Demons of Watchwood Forest-Sign Up


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Demons of Watchwood Forest-Sign Up

Postby Knight Errant » Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:09 pm

My long-delayed FFRP RP has finally arrived!

The premise (short version) is this: A small kingdom is being plagued by demons. In response the king is hosting a tournament at his castle and inviting the most skilled fighters, hunters, and mages from all corners of the world to come and fight to prove themselves worthy of being sent on the quest to free the kingdom. The king is offering rewards beyond the wildest dreams of most men to any party strong enough to prove victorious.

I'll be starting it possibly sometime tonight depending on who is interested. So give me a character sheet with the usual.

Physical Description:

Oh and will there be TG, you ask? *evil laughter* says I...

-The Watchwood Codex!-

The kingdom of Watchwood has always been known as a land of spirits. The people that live there have long learned to live with them and not against them. In each house you are likely to find a shrine set up to honor the family spirit, seen as a guardian and bringer of good luck. Of course not all spirits are benin, and more than once has a 'dark spirit' ravaged the countryside. To combat these, the kingdom once had a line of warriors known as the Soul Killer Knights who were part shaman, part soldier. But now they have been exiled from the court by the direction of the church for practicing outlawed nature magic. The church has long looked upon the actions of the people of Watchwood as blasphemy and devil worship, but the kingdom is too small and far away from the rest of the world to warrant any serious action.

Still, the line of kings has been compelled by the church to take on a member of the clergy. Officially this is to keep watch over the kingdom and keep corruption from the souls of the people. The instigation of which nearly caused a crusade to be formed by the church to cleanse Watchwood by force. But as it is there remains an uneasy truce, the church balancing its authority and the divine right it bestows to the king with the kings actual authority with the people. At this point the clergy overseeing Watchwood is Bishop Saul Claireon, who is proclaiming the current demon trouble is a sign from God that the Watchwood people are finally incurring His wrath. The current King is Arleigh IX, descended from Arleigh the Red Handed, commander of the Imperial Armies during the Unification War. His daughter is Christina, who's mother died in childbirth. And his only son, Jericho, has left the city leading their strongest warriors in a search to find an answer to their problems. But that has been three months ago, and the king worries for his life.

As of the current situation, not much has escaped to the outside world. Rumors of dark whisperings in the forests, people vanishing, and such were signs. But it wasnt until outlying settlements began to be wiped out that the situation became dire. But as it is there is a strange silence over the whole affair... but after all, Watchwood has long been a place of secrets.

The kingdom itself is, as the name would suggest, carved from the Watchwood Forest. It is the easternmost province of the New Empire, settled by veterans of the Unification War who wanted a place to live out the rest of their lives in peace and quiet. Built up around a military outpost on a cliff, which eventually became the capitol city of Overwatch, trade and travel are almost singularly done through a network of roads cut through the misty forest. Travel in the forest itself is discouraged. Mothers tell their children of the monsters lurking in the wood, and the lights that will lead the unwary off to certain death.

Travel to and from Watchwood is done from the single road leading east. Known as the Long March road, It leads directly to Overwatch, the hub of the kingdom, and from there radiates many smaller roads leading to the varied settlements cut in the wood. The city of Overwatch itself consists of the castle, which has its back to the cliff like a grizzled veteran. Underneath it a natural spring bubbles up and cascades over the cliff face. From the castle, three rings descend outward. The upmost being the Noble's District, then the Artisan's, and finally the Trade District is just inside the outer wall. And outside the last wall, farms and a few 'commoner' shantytowns dot the space cut from the wood. But for all its grandeur, its nothing but a big clearing. The outpost which became Overwatch essentially marks the spot where Imperial foresters gave up. Further east, Watchwood Forest goes on as far as the eye can see.

-The New Empire-

Started by the first emperor Jarius the First, the War of Unification was half conquest, half holy war. Jarius, with the backing of the budding Church, conquered the warring kingdoms of the land. He unified them both as a country and a faith, forming an empire that has lasted over eight hundred years to date. Watchwood is counted as a province of the Empire, and as such pays a monthly tax. In return there is a token barracks of officcial Empire soldiers stationed in Overwatch. But so far they have refused to act, saying their only orders are to protect the capitol city.

