The League of Villains Sign up


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The League of Villains Sign up

Postby Kether » Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:10 pm

This is a world of heroes and villains, where since the 40s more and more superpowered beings have involved themselves in human lives, where crime can be stopped by a spandex clad alien.. yet may be as equally caused by his superpowered kinsmen.

New York is not what it once was. Torn from the rest of the world by a shield of sorcerous and scientific might, it has become the playground of three terribly powerful villains. They have renamed their kingdom Kasei, it is an experiment upon which they plan to take the whole world.

Their goal is simple, to change everyone on the planet into much more INTERESTING forms. OF course each of the three members at the top have theirown views on that and methodology.


"I release you from the prison of Flesh, be reborn in bouncy form!"

She is perhaps the most variable in theme, and most likely to uplift someone in power.The Dollmaker claims to be the Messiah of the true maker of all things. The Great and Glorious Machine God. From which all knowledge of magic and sciences come. Being a creature of Flesh and blood is a fallen state she says. The soul of man was not meant to be bound in such painful things it was mean not to be driven by base chemical reactions but to rise above it. That it is the fault of lesser "godlings' that we have been trapped in a cycle of evolution. But humanity has tried time and time again to escape and she is the way.

This is at least how she justifies turning "bad" people into toys for Christmas, or a bunch of Otaku into models of their favourite character.

She is the most likely it seems to hand out a thematic ability to change to others, and her changes seem to be the most broad yet they will always be semi inanimate.. humans bound in technomagical bodies called dolls and always female in form..

Tamit the Scribe

I have just the story for you

Tamit was once an ancient and powerful ghost of a sorcerer from an ancient and forgotten civilization. He had many schemes and plans to retake a body. Time and time again heroes thwarted his plans sending him once more into the hell of fleshlessness.

Eventually he got what he wanted from a mad scientist Otaku.... unfortunately the body he got was a short pink haired teenaged catgirl. The Body and its instincts took its tole on Tamit's sorcerous might making the new little kitty much less of a threat than her previous existence.

That changed when she successfully stole a book and a pen from the Akashic library. Now she can trap people into stories turn their lives into fairy tales or manga and between her old mind and her new thoughts her stories are quite broad ranging.. but they always have to have a thematic connection.

Doctor Ying Yao

"Its just one little injection"

The Doctor is perhaps the most down to earth and reasonable of the Three Great Villains... asside from being an 8ft tall Kaiju girl in a labcoat and glasses. The Good Doctor was once a crippled Chinese scientist he could barely speak without mechanical aid. He had a revolutionary theory by applying the biological properties of the giant monsters that on occasion terrorized eastern Asian that perhaps his crippled form could be mended.

The result was more than successful. She is now superhuman and wants to continue to experiment, to inject people with knowledge or forms.. or anything... all it takes it the right mix of chemicals. With the right nanotech she can match clothing as well.

So where does this leave the would be player? You are playing people who were in the city when they tookover, whether some of its many heroic protectors or innocent bystanders. Perhaps you've come to love what power they have given you or are horribly embarassed by being transformed from superman into a maid. Either way this is the story of the after effects of whether you plot and plan and try and fight the power or become glorious soliders in a transformation future.

NameName of the character
AppearanceWhat they looked like before they get changed.
HistoryJust a short background
Personalityjust abit about the character.
AffiliationWas your character a hero stopping crimes? a Villain who was commiting their own schemes, or perhaps a bystander that was doing nothing special with his/her life?/
Villainous sourceWhich of my Three Great villains or their henchmen do you want to target you?
Transformations i LikeThings you'd like to have happen.
Transformations I HateThings you'd really not want to hae happen to your character.
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Re: The League of Villains Sign up

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:36 pm

Name: Jack

Appearance: 6 foot and 5 inches tall, with close-shaved light brown hair and stubble, tanned skin, and a muscled frame, bulging arms and a broad chest. His clothing looks like some kind of solider, with body armour and ammo strapped around his torso.

History: Jack was a criminal youth, and part of his rehabilitation was being sent into the military. He might not have super powers, but he knows how to use guns and explosives. He learned a lot in the armed forces, but now he's willing to work for whatever side is paying the most.

Personality (just abit about the character): He doesn't really get emotionally attached to people, and likes to think of himself as a macho tough guy.

