Powter High School has been going through a few changes. The Principal recently retired and the new Miss Lambert is taking the role. But Ms. Lambert doesn't like trouble makers and has a secret. She's a sorceress and decides that changes are in order. That involves changing the problem students mostly by changing their genders but also by improving their extracurricular activities. Also I am going to allow you to import characters from TV Shows, Books, or Movies as long as they are popular character. However I don't want any anime or video games characters.
Year: Freshman-Senior
Reason You're in the Principal's Office: What did you do to get in trouble.
Other: This is where you put any extracurricular activities.
Name: Amos Mraz
Year: Senior
Appearance: Tall, blonde, modelesque
Reason For Principal's Office: Standard Bullying
Personality: Amos is an arrogant jock who believes in the class system of high school.
Other: I would think something like Drama or Glee Club would be a good place for him to land.