-The Church-

Formed thousands of years ago, the church has spent most of its existence in obscurity. Its tenants of only worshiping the creator God scoffed at by a people who could turn to spirits and devils readily for more direct means of worship. That all changed with Jarius. Now as the officcial belief in all of the Empire, the church has millions of followers. It also has more power than just its paladins... The scripture reads that every king of a province is granted his right to rule by God. And the church is the mediator between king and God, so the right to rule must be approved by them. The fact that the kings of Watchwood were almost willing to face excommunication and a crusade saying just how much detached the church is from the land of Watchwood. As it is, the only church in the province lies in Overwatch, under care of whichever member of the clergy is stationed to watch the kings.


Divine Magic: Bestowed directly from God to His chosen warriors, this magic is said to be fueled by Faith. Both the faith of the individual and that of the people. This also means that a few popular 'false idols' have actually been able to tap into this energy in the past... though officially it is denied by the church.

Nature Magic: This magic comes from the spirits of the elements that suffuse the land. Earth, air, fire, water, plants, animals, souls. They all have their own energies and even in some places have actual intelligent spirits attached to these elements. This type of magic used to be popular in the past, but since the rise of the church it has been branded heresy to practice it. This led to the great Witch Hunts that spread across the land, burning, crushing, or drowning all in their wake who wouldnt repent. That was over a hundred years ago, but still the only practitioners of this type of magic are hermits, shamans, and outcasts. The tradition being preserved by secret covens which were able to hide... or by magicians in far away places like Watchwood. But ever since the Clergy appeared in the castle, Nature magic there has gone underground. The last public use of which ending once the Soul Killer Knights were exiled from Overwatch.

Arcane Magic: This magic is powered by mana, which is said to be pure life force. Practitioners learn to harness their mana and draw it through a focus to form spells. This focus can be a chant, a symbol, an object, it differs depending on both the spell and the tradition. A focus is not essential, but it reduces the strain on the caster and the time it takes for the spell to be done. After much consideration, the church deemed Arcane magic non-heretical. And as such it has flourished. Across the land, great libraries, schools, towers, and learning centers were made to teach those willing and able. And of course, Empire mages do everything from levitate giant stone blocks for construction to aiding the army in times of war or unrest. But with Arcane magic, all the energy comes from within. A mage doing too much too quickly runs the risk of running dry of life energy... and then dieing. To counter this problem, mages usually try to stay fit and as healthy as possible to have the maximum mana available. Also they are able to channel mana into objects, usually a staff, for use later in the heat of battle. 'Mana' potions arent actually mana at all, but a mixture of herbs and tonics that give the body a energy boost, increasing the amount of mana available short term. They are dangerous, though... and too heavily relying on them can leave a mage dead when they wear off. A darker route, also is available. Though highly illegal, it is possible for a mage to tap into the mana of others. This has led to an uneasiness about mages, since out there are real-life 'vampires'. These killers are also hunted by the church, and are said to be all but eradicated. It is also said that only a trained Paladin stands a chance against one of these mages. All others will find themselves drained of life force until death.

The Spells!

Divine: Pure energy blasts, healing, physical and mental empowering auras, protective spells, etc.

Nature: Elemental attacks, spirit summoning, plant and animal control. Also soul manipulation in places thick with loose spirits (see: Watchwood).

Arcane: Almost every spell imaginable. The only limit is the knowledge, skill, and stamena of the caster. Mana can be changed into any form, though it loses energy when it does. So pure mana blasts (see: Magic Missile) are generally more effective than transmuting mana into an element. Of course that dosent stop some people.

All types of spells can be imbued onto weapons and armor, though Nature spells work best near their element. Also, scrolls being rather impractical to hold something as volatile as a spell, Magisters have created crystals which can hold a variety of spells. They are one-use, and break when used. In fact you break them to use them. So care is advised for a instant fireball spell. They are also rather expensive to produce.
Last edited by Knight Errant on Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest-Sign Up

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:14 pm

Are female characters allowed to join? And will the only kind of TF be TG? I don't want the story spoiled or anything, but if TG is the only sort of TFing, I probably would make a male character rather than a female ;)
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest-Sign Up

Postby Brnin8r » Tue Dec 29, 2009 4:02 pm

Character sheet with the usual in 5...4...3...2...1...

