Kyo: Y... You can't be...
There appeared before her another high school girl of a familiar appearance.
Iori: Hm? Wh, Whaaa?

K: You're... Iori?
I: You're... that Kyo punk?
It seems the two were allowed a reunion under the shared experince of now being high school girls.
K: ... We can't talk here. Let's go somewher else.
I: Alright.
K: There isn't anyone here. It should be ok.
They had gone to the school infirmary.
I: ... And how would you know that?
K: Because today the nurse is away on school business. All students needing to go to the infirmary today just get to go home. Thus we can use it.
I: You seem awfully used to being like that.
K: It's not like that! I've just been like this for three days already.
I: ...
K: Look just sit down, ok?
I: I'd sit even if you didn't tell me to.
So saying, Iori sat next to Kyo.
K: Why did you have to sit so close? Move away!
I: ... I'm fine where I am.
I: So, you had an encounter with that strange salesman too huh?
K: Hmm? Salesman? Oh, you mean that creepy cosplaying guy. Yeah, I met him.
I: And that's how you ended up like that?
K: I've got the same problem as you right now, ya know.
To be continued...