the cookery book she'd bought for Emily, her blue eyes glancing from the pages, back to her former husband. "You keep rubbing your tummy and smiling... ", she grinned, flicking through the book. "I watched you back in that store, you spent quite a while sniffing the flowery baby powders before picking the one you liked best... you press your thighs together and adjust your dress when you sit down... I'm not doing any of that, sweetie", she spoke softly, and then tapped a long fingernail against a page with a simple pasta bake on it.

"Ready for your first lesson?".
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:29 pm

Emily's eyes bugged out. "You don't mean..." He squinted his eyes and reluctantly took his hand off his belly, making him wonder when he had put it there. All this time, he had figured that the pleasure was something she had caused. The tickling of his hair, the warm confidence of his bosom...it was all him? He didn't even want to think about what all that stuff with Jeff meant. He shook his head to try and get the doubt out, causing his long, luxurious hair to bob and tickle across his bottom, which he tried not to admit liking. "If it means being like you, I'll have nothing of it." He huffed and gave Susan a determined look. "Now, show me how to cook."
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:34 pm

Susan laughed, "Little sister, about all we share is our hair and eye colour. I'm tall, slim, sexy and dominant... you're a little mouse of a thing, and like your daughter over there, you enjoy your food.. although admittedly with you it goes to the right places". She took a pair of white aprons with ruffled edges, pulling on her own and trying the strings up in a bow behind her back, and then holds the other out. "You're not going to be able to reach those strings without my help, Emily, and you don't want to splash anything on your new dress, do you?".
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