Name: Sir Trey Dendin, Knight Paladin of Duke Merdol

Age: 18

PD: Trey is just entering his prime. Standing at 6'3'' he outstands most if not all people in a room, some claim that giant's blood runs through his veins for being so tall. His long Auburn hair is tied in a tight ponytail to keep it from his eyes. While there have been more dashing fellows seen in court, his chiseled, rough features hold a special place in waiting damsel's hearts. His crystal clear emerald eyes seem to gaze at everything unknown in wonder and everything known with wise scrutiny. He is still far more naive than most experienced knights. His plating is a hand-me-down from the highest in his religious order, but his large tower shield is the first of its kind. Etched with the silvered lightning bolt of his order, and reinforced with extra steel, his bulwark of defense proves more than adequate in most situations. He isn't as fast as most, but in terms of constitution, he excels; outlasting poundings in the sparring circles and outdrinking the toughest seaman. Trey is definitely a defender of the faith.

Skills: Trey's stalwart defense is what separates him from his companions. With his bastard sword in one hand (not an easy task) and his tower shield in the other; Trey's strength is of note. Some call him crazy for his willingness to heave so much weight around but in combat it is he who remains the most defended. His tactics with his sword and shield outwit even veterans. He has devoted his entire being to fighting and defense.
Outside combat he strives to be the perfect gentleman. His words may not carry much say, but it his values of honor and justice; chivalry and fairness, that earns the admiration of the people. He remains completely honest and strives to maintaint an objective point on all things, allowing fair judgement to be administered in a pinch.

Biography: Trey started out just like any other pageboy but it was clear he had greatness in him. Being a Squire for only four years he had already proven himself able at fighting, putting his peers to shame. When he became a Knight at eighteen he was the envy of all other knights who had worked at least six years for their title. He's more than eager to prove to them he can become just as skilled. As if in reaction to his early knighting, the church had summoned him to be initiated as a holy paladin. A knight at eighteen is unheard of but a paladin any earlier than 24 was impossible. It is the church's hope that he could be molded into the perfect weapon of God's justice...and so far he has proved exceedingly proficient at heeding the church's orders.

When the new of the demonic plague had reached his city he had already equipped his armor and pleaded with Duke Merdol to allow him to embark on eradicating the unholy menace...but he was rejected. He trained himself in the sparring ring every day all day and at night he visited sages learning the demon's potential weaknesses. It was to his great joy when the King put out a decree for the most skilled fighters to assist and prove their worth. It was at this plea Trey was accepted. He would banner his Duke's cause, the cause of the church, and he would bring justice and peace to this realm. On his swift steed Artemir, he rode out to meet the King's summons.
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest-Sign Up

Postby Haylie » Tue Dec 29, 2009 4:47 pm

Let's see what'cha got. 8)

Name: Peter Blacke
Age: 19
Physical Description: (This must be fate, I swear it. :shock: )

Skills: He exceeds most men twice his age in all forms of ranged combat and stealth, able to sneak up on attack dogs and silence them before killing the master. He's also very fast and agile, with endurance to match. He's not very strong, just enough so to heft his equipment around while running at top speed uphill or while scaling a building from the ground up, but if he were to get into a melee fight, he'd be in trouble. Other than his longbow and a crossbow for when they get closer, as well as an armament's worth of arrows, he only carries a stilleto in his right boot. He also seems to have the slightest bit of sorcery under his belt, as he can charge his arrows and bolts before he fires them, but he thinks it throws off his aim and doesn't do it often.

Biography: He's the son of a blacksmith and courtisan, although he never knew his mother. He took an interest in archery when he first saw one come into his father's shop when he was six, and shot his first bullseye when he was seven. He never really led much of an exciting life, until he went to the archer's guild and rose through the ranks faster than any other student there at the time.

After that, he took a bit of sorcery from his cousin in a distant land after his father died, but soon lost interest in it. He just felt at home with his bow. He's back, seeking the riches the king offers, with a new set of leather armor, a brand new bow, and a new set of steel-tipped arrows, ready for a firefight.
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest-Sign Up

Postby Knight Errant » Tue Dec 29, 2009 7:55 pm

Ickle Harri-chan wrote:Are female characters allowed to join? And will the only kind of TF be TG? I don't want the story spoiled or anything, but if TG is the only sort of TFing, I probably would make a male character rather than a female ;)

Yes fem characters may join, no TG wont be the only TF.

