by Brnin8r » Thu Dec 24, 2009 2:15 pm
Greg began setting up the detonating cords between all the C4 bricks, "All right. After this, we'll need to do the same with whatever walls are in front of us. I'll do my best to hold whatever girls show up, back while you set up the next wall." he sighed, "I hope we'll be able to do this...if not...I can't even imagine the consequences that lie before us." he pulled out the detonator. "Are we ready?"
The driver thought the question over for a while, "I guess that's up to you, whether or not you want to kill someone who still hoped you were out here." he saluted Chris as he stepped out of the jeep and the boys sped off out of sight.
The chamber's walls gave nothing except for a berating lesson in physics, as Charlie's legs basically tried to break a concrete floor. "Don't struggle." a scientist said, "I'll only make it worse." the other scientists began shuffling around the room, hopping out of the gears and whistles and closing hatches. It seemed to take a few minutes, but eventually all the girls were a safe distance from the machine. The Hierarch stood in front of the chamber, "I shall see you tomorrow." was all she said as she whisked out of the room. The head scientist, a curvaceous girl with black hair in a bun, called her assistants to prep the machine. She adjusted her coke-bottle rim glasses as she surveyed the large room. The machine hummed to life, the cracking of electricity darting from receptors and nodes deadened anything the lab-coated scientists yelled. Within Charlie's life-size jar, the air had taken a static property. The hair on his body stood on end and it seemed that all his insides had moved closer to his skin. Despite that he couldn't see inside himself, it felt like his blood was moving faster than it should. He could feel his short hair trying to reach the top of the chamber and his skin began to tingle. If he looked into the other chamber, the girl had curled into the fetal position and tears ran down her red face. Her blonde hair, tied back into a ponytail was trying to escape its bonds as it reacted to the static. Back in Charlie's chamber, a hatch opened at the top revealing a perfectly spherical ball of steel. It slowly lowered, revealing the wires connected it to the monster machine. If it weren't for the chambers sound-dampening properties, Charlie would be able to hear the girl's crying get louder...though her face reflected the same emotion. Visible lines of lightning slithered around the ball, a high-pitched screech emanating from their movements. After a few second the lightning began to move faster. Charlie would begin to feel dizzy in combination with the opressive static air and the fact that it felt like his blood had gotten even faster and like his organs were trying to leave his body...he almost felt hollow inside. On a bright computer screen two words lit despair into Charlie's soul: SOUL EXTRACTION. He remembered the concept of an electromagnet as a little kid in school...a battery wrapped several layers of copper wire or for a more powerful magnet...smaller copper layers moving very quickly. This revalation all came very quickly and before he knew it the tesla ball's noise had reached ear piercing frequency. It didn't matter though, time seemed slow and his body almost seemed the electrified responses his body had grown up with were sluggish. He would tell his arm to move and seconds later it would respond. Before it felt like his ears were going to explode the tesla's lighning lept from it's prison and attempted, or at least it felt like it, to completely bore into Charlie's cranium. That was when things got weird, he felt as if he were velcroed to every primary, secondary, and tertiary function of his body and organs, and it felt like the velcro was slowly coming undone. Little strings of cosmic connection were slowly being ripped away. His feet went first and though it felt like he should have collapsed, his body remained upright as his shins slowly lost feeling. Soon enough he had no hope of bending his knees and after that his entire lower-half had given up on him. This horrid feeling continued until it reached his throat...he couldn't breathe...he had lost all connection to his lungs and now they had failed to work. Fear gripped him to his soulless core and he instinctively bit on his tongue but that didn't matter either soon enough, his mouth left his conciousness. All he had left was his nose, eyes and ears...but he knew it was a matter of time before they too would be destroyed. He had resigned himself to death. He couldn't breathe at all, and his hearing had left...a relief in spite of his fear. He could look from the chamber for only a second longer as his vision clicked out as if someone had turned him off with the push of a button. He was completely disembodied. No longer could he see anything, but despite his senseless existance he could feel everyone in the room. Even while it seemed like he was everywhere and nowhere he still felt himself being pulled in a direction...up. A bright feeling penetrated his soul as he 'felt' another soul brush past him. His memory was assaulted with feelings of fear, betrayal, and childish wondering. It was brief...not even a fraction of a milisecond. Soon he felt himself being pulled further and eventually heading downward. The velcro feeling returned but now it felt like he was being pressed against it. First he felt a solid surface, the ground he assumed. Soon he felt his legs...though it was as if his soul had to be stuffed into a compartment too small for it. Soon he had a torso again and his arms returned to his feeling; though again, it felt as if he didn't fit in his body. His body instinctively pulled in as much air as it could when his lungs returned. He breathed quickly and as his tongue assumed it's role he had the distinct taste in his mouth of...candy? His nose appeared and again his sense were assaulted with the light smell of perfume. Before long his eyes returned to his body and soul combination. The world was dizzy...or was it him? He couldn't tell anymore. The chamber seemed so much bigger and the girls seemed so far away now. His eyes couldn't focus on anything...the static air was still hard to be hurt more than the start now and he felt the sincere urge to cry. Like his mother was this close but wasn't holding him. He hadn't felt like this in years...and he hadn't even thought of it after the war started. The world was so big...was all he thought about...and he couldn't win. He almost didn't hear the chamber door open.
It's not about how much dough you make -- it's about how delicious a pizza you eat at the end. An ancient dA page that is thinking about standing up again someday.