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Postby Wakestar » Sun Dec 20, 2009 4:20 am

There needs to be five of me so I can give the entire crew that made this movie 5 Stars :D

I hadn't seen any previews for the movie, and wasn't going to bother going to the theater to see it. Some of my employees said that it looked like it was for kids and yadda yadda. What sold me was it's opening night. Normally when a movie premiers I'm working. That's not the key point, it's that I'm working at a fast food restaurant next to the theaters, so we get swamped. And there was a considerable amount of people who came through saying the movie was amazing.


*Star nods* And I'd assume most of you peoples who frequent this site would enjoy it as much as I did because it involved Jack, the main character, bouncing back and fourth between being human and the alien race.

And the movie isn't for kids despite how some of it looks, a natural amount of cussing, explosions and death ensues. Pg13 nonetheless, learning of death and explosions should be healthy for a kid right? :D

Coincidentally, when the movie was over everyone in theater 7 received a free movie pass because the ac was broken ^-^ I wasn't particularly uncomfortable for the 3 hours I was in the theater, but it's nice to see a manager care about the quality of their service :)

If you have the means, go see Avatar n.n
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Re: Avatar

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Tue Dec 22, 2009 2:00 am

I've heard mixed reviews, from being totally amazing to being complete and utter crap. Personally, I'm not interested, so I'm not going with my mother and sister to see it tomorrow. I'll find out if the plot's a rehash of the same old stuff when I see it on the ol' telly.
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Re: Avatar

Postby Wakestar » Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:38 am

the plot is basically like Ferngully or however that Disney movie was spelled :3
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Re: Avatar

Postby Just some lady » Tue Dec 22, 2009 2:55 pm

...Wait, really, it is? XD

When I first saw a trailer, my first reaction was 'Wait, so it's live-action Ferngully...?'
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Re: Avatar

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Tue Dec 22, 2009 2:59 pm

My impression was that it'd be like Star Troopers. You know, going off to another world to exterminate some bugs. :P
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Re: Avatar

Postby Queen Octavia » Tue Dec 22, 2009 3:30 pm

It took them too long to introduce the air bender. I guess they're waiting until the sequel...?
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Re: Avatar

Postby Marky » Tue Dec 22, 2009 4:51 pm

I found the movie to be great, in my opinion. Then again, I'm no movie critic.
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Re: Avatar

Postby Stellar » Tue Dec 22, 2009 7:55 pm

UberLurker wrote:It took them too long to introduce the air bender. I guess they're waiting until the sequel...?

LOL XD I am looking forward to seeing The Last Air Bender though >.>
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Re: Avatar

Postby Kether » Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:17 pm

This movie hit all my wrong buttons. It first and foremost hit my big pet peeve "PRETTY MAKES UP FOR STORY" That's not an excuse, it will never be an excuse. If you don't want to tell a good story then don't Just give us 120 minutes of explosions and pretty visuals. If you try and tell a story it should be a good story.

So what did I find wrong with the story, well Its Mononoke without the Nuance. Mononoke had the humans as redeemable figures as if the concept of Native rights, ecology, and the needs of industrial society might be a COMPLEX issue where "Just give up and go home" might actually get people killed. As if we destroy the Enviroment not out of some captain planet esque villain drive but rather because we need what is there. Not this move, take that nuance, take that subtly. Its black and white about taking oil from blue skinned people.

So its already gotten off on a bad foot, but then the consistant use of "This just happens because the plot needs it" really burned me hard. So the whole movie needs the concept of Avatars. Its never explained why this is a reasonable action, except that some how a primitive society would explictly love a zombie driven by aliens to come talk to them over say talking to them in person. People suit diplomacy really really makes no sense.

This continues with "Jake needs to get lost in the Jungle... GOOD THING THEY DON'T HAVE RADIOS" or something better in 100 or so years.

Followed by "We've traveled millions of miles to this planet but will only go 200 miles to look for metal because that's required for there to be conflict between Native and Corporate Greed"

So of course we can't have any sympathy for the military or the Corporate types, so you know they have to want to.. Bolldozer heaven... that's a special piece of.. why don't they just have them eat babies at this point.

I conclude with the single most Ironic part, the story is a complete and utter hate screed towards technology... and it required whole new technology to be filmed.
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Re: Avatar

Postby Queen Octavia » Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:28 pm

I haven't been to see it yet, because of all the hype I heard was about the technology behind it.

Thankfully, I found an alternative solution of something to watch with lots of blue people, digital graphics and a questionable plot:

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