Brnin8r wrote:stuff

*thumbs up*

Haylie wrote:more stuff

*thumbs up as well!*

Alright, when I started this post I was in the midst of running out to see a movie. (Avatar, I recommend it by the way. Make sure to see it in 3D.) So here is a little more info. This is just the basics anyone might know about the kingdom and its current situation.

The kingdom of Watchwood has always been known as a land of spirits. The people that live there have long learned to live with them and not against them. In each house you are likely to find a shrine set up to honor the family spirit, seen as a guardian and bringer of good luck. Of course not all spirits are benin, and more than once has a 'dark spirit' ravaged the countryside. To combat these, the kingdom once had a line of warriors who were part shaman, part soldier. But now they have been exiled from the court by the direction of the church. The church has long looked upon the actions of the people as blasphemy and devil worship, but the kingdom is too small and far away from the rest of the world to warrant any serious action.

Still, the line of kings has been compelled by the church to take on a member of the clergy. Officially this is to keep watch over the kingdom and keep corruption from the souls of the people. The instigation of which nearly caused a crusade to be formed by the church to cleanse Watchwood by force. But as it is there remains an uneasy truce, the church balancing its authority and the divine right it bestows to the king with the kings actual authority with the people. At this point the clergy overseeing Watchwood is Bishop Saul Claireon, who is proclaiming the current demon trouble is a sign from God that the Watchwood people are finally incurring His wrath. The current King is Arleigh IX, descended from Arleigh the Red Handed, commander of the Imperial Armies during the Unification War. His daughter is Christina, who's mother died in childbirth. And his only son, Jericho, has left the city leading their strongest warriors in a search to find an answer to their problems. But that has been three months ago, and the king worries for his life.

As of the current situation, not much has escaped to the outside world. Rumors of dark whisperings in the forests, people vanishing, and such were signs. But it wasnt until outlying settlements began to be wiped out that the situation became dire. But as it is there is a strange silence over the whole affair... but after all, Watchwood has long been a place of secrets.

The kingdom itself is, as the name would suggest, carved from the Watchwood Forest. It is the easternmost province of the New Empire, settled by veterans of the Unification War who wanted a place to live out the rest of their lives in peace and quiet. Built up around a military outpost on a cliff, which eventually became the capitol city of Overwatch, trade and travel are almost singularly done through a network of roads cut through the misty forest. Travel in the forest itself is discouraged. Mothers tell their children of the monsters lurking in the wood, and the lights that will lead the unwary off to certain death.

Travel to and from Watchwood is done from the single road leading east. Known as the Long March road, It leads directly to Overwatch, the hub of the kingdom, and from there radiates many smaller roads leading to the varied settlements cut in the wood. The city of Overwatch itself consists of the castle, which has its back to the cliff like a grizzled veteran. Underneath it a natural spring bubbles up and cascades over the cliff face. From the castle, three rings descend outward. The upmost being the Noble's District, then the Artisan's, and finally the Trade District is just inside the outer wall. And outside the last wall, farms and a few 'commoner' shantytowns dot the space cut from the wood. But for all its grandeur, its nothing but a big clearing. The outpost which became Overwatch essentially marks the spot where Imperial foresters gave up. Further east, Watchwood Forest goes on as far as the eye can see.

*end prologue*

Whew! Hope I didnt bore you, hehehe.
Last edited by Knight Errant on Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest-Sign Up

Postby Haylie » Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:01 pm

Interesting. Lots of hunting opportunity for Peter, assuming there's also harmless things like deer and the like in Watchwood.
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest-Sign Up

Postby Knight Errant » Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:04 pm

Well that depends on your definition of 'harmless' heheh... but you will find that out soon enough. And yes, there is a 'normal' forest ecology. Expect to see deer and squirrels... along with other things.

Oh and I added an edit, remembered I forgot the king's family. Silly me.
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest-Sign Up

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:02 pm

Name: Ginevra 'Ginny' Swann

Age: 26

Physical Description: She's pretty tall for a woman, although not really 'big'. Her frame is kind of skinny, and certainly doesn't look strong enough for any kind of plate armour. It's a good thing then, that she doesn't wear that anymore. These days, she's normally clothed in a long dress with an apron tied over the top of it, her pale blonde hair tied back in a simple ponytail, although she spends enough time outside for her skin to have a health-looking tan to it.

