[FFRP] A Woman's Point of View


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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:55 pm

Emily exhaled as she opened the door. "Thank you..." She walked into the apartment and sat down on the couch to rest for a bit. "You'll have dinner while you're there. Louise should make something you'll like. She's making dinner just for you, you know." She smiled in her seat and rubbed her tummy a bit as she relaxed. She looked up at the clock to see how much time she had before her... encounter with Jeff.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:09 pm

Kathy disappears into her bedroom as Emily sat down on the couch. There was only around thirty minutes until the time Jeff had told her to come down for their date... er, for dinner. It felt good to just sit down for a little bit. Her feet ached, and her back was a little sore too. Rubbing her tummy felt nice, and helped her to relax, but then, so did thinking about Jeff.

A few minutes later, Kathy came back out, now wearing a pale blue t-shirt, with a denim jumper dress over the top, the outfit perhaps making her look a little younger than she was, but almost all of her clothes did that now.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:42 pm

Emily sighed and grumbled to her sore feet as Kathy entered the living room. "Let's get you over there, okay Kathy?" She gave a weak smile before grunting and pulling herself out of the couch. She stood for a moment to stretch her back, hoping to ease the ache a little. She took Kathy by the hand and led her outside, keeping her other hand on her belly. She only removed it to open her door and knock on Louise's. "Thank you for doing this for me..." she muttered to the girl.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:54 pm

The red-haired woman just gave Emily a wink as she motioned for Kathy to come inside. "Katie is just getting changed, sweetie, why don't you go find her in her room?". The teenager glanced nervously back at Emily, and then disappeared into Louise's apartment.

"Anytime, Em. It gives us both peace if they can amuse eachother. Remember our deal though, when I bring her back up later, you tell me all about the date, okay?". Before Emily could defend herself, Louise had poked her tongue out at her and closed the door.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Mon Dec 14, 2009 5:10 pm

Emily stood in front of the closed door for a moment, her jaw hanging. She frowned and turned to go back up the stairs and into her apartment. "It's not a date... It's not." She slipped off her shoes to give her feet a little more comfort and went into her room. Sitting down on the edge of her comfy bed, she could see herself in the mirror of her closet. "It's just dinner. Besides, I'm going to tell him who I really am. That's why I'm doing this." She nodded to herself, deep within her own denial.

"KATHY'S HERE!!" Katie runs up to the girl in a blur and grabs her by the hand. "Come on, I'll show you my room! This is gonna be so great!" She beams and tugs the girl into her room, which looks quite similar to Kathy's own, save for the large number of plushies strewn about. "You have no idea how nice it is to have someone my own age, right next door!"
As she is led down the hall, Kathy can feel her shirt getting a little looser, especially around the waist.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Dec 14, 2009 5:18 pm

Nobody had told Kathy just how old Katie was, and she looked quite suprised as the ten year old ran at her, stumbling along in a daze when pulled by the hand, and her mouth falling open as she heard the comment about... having someone her own age. She looked too startled to even speak, gazing wide-eyed at the little girl that she followed. "Hi.. ", she murmured.

As she sat on the edge of the bed, Emily noticed the little black dress hanging on the front of the closet. Had she put that there and forgotten doing it? It was a soft velvet, with no sleeves, but the material came up over her shoulders and then seemed to tie around behind the neck, leaving most of the back bare, along with her arms. It was spit down the outside of each leg, but reached all the way to the ankles, and looked like it would even accommodate her bump without any discomfort.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Mon Dec 14, 2009 5:44 pm

Emily looked down at the dress she was in, then gazed at the black dress hanging in front of her. It certainly looked a lot nicer, but why did she need to look nice? This wasn't a date. Even so, she had been good friends with Jeff for a long time, and she would want that friendship to continue. A good first impression (or was that second impression, she mused) could help her reestablish Richard's friendship as Emily. She sighed and removed her dress, hanging it up in her closet. "Somehow, I know Susan is behind this..." She took one last look at the open back and removed her bra before slipping on the little black dress.

