[FFRP] A Woman's Point of View


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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:38 pm

Emily drove back to her apartment, grumbling to herself during the drive about how she had reacted to the boy's advances on her. This absolutely HAD to be Susan's doing, because she had never once entertained any kind of romantic thoughts or feelings towards guys, let alone guys younger than her. Her grumbling quickly turned from her feelings to her legs and back as she plodded up the stairs with her bags of groceries. She'd have to make at least two more trips, especially with her art supplies added into the mix. She could only hope that she could last long enough to get all of it in her apartment.

The sounds of laughter and relieved kids (and teachers) flowed through the air after the final bell had rung. Over at the bleachers, a gaggle of girls was forming. Some of them were already in cheerleading getups, but most were either standing or sitting with excitement in their eyes and voices. The tryouts were about to begin.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:44 pm

Kathy didn't want to go to the trial, but she didn't have much of a choice. Her new 'Auntie' Susan had arranged this, and nobody would be coming to give her a ride home until it was over. She still wore her uniform as she approached the group of girls, biting her lip, the transformed into a plump teen having robbed her of pretty much all her confidence.

When Emily returned to the car for the second trip, a familar car was parked beside her. The door opened... and Jeff climbed out. He looked at her, and then at her tummy, his eyes widening a little. "Oh, let me give you a hand with that... ", he said, closing his car and walking around to her, and grabbing the rest of her shopping. "I'm Jeff, I live on the middle floor".
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Wed Nov 18, 2009 5:02 pm

Emily thought she could hear her jaw hit the pavement. She'd seen him driving around nearby, but she just hadn't thought that he could possibly live here. She eventually pulled herself out of her dumbstruck state. "Y-you live here?" She stared and blinked at Jeff, carrying what obviously would have taken her two trips on her own. She only just noticed the exertion walking up the stairs took her as she led Jeff up to her apartment. It caught up with her in front of her door, since she was almost winded. "I'm R-", she winced. "Emily. Nice to meet you." She had almost forgotten. Jeff had never met Emily before. She'd have to be careful about what information she let slip.

As Kathy arrived, some of the girls looked over to her and snickered. They were obviously more fit than her, probably a lot more popular too. There were only two other girls closer to her body shape, but even then they had larger chests and seemed a bit better proportioned than her. As if being given some cosmic slap in the face, one of the girls in the cheer leader outfits looked very much like Kathy did a couple years ago. She took a spot in front of the crowd and gave some vapid speech about school spirit, drive, and the will to win being all that was important to cheerleading.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Nov 18, 2009 5:19 pm

Jeff carried the groceries up the stairs with ease. He brushed softly against her arm as they wasn't a lot of room in the tight corridors, and it sent a familiar tingle through her body. "Oh, you're the new girl... ", he smiled. His gaze glanced down at her large tummy. "No got a guy around to help you with this kind of stuff... ?", he asked.

Kathy went reed as the girls laughed at her. She remembered being the sort of person that would laugh too if a shy, chubby fourteen year old showed up at this kind of thing. Her envious gaze was cast over the other girls, especially the one with an almost adult figure that came to stand infront of them all. There didn't seem anyone appropriate to stand beside, but she ends up coming to a stop beside one of the girls about her size, that had more curves.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Wed Nov 18, 2009 6:48 pm

Emily blushed and tried to stifle the tingling as much as she could. "No, it's just me and...my daughter, Kathy. I," she gulped. She looked up at him, still blushing. "Thanks for the help. You have no idea how much I hate those stairs." She turned quickly and opened the door, leading Jeff into her ultra-girly apartment. She sighed and vowed to do something horrible to Susan later as she led him into the kitchen to start putting groceries away. "So...Jeff. How long have you lived here?"

The over-developed blond finishes her speech, with clapping from the other pretty girls in cheerleading outfits. "Okay, now let's get started. Everyone on the field, and in a line behind a current cheerleader. All you have to do is follow the routine they do. And don't forget to show off your school spirit!" She claps twice and punches up into the air. "Let's do it to it, ladies!" All the other girls file into lines, leaving Kathy in the far end of one of the lines. The routine started with a dance move similar to a jumping jack with arm twirls thrown in. It looks simple enough.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Nov 18, 2009 6:54 pm

Kathy's school uniform suddenly seemed rather restrictive. The material of the blouse, nor the dress, had very much stretch in it. It was comfortable enough to wear in class, but jumping about and stretching made it feel like something was going to burst. It reminded her of her business suits, which were comfortable to wear at the office, but you couldn't go for a run in them, or play squash in them, they'd simply burst at the seams.

