by Harri-chan » Sun Nov 29, 2009 4:23 am
The boy's heart raced as no response came from his radio, but he was so close to the tower, one final burst of speed would do it! "Argh!", he cried as the bullet caught him in the back of the leg. As well as the pain, the shock threw his coordination, and he stumbled and crashes onto his chest.
A cold sweat spread across his skin as he felt the leg going numb. He'd heard stories about boys feeling numb after being shot.. and shivered at what came next. Dragging himself up, he almost crumpled like a doll when he put weight on his numb leg, but caught himself and limped into the clock tower. His breathing was heavy as he stumbled about for one of the innoculation packs on his person, tearing open the plastic and shaking the syringe before pushing the needle through the combat pants and pushing down with his thumb to inject.
Drawing a deep breath, he tossed aside the syringe and tried to keep going with a numb leg. He stumbled on the steps, groaning as his chest cracked against them, and instead tried to crawl up them, away from the doors, reaching for his radio again. "Red seven to base. I don't have a confirmed sighting of the target and I've been hit. I've left a beacon you can track, and my position is one mile north from there. Requesting urgent back up!".
He had no idea if the innoculation would even work with the bullet inside him, but even if it worked, he'd still been shot, and that was bad enough on his own. Twinges of pain shot up and down through his thigh as he dragged himself up the steps, the sweat starting to come through the green t-shirt, clenching his teeth.
Last edited by
Harri-chan on Sun Nov 29, 2009 7:49 pm, edited 3 times in total.