Katie paused and smiled. "Hi." She sat down on the floor and pulled out a bin from the closet. "You wanna play with my Lego bricks? I've got lots!" She opened the bin and slid it between them before digging through the assortment of plastic pieces. As she sat down, Kathy could feel her arms weren't quite so loose or flabby, and that her thighs didn't touch each other any longer.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Dec 14, 2009 5:51 pm

The black dress felt so nice. It hugged her petite form, without ever feeling tight, even around her large breasts and her baby bump. The velvet was so soft to brush her fingers along it, it made the tiny little thing inside her panties tingle a little as she looked upon her reflection in the mirror.... the mirror... infront of it, placed neatly to the side, was a little selection of make-up. Lip gloss, eye-liner and eyeshadow. It was just sitting there infront of her. She remembered how Jeff had mentioned before that he liked when the women of the office wore a little make-up, but just a little.

Kathy stood there a moment with a dumfounded look upon her face... and then she realised, here was a girl that wasn't sniggering or making fun of her... but seemed genuinely happy to see her. She smiled a little, although her cheeks remained red as she knelt down infront of Katie, "I've not played these for ages... ", she said, and thought the way her body felt had just come along with her improved mood.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Mon Dec 14, 2009 6:27 pm

Okay, she had to admit that the dress felt good, and it looked even better. She couldn't help but wonder just what she would look like without that belly. Even with it, she couldn't deny that she was outright attractive. Turning to the side, she couldn't help but admire the curve of her back. Emily's little moment of pride ended rather abruptly upon seeing the make-up. Not only did she know how Jeff felt about a woman and her make-up, but she knew that in any kind of social setting she would need some on. She swallowed hard and approached it like it was a viper. She took a deep breath, thanked the powers that be that Jeff didn't like excessively made up girls, and went to work as best she could.

Kneeling down, Kathy could notice that whatever height she had over the girl was waning fast. As the carpet crept up towards her, she could feel her face slimming. She wasn't quite as skinny as she was before, but she definitely felt much thinner, and it felt like things weren't quite over yet.
Katie pulled out a flat section and started building on it. "Here, you make a house, I'm going to make a school." She supplied Kathy with a similar flat section, along with a couple of blocks to start with.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Dec 14, 2009 6:35 pm

Emily would find it easy to recall the girl's Jeff had mentioned he found cute from the office, which gave her something to base her own make-up on. He tended to like the smaller, cute women, rather than the more typically sexy sort that most went went for. The more she thought about it... the more she realised that she was now in just the kind of body that Jeff appreciated. It even give her a pleasant feeling inside as she looked upon her reflection when applying it.

For Kathy, her emotions were in direction conflict. She could feel the floor creeping up, and the ten year old was clearly getting bigger too, along with her room... but she was also loosing most of that extra weight... which was a very nice feeling. She blushed, setting the flat board down, and then started to stack the bricks as she was told.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Mon Dec 14, 2009 7:46 pm

The make-up turned out not being so hard as she had originally thought. Emily didn't like having a pencil so close to her eyeball as that, but she felt a certain happiness and accomplishment as she finished. The confidence from knowing she was just Jeff's type swelled in her as she gave her face one last look over. The light red lipstick looked nice, even if it didn't taste quite right, and her eyes looked much prettier. It had taken a couple of tries, but there weren't any visible mistakes anywhere. Emily took a deep breath and adjusted her breasts in her dress to see if she could get them to be a little more pronounced.