Jeff followed her inside, nudging the door closed. He looked thoughtful at the mention of a daughter but no husband as he helped her to put the things away. "A few years now.. it's small, but there's only me, so I don't really need a lot of room, and I like this part of town, it's nice and quiet, the people are friendly". Her heart raced as she looked -up- at the man that for years had been her best friend. "Must be tough, on your own with a kid, and another on the way... ".
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Thu Nov 19, 2009 3:46 pm

Emily swallowed hard to try and keep her heartbeat under control. She hadn't even looked at him for that long, and she still felt her heart racing. "You have no idea. Still, tough as it is, I get little rewards every now and then." She smiled and rubbed her tummy. "So how's your job? You must have a nice one, with a car like that..." She tried to avoid eye contact as she finished putting things away and looked over her art supplies, trying to decide where she could set things up.

Kathy's unforgiving outfit and her thicker limbs proved an awkward combination. Each move in the aerobic activity seemed to drain her a little more than she knew it should have. Especially when the leaders switched up to doing high kicks and a variety of air punches, Kathy could feel the sweat building up and her energy starting to fade.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Nov 19, 2009 3:53 pm

Her heart skipped a beat as the dress almost split when she tried moving her thighs further apart than her uniform would allow. As she drew a deep breath, she looked around at some of the other girls to see what they were wearing. Her stomach ached from the effort, and she bent down slightly, bending her knees in a crouch, her cheeks red as she huffed and puffed and jealously watched the more fit girls.

"My job? Yeah, I love my job... and as for the car, well... I don't really have much to spend money on, so thought I'd treat myself. That's quite some vehicle you have yourself... it certainly stands out", he laughed, a soft, gentle laugh that made Emily's knees go weak. He looked down at her, and for a moment, just gazed into her eyes with a smile. "Why don't I cook you a meal tonight? Think of it as... a welcome to the building treat".
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:18 pm

Emily wanted to groan at the mention of her clown car, but she couldn't. She found herself trapped, looking up at Jeff and holding onto the counter to keep herself steady. That laugh had done something to her, and she didn't like it one bit. Well, she didn't like it after the fact, at least. But what was really bothering her was how she just couldn't tear her eyes away from his. She had always known Jeff was an all around good guy, but she hadn't been on the receiving end of his kindness quite like this. She had to do something, she had to get him away, somehow.
"You can cook? I...thank you, but I couldn't. My daughter is kind of picky about what she eats..." She blushed, still unable to look away from him. "And I have to pick her up from school in a bit as well. I'm...I can manage on my own."

The other girls had mostly changed out of their school uniforms and into sweatpants or jeans, a couple into short, stretchy skirts. The only other girl still wearing her school uniform was a lot more fit than her, and had hiked up her skirt a bit for mobility and to show off her legs, which looked a lot better than Kathy's. As she tried to catch her breath, the routine stepped up a notch with a side-to-side dance step that went into a crouch that immediately turned into a couple of push ups.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:32 pm

Jeff went silent for a moment, but the smiled soon returned to his lips. "Have you met Louise yet? She's got a daughter too, Katie, she's about ten. I watch her sometimes when Louise wants a night out... I'm sure she'd return the favour and watch your daughter for the evening... ", he suggested. No Kathy. Just Emily and Jeff. Alone. "Come on, let me help out a little. I'd appreciate the company... ".

Kathy blushed as she saw almost all the others had brought more appropriate clothing. Just watching them made her feel tired, and she slumped onto her bottom against the grass and just stared. Susan had done something to make her act her age, but the adult mind was still there watching all this happen, watching all these girls in their mid-teens put her figure to shame....
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:52 pm

That smile. She knew it was something Susan had done, since that smile had had an effect on her before. Knowing why it had an effect on her didn't lessen the effect at all, however. Emily closed her eyes and tried to gain what little composure she had left. "Just... you and me and dinner? I don't know..." Emily just barely kept herself from shuddering at what could possibly happen if she were left alone with Jeff in this state. But something crossed her mind, letting her open her eyes again and look straight up at him. Jeff was patient and understanding, and he had always been a good friend to Richard. He'd been the only one to honestly look down at hearing about Richard's death. Perhaps...she could tell him. Yes, she could tell him everything, and she would have an ally against Susan. She couldn't help but smile herself. "All right. I'll talk to Louise. Just don't be surprised if I eat more than you, mister." She smirked.