Affiliation: Working against the Great villains
Villainous source: Tamit
Transformations I Like, Things you'd like to have happen: I enjoy AR from any age between teen and baby, although also enjoy things that make me feel helpless, like being a maid, a school girl etc, embarrassing stuff like being a cheerleader.
Transformations I Hate, Things you'd really not want to hae happen to your character: I don't like being an athro very much, nor do I like being very sexy with big boobs and wearing almost no clothes. I dislike age progression.
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Re: The League of Villains Sign up

Postby Nikki » Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:40 pm

Name: Asher Wergins
Appearance: Bares a strong resemblance to Tom Cruise in Risky Business
History: He is a high school student that has lived a pretty dull life.
Personality: He also wishes for something exciting to happen but is usually disappointed when nothing does
Affiliation: Just a Bystander
Villainous source: Any
Transformations i Like: Anything
Transformations I Hate: Age Progression, Deformation or Handicap, Anthro
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Re: The League of Villains Sign up

Postby ZeroForever » Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:47 pm

Name - Jason Bears
Appearance - well built but still an old wrinkly man, though not in the super deformed way. In his 60's now, his facial features cover with old scars are that are rather promiant.
History - former B-list superhero back in the 70's career got ended when a doomsday device he stopped exploded with him still on it. Spent the next 5 years in rehab and still needs a cane to walk. Became rather bitter as he was forgotten by the press another hero getting credit for the save, as a result never married or had kids. Currently retired other then occasionally beating up some muggers he just sits around the park and complains with other old people about better times.
Personality - Was nice but age and life made him hard. Doesn't mind giving out advice but in general keeps to himself.
Affiliation - former hero
Villainous source - all
Transformations i Like - nothing
Transformations I Hate - nothing
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Re: The League of Villains Sign up

Postby ashuros » Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:14 pm

Name: Tommy Davis/Justice
Appearance: Tommy is rather pale and thin, his dark brown hair is usually long and messy. When in public he wears a pair of reading glasses, wears a blue helmet based on his robot's head, when interacting as Justice's pilot.
History: A mechanical genius Tommy secretly designed and built the giant robot Justice in order stop powerful and corrupt.
Personality: Proud, highly intelligent and courageous. When piloting Justice, Tommy has shown a fondness for dramatics. When maintaining his civilian identity, he plays the part of a over achieving high school student that has little time for people.
Affiliation: Hero
Villainous source: Either Dollmaker or Doctor Ying Yao.
Transformations I Like: Partial personality change, Android/cyborg change, surprises but anything I don’t hate is fair game.
Transformations I Hate: Extreme age regression/progression, total personality change, permanent inanimate.
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Re: The League of Villains Sign up

Postby Alissa of Someday » Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:23 pm

Name: Bryan Moorik, AKA 'The Penalty'

Appearance: Bryan is rather well-built, at 5'11", his body toned from several years of fighting crime, and has a hair of short black hair and blue eyes.
While in civilian uniform he generally dresses fairly inconspicuously...though he is sure to be keeping a hidden weapon or two on his person. When out as his alter-ego though, he is dressed a bit more unusually, as is the tradition--done up in a black outfit made of an advanced nanite fiber, that both conforms to his body and enhances his strength by several times the norm. His head covered by an executioner's hood in costume, Penalty fights crime through more modern weaponry, armed with weapons--mostly firearms hidden all over the suit for quick access.

History: Bryan, now 26, grew up in Maine, and was something of a scientist himself, working with a group to develop what would eventually become his Penalty armor. As he slowly became more fed-up with the intellectuality of the so-called superheroes that roamed the world--jailing criminals, who quickly would just get back on the streets thanks to well-paid lawyers, Bryan spent more and more time modifying the experimental prototype nanofiber, eventually stealing it away one night and resurfacing as the vigilante known as The Penalty-who quickly became known for his habit of dealing with criminals harshly--the penalty he gives is generally death.
With the situation ever worsening in what was New York, he has gone on a journey of all-out-war on the criminal element there.

Personality: Bryan has a rather unyielding personality--he is not evil, but he does not believe very much in the criminal justice system as it is, or indeed, in the moral fiber of a criminal to turn over a new leaf while in jail. He considers himself a light of great misunderstood justice in the world, and is the kind to often make snap-judgments about people.

Affiliation: Hero...depending who you ask. More of an anti-hero by most people's definition.
Villainous Source: Tamit is my preference I think, but I would be alright with any of them if it is easier for you one way or the other.
Transformations: I'm fine with most anything for the most part.
Transformations: Extreme age regression, inanimate objects that no longer resemble a human or animal (a tree, a rock, a dress, etc.)
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Re: The League of Villains Sign up

Postby Blaze » Fri Oct 02, 2009 10:07 pm

Name: Kyle Jenkins aka "Mr. Jigsaw"
Appearance: Wears a multicolored suit with a jigsaw pattern. Has bleached spiked hair and wears goggles. Stands at 5'6 feet and quite skinny. Doesn't have a civilian alter-ego.
History: As a child, he was exposed to radiation and gained the power to cause parts of people's bodies to seperate and reattach, including his own. He was relentlessly mocked by other people, his parents were embarressed by him and he eventually went mad and became a villian.
Personality:He's your typical "comedic villian," and laughes a lot. However, he can cause a lot of sufferring with his powers, like breaking someone down and reassembling them the wrong way or removing their head and seperating it from their body,condeming it to stumble around, trying to find it's head.
Villainous source: Dollmaker or Tamit.
Transformations i Like Anything except the things listen in my dislikes.
Transformations I HateExtreme age progression/regression, inanimate, total mental changes (partial is fine.)
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Re: The League of Villains Sign up

