[FFRP] A Woman's Point of View


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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Oct 08, 2009 11:34 am

"Kids start at new schools and find they don't fit in all the time, dear. They'll assume she's just moved to one of the other schools in the town... which she will have", Susan smiled, and held up a finger, "She'll be at this one for as long as she's fourteen... ", then holds up a second finger", "... another when she's ten", and then a third finger, "... and the third one when she's five. After that, she'll be too small for school".

The breakfast tasted as wonderful as everyone else Susan made, and yet Emily would find herself thinking about how it didn't quite satisfy her. There was something missing. Maybe what she was looking for would in the fridge?
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Thu Oct 08, 2009 11:39 am

"I just hope these schools are close..." Emily gobbled down her meal, but still felt like she needed something extra, something more. She lifted herself up out of the chair and made her way to the fridge to see what goodies would strike her fancy. "And it makes me wonder. Why are you sending her to school in the first place if she'll end up young enough not to even remember most of it?" She rubbed her tummy and licked her lips in anticipation of that one thing that would complete her meal.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Oct 08, 2009 11:47 am

"It's part of helping her mind adapt to the changes. Going from what she was, to what she'll end up, too fast, could cause permanent damage to her mind. It's easier to take in small chunks like this, and she's gone to school to make her feel like she's fourteen".

Inside the fridge, it was mostly healthy foods that would be good for the baby, but one thing caught her eye. A few little pots of chocolate mousse. That was a step in the right direction... but still not enough. Something else caught her eye on the counter top... a bowl of fruit, with bananas on top. Chocolate mousse and banana? Why did that suddenly sound like it would go so well as a side dish for her breakfast...
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:17 pm

Emily absentmindedly nodded to Susan as she contemplated just how tasty the mousse could be with a banana. She took out one of the little pots and set it on the counter next to the fruit. Her attention was wholly on the banana as she peeled it and used a spoon to cut it into coins that fell into the mousse. For some reason, it just seemed perfect, just what she needed. "As long as she's still herself..." She turned and leaned her back to the counter while she spooned herself some mousse with a coin of banana on it.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:23 pm

Susan turned a little, and raised an eyebrow as she looked at the pregnant young woman. "Banana and chocolate mouse when you're in the middle of your bacon and sausage?". She sighed and shook her head, "Honestly, Emily... ", she muttered, as if Emily had always been her younger sister and they'd grown up like this. Emily knew it was odd... but it tasted so good!
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:28 pm

"Don't knock it if you haven't tried it." She stuck out her tongue for a second before taking another spoonful. It was like heaven inside her mouth. "I don't even know why it tastes this good, it just does!" She went over and sat back down before the tattered remains of her breakfast. She alternated between her toast and the bacon and the mousse, glowing happily as she ate. As she ate, a thought came to her mind. "Say, I'll need to do some shopping today, and you said you'll be out. How am I going to pay for my supplies?"
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:35 pm

Susan held up a finger, and then she rises from her chair with a grin. Going over to the counter in the kitchen area, she searches about in a shopping bag, and then brings over a cute little pink purse with yellow flowers on, and sets it beside Emily's plate. "Your money for the week is in there... so do try and budget, as there won't be more til next week".
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:47 pm

Emily stared at the purse. Granted, she didn't stop eating, but she still stared. She looked up at Susan after an especially delicious spoonful of mousse. It tasted that way because she still had a bit of bacon in her mouth. "You're kidding, right? I can rationalize a purse. But there's no way I'm taking that thing around town with me." She shook her head and got herself another bite of mousse. "I'd rather carry a burlap sack around."
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:52 pm

"Unfortunatley you don't have a burlap sack, little sister, so this is what you'll be carrying", she smiled, and opened the pink purse, and starts to pull a few things out, lip gloss in pale pink, and another with a glittery pink. A small tub of blusher with a brush. A can of that flowery deodorant she'd used before, and a little pink cell phone that was closed in a cute rounded off shell.

"Everything you'll need".
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Thu Oct 08, 2009 1:09 pm

Emily grumbled as she finished off her toast. "You and your pink..." She shook her head and pulled the purse towards her, putting all of her new things back in it. "Thanks for the thought. Still a little too barbie doll for me though." She finished off her breakfast and pouted into the empty cup of mousse. "That was tasty..." She pulled herself up and brushed a few crumbs off of her chest. She stopped for a moment, then pulled open the neck of her nightshirt. She gasped in surprise, then beamed at Susan. "I'm bigger!"
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:57 pm

Susan laughed, "Mmhmm. That should be as big as they get, and they will get a little smaller when both your children are done feeding from them. Now, why don't you go get dressed? I'll wash up, but I'll head home after that. Don't forget to pick Kathy up, time and directions are on the fridge door".
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Fri Oct 09, 2009 1:11 pm

"Sure, sure." Emily walked out of the kitchen and to her room, staring down at her chest the whole time. "I think I'm bigger than her..." She grinned and closed the door to her room behind her. She shed her nightshirt and panties and admired herself in the mirror. "Still pretty freaky how much I like this, but once I've got you on the outside," she said, patting her tummy. "I'll be one hot mama." She giggled and looked at herself for a little longer before she started to dig through her wardrobe.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:21 pm

On the inside of the wardrobe door was a green dress. It had a wide neck that looked as if it would leave a lost of the shoulders bare, and cover her breasts entirely, with darker green sleeves all the way down to the wrists, while the dress came down to about knee length.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Sun Oct 11, 2009 12:39 pm

Emily took the dress down and laid it out on the bed. She turned and picked out a comfy looking pair of white panties and a skin-toned strapless bra. She figured that with a dress that looked like it would expose her shoulders like that, straps would just kind of ruin it. Well, at least she knew she wouldn't want to see it on another woman. She slipped on the dress and got a pair of white strap-on sandals like she had worn before. She looked in the mirror to make sure the braid still looked okay and then headed back out to fetch her things. She sat down on the couch and opened up the annoyingly pink phone to use its note program to write down the different things she would need to do or get during the day.
"Well, you'll have plenty of time to live in a van down by the river, when you're living...in a van down by the river!" --Matt Foley, motivational speaker
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Oct 13, 2009 1:58 pm

Susan smiled as she watched Emily return from the bedroom, and picked up her own purse. "You can drop me off at home after we're done shopping", she says, scooping up the key to the apartment, and holds it out to Emily. "Please don't forget to pick Kathy up... ". Turning, she heads out of the apartment, and waits for Emily to lock up. "You look nice in that dress by the way".
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