Sitting on the grass, Kathy had a good view of the other girls finishing the routine. While she had been the first girl to stop, she wasn't the only one. Two of the more fit looking girls even stepped back to take a break near the end, and the two girls closer to her size had done so a little after she did. With a loud double clap, the head cheerleader ended the routine and looked over the girls with a keen eye. "All right. I have a good idea of who to include on the team." And with that, she started pointing out some of the prettier, more athletic girls that had kept up with the routine. With each one chosen, the girl would beam happily and practically skip over to where the head cheerleader stood.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:59 pm

Kathy watched as the girls were being picked. She had no chance. This was all part of Susan's revenge on her, for trying to steal her husband. Her legs ached as she pushed herself up to her feet, brushed a hand against the back of her dress and turned to walk away from the group, blue eyes glancing across the field to see if she could spot Emily or Susan waiting for her.

Jeff's smile seemed to grow even warmer when he heard Emily agree to the dinner. "I'll make extra, just incase", he laughed. Giving her girlish apartment a quick glance, he started to move back, and suddenly Emily would feel an emptiness inside her. "I better go start preparing then.. I'm right below you... so if there's any problems, just come get me, okay? I'll be more than happy to help if I can". And with another smile, he was gone.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Thu Nov 19, 2009 5:21 pm

Emily sighed to herself and smiled. Soon she would have a strong ally to help her through this mess Susan had put her through. Perhaps, with Jeff's help, she could find a way to become Richard again? She shook her head. That was too much to hope for. Still, she felt like almost anything was possible. And yet, she couldn't help but feel cold and empty. The moment he left, she just felt so...alone. She shivered despite herself. She grabbed her purse and keys and headed out the door, making her way to Louise's door before knocking. She had just met the woman, and she hoped that it wouldn't seem too much to ask for her to take care of Kathy so soon.

"Hey, where are you going? You're on the team too!" Kathy could hear the pretty blond's voice directed at her, and the girl's pretty finger was pointing right at her. Some of the current cheerleaders looked at the blond with confused faces, but she seemed determined. Kathy, somewhow or another, had made the team. "And that should be it. Better luck next time, girls. Now come on, let's get you your uniforms."
"Well, you'll have plenty of time to live in a van down by the river, when you're living...in a van down by the river!" --Matt Foley, motivational speaker
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Nov 19, 2009 5:28 pm

Shortly after knocking, the door opened, and a smiling Katie looked up at Emily, still in her cute red dress. "Hi Auntie Emily! Did you bring her?", she asked, and poked her head out to look down the corridor before her shoulders slump in disappointment.

"Katie... I thought you were doing homework... ", came an older voice, and the red-haired Louise appeared, causing the ten year old to hurry away. Shaking her head, she smiled at Louise, "Sorry, she's just a little excited at having someone to play with... what can I do for you?".

Kathy froze suddenly, and glanced back over her shoulder. "Me?". She turned as she saw the older girl was pointing right at her, and her cheeks went red. A confused look spread over her face as she watched the girls that hadn't made it walk away, before being told to follow the blonde girl to get... uniforms? Her heart started to race as she followed...
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Thu Nov 19, 2009 5:40 pm

Emily just smirked and shook her head at Katie. Oddly enough, she found herself returning Louise's smile. "Well, I was just about to go and pick up Kathy from school when I had an idea. Since I'm going to have...company over tonight, I thought Kathy and Katie would like to have an opportunity to play around a bit. You wouldn't mind if Kathy spent the evening here, would you?"

The cheerleaders led Kathy into the girls' locker room, where there was an assortment of clothes that were obviously tops and skirts for the cheerleading uniform. "All right, go on and pick one out in your size and try it on to make sure it fits all right." The pretty blond nodded as the other girls started picking through the clothes, but stopped Kathy with a stiff arm before she could even get close. "I like your school spirit, but I'm afraid all of those clothes are a little too small for you. We've got something special for you though." She smirked, and a couple of the other cheerleaders snickered.
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