Kathy could feel her whole body slim down a little further until she was at a healthy, trim weight. This would be an excellent thing, except for the fact that as she lost the weight, the last vestiges of her breasts lost their weight as well. Her clothing, she would find, was surprisingly small enough to fit her adequately. Sitting on her knees, she would feel quite comfy, even if Katie seems to be a little taller than her. "Hmm, use the red bricks. I have the blue bricks. Oh, and make a chimney."
"Well, you'll have plenty of time to live in a van down by the river, when you're living...in a van down by the river!" --Matt Foley, motivational speaker
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Dec 14, 2009 8:04 pm

As she finished her make-up, and looked at herself in the mirror while adjusting her dress, Emily would realise that while she didn't find herself attractive as such, she knew she was quite pretty, even sexy. The red lip gloss had a nice affect on her cute little face, and after a little tugging, she managed to have her breasts presented nicely, without looking at all... slutty. She wasn't the sort of woman Richard would have gone for, but she was attractive for sure, even with her bump. Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by a gentle knock upon the door.

Kathy was so confused. She felt a strong sense of happiness at being back to her normal weight... or atleast, what felt normal. She soon realised her breasts and hips were gone, and gasped when she saw that Katie the ten year old was now a little taller. She blushed as the girl continued to tell her what to do, but she kept doing it. Blue eyes looked down over her denim jumper and blue t-shirt, and then she risked a little peek at her underwear when she thought Katie wasn't looking..
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Mon Dec 14, 2009 8:28 pm

Emily jumped a bit at the knocking. That had to be Jeff. She had already decided that she was presentable enough, but there was one thing she had forgotten. Her hair was still in the braid Susan had made the night before. It didn't look bad, but she didn't feel right with it when she had everything else about her so formal. She bit her lip and frantically looked from the mirror to the door. "Come in and have a seat, I'll be right there!" She shut the door to her room after calling and disassembled her braid as quickly as she could. She couldn't help but think of the story of Rapunzel as she sat down with a brush and went through her extra long hair. "I just have to finish up my hair and I'll be right with you!"

Inside her shirt, Kathy didn't see any sign of undergarments. Only a flat, childish torso greeted her. Katie, meanwhile, had been playing with some of the figures. "Here, this is you." She produced a little figure with brown pigtails and a blue body. "And this is me." She held up one that was obviously supposed to be a princess. She stuck hers in front of the unfinished school. "Your house needs flowers in front, too."
"Well, you'll have plenty of time to live in a van down by the river, when you're living...in a van down by the river!" --Matt Foley, motivational speaker
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:54 am

There was the sound of the door opening, followed by the sound of Jeff's voice, "It's only me". If her confusing feelings for Jeff worried her, his voiced soothed her. It was so warm, kind and gentle. Just like her dress, and just like applying her make-up, brushing her long hair was suprisingly enjoyable, maybe the most enjoyable of all. It was so soft, and silky smooth.

Kathy looked back up to see the other blonde girl setting down the figures to represent them, and blushes a little. "Why am I the little girl?", she asked while setting the flowers out as she was told. It was so strange, she was even younger and being ordered by a ten year old, and yet she was enjoying, because she was thin again, and Katie wasn't being mean to her like the girls at school.
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Re: A Woman's Point of View

Postby muffinstud » Tue Dec 15, 2009 10:14 am

Emily couldn't help but let a large smile cross her face at the sound of Jeff's voice. Brushing her long, luxuriant hair already felt so nice, his words were just the icing on the cake. She figured she wouldn't have time to re-do the braid, so she tried something she had seen on some women with longer hair. A few outside strands on each side were wrapped around the main body at shoulder-blade level. A loose knot behind her mass of hair to make sure it wouldn't come undone, and she had a tear-drop effect pointing to her open back. Deciding that it would have to do, she nodded to herself in the mirror and stepped into a pair of black low-heeled shoes. A deep breath later she opened her door and walked out into the living room. A sudden anxiety came over her, worried about what he would think of her.

"Well, there can only be one princess." She nodded, as if her statement made all the sense in the world. "Besides, any princess needs a playmate, and you're it!" She grinned and moved her figure over to the house Kathy was building. "I think we need more flowers," she said in a silly, squeaky voice as she bobbed the figure up and down.
"Well, you'll have plenty of time to live in a van down by the river, when you're living...in a van down by the river!" --Matt Foley, motivational speaker
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