Postby Ookalf » Fri Oct 02, 2009 10:32 pm

Name: Nathan Adams
Appearance: Tall and thin, with short, spiky, blonde hair and blue eyes. He can typically be found dressed in his work uniform, a green t-shirt and a pair of khaki pants. He keeps a small notebook in his pocket, in which he writes down any particularly interesting thoughts he has.
History: Nothing special has ever really happened to Nathan. Currently employed at a bookstore at the age of 21, he hopes to someday be a great author. Until then, though, he's happy to just go where life takes him.
Personality: Nathan's fairly friendly and outgoing, pretty easy to get to know.
Affiliation: Ordinary civilian
Villainous source: Doctor Ying Yao
Transformations i Like: I'm up for pretty much anything, though I do have a soft spot for animal people and demons/monsters.
Transformations I Hate: True inanimates. Basically, if it can't move and can't talk, I'd rather it not happen. I would also prefer that mental changes be kept few-to-none.
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Re: The League of Villains Sign up

Postby muffinstud » Sat Oct 03, 2009 1:25 pm

Name: Jason Richards, aka Oversight
Appearance: Short but muscular, black short cropped hair and a square jaw. His uniform is a deep red with gold accents, and his mask covers his entire face.
History: Jason was born into the hero business, both of his parents having met on a superhero team they were a part of. He's just continuing the family tradition, but he's proud to be a part of something that does so much good. His powers are flight and a variety of super senses. He can tell what's going on wherever he wants, and while he's not the strongest or most durable of fighters, he's able to notice the perfect time to fly in and gum up the works. He only just recently started solo work after a stint with an annoying team of teen heroes.
Personality: Oversight doesn't like to use his secret identity very often, as he is actually somewhat shy in real life. Only when he has his mask does he really find the courage to make a difference, even in his own life.
Affiliation: Hero
Villainous source: Ying Yao or Tamit
Transformations i Like: I'd prefer something classy/sexy looking, but still kinda cute.
Transformations I Hate: Inanimate, huge boobs, lots of mental changes.
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Re: The League of Villains Sign up

Postby Maiden Miki » Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:45 pm

Name: Marco Anko aka The Source
Appearance: Marco is a man with messy black hair and a black turtleneck. He wears a pair of blue jeans. He is overally a very skinny young man with a huge pair of glasses on his thin face. He is mostly pale skinned and sometimes has blood shot eyes.
History: Marco has always been a smart person from a young age.When he was little, he would finish books in a matter of hours and be able to remember all of it. Though he never bragged about it so none of his teachers would promote him or knew that he was almost a child genius. He was able to graduate from high school at top of his class and soon realized that he could actually do something with his so called intellect. He was a qiz at looking up things and finding data and soon opened his services to heroes who are in need of information. Eventually he gained the nickname of The Source since that what people would say when reports asked where they got their information from. During the day Marco is a simple college student and locks himself in the computer labs looking up as much information as he could. By night he is providing information to countless heroes being the 'man behind the current'.
Personality: Marco is a very quiet type of guy that doesn't like to be out in the open. He doesn't want to be the type of hero that goes out and run around in capes and stuff fighting the villains.
Affiliation: Hero-ish
Villainous source: Dollmaker or Tamit
Transformations i Like:Anything is fine.
Transformations I Hate: Age regression, animal or inanimate objects, total mental changes (3/4 or something like that is fine), pregnancy
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Re: The League of Villains Sign up

Postby Sophia Anieri » Wed Oct 07, 2009 12:05 am

Name: Miranda Curtis

Appearance: Miranda is a young woman of 26, barely over five feet tall, with long brown hair that she usually wears in a ponytail under her shirt to avoid attracting attention.
History: Miranda was a bookworm as a child, and somewhat impractical -- she didn't blink an eye when the talking owl told her she needed to wield the powers of the Goddess Athena to fight evil. Becoming "Starlight Defender Bright Athena" at the age of eleven, she was a heroine for five years before losing her powers after a climactic battle in the skies over Manhattan. After that she graduated high school, went to college, worked after graduation at a local used bookstore... still wondering if she'd ever do anything as important as the unbelievable things she'd done as a girl.

Personality: Miranda is quiet and introspective, dreamy but insecure, more likely to suffer in silence than to bother anyone else with her problems. Since losing her powers she's wondered sometimes if she has a reason to go on living. She can be quite curious and determined though when she doesn't let her depression get to her.

Affiliation: Citizen, former heroine

Villainous source: Tamit the Scribe

Transformations i Like: I thought a TF from Tamit could tie in with the story of Bright Athena in some way. My favorite TFs are those where the protagonist is reluctant, but coopted, with gradual mental change. Pretty flexible on the end result, but becoming a demigoddess would be nice, though maybe not right away, or not in the way she would have wanted...

Transformations I Hate: I don't like TFs that jar the flow of the narrative and feel forced. I also dislike TFs where the protagonist loses freedom of action, although mental influence is fine. I wouldn't want a TF where she becomes something plain or mundane (not that there's much chance of that.) ;)
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