Skills: Although it's been some time since she called upon them, Ginny was once a promising Priestess. She could both heal allies and smite enemies by calling upon the holy magic. More than that, she called upon the light to allow her to wear the heavy armour, hulking shield and giant sword of a Knight, becoming a Holy Warrior, a Paladin.


She grew up in a city Tavern, adopted by the elderly couple than ran it, but they passed away with her still in her early teens. The ownership of it passed onto her, but she was too young to run such a place, and over the years, several people took on the joint job of managing the tavern and watching over Ginny, but everyone left eventually.

She fell in love with a boy, but despite showing every sign he wanted to return her love, he'd always refuse just when she was about to get her first kiss. For years he came and went from the Tavern, until eventually she followed him one day, her heart breaking when she saw he was living with a woman, who was pregnant with his child. An emotional mess, the teenager returned to the tavern late that night, and, as she'd seen so many adults do, drowned her sorrows with alcohol.

The next morning, when she woke, she was not in the Tavern, but sprawled upon the steps of a church, her head throbbing, and still sick to her stomach. Taken in by the Priestesses, she was healed, washed and clothed. Seeing the powers these women had... she remained there, living with them and learning from them, walking the path to becoming a Priestess herself. Although fed up of being taken advantage of and abandoned as a teenager, a far from innocent plan began to form in the girl's head.

Many years into her life at the church, she convinced the High Priestess to let her take on a mission, to take other women and gold across the countryside, to convert new people to the worship of their Goddess. Having learned that all Gods and Goddesses gain their power from prayer, she began to spread the word of a new Goddess, even building a church in her name. In truth, that Goddess had been created in Ginny's image, a hooded, winged figure, who's face was always concealed.

Growing stronger from the prayers of the poor people she had deceived, allowed Ginny to wield weapons and armour that her skinny frame should never have been able to. She blessed her Priestesses with the same powers, converting them into Holy Warriors. As their power increased, they were able to spread their influence further and further.

Eventually, they began to clash with people that worshipped other spirits, and it was in one such a battle that she met him again. The boy from her past. The one she'd loved, the one that had hurt her so much. They fought fiercely, the advantage moving back and forth between them, until neither could stand, and they collapsed into eachother's arms... and made love.

The next morning, the boy was gone again. A vital part of his people's forces, they soon crumbled without him, and Ginny's followers welcomed those who surrendered into her ranks. A couple of months later, Ginny found she was pregnant, and was forced to abandon the battles. Her child was born in the winter, and she withdrew from all her duties soon after.

The people still unknowingly pray to her, letting her call upon that holy power, although she rarely does. Now she lives upon a farm, raising her daughter who is now almost three years old... although the rumours or recent troubles with demons has caused her to wonder if she'd still fit in that suit of armour...
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest-Sign Up

Postby Knight Errant » Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:15 pm

So... I take it Ginny lives in Watchwood, then? *ponders*
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest-Sign Up

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:21 pm

Mm... yes! Not in the city. Well, not in terms of her background, but obviously she could have traveled to the city in time for the start of the RP, but it's not her home.
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest-Sign Up

Postby Stray-chan » Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:39 pm

Interesting. How does magic work in this setting?
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest-Sign Up

Postby Marky » Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:06 pm

Interesting, KE. Hmm...I might join, not sure. Got to have time to sit down and see if I can think of a character, which may not come for another 24 hours, at least.
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest-Sign Up

Postby Haylie » Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:01 pm

Hmmm... perhaps Peter should run across her while out hunting...?
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest-Sign Up

Postby Knight Errant » Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:45 pm

Stray-chan wrote:Interesting. How does magic work in this setting?

Ask a simple question, and you get...

Divine Magic: Bestowed directly from God to His chosen warriors, this magic is said to be fueled by Faith. Both the faith of the individual and that of the people. This also means that a few popular 'false idols' have actually been able to tap into this energy in the past... though officially it is denied by the church.

Nature Magic: This magic comes from the spirits of the elements that suffuse the land. Earth, air, fire, water, plants, animals, souls. They all have their own energies and even in some places have actual intelligent spirits attached to these elements. This type of magic used to be popular in the past, but since the rise of the church it has been branded heresy to practice it. This led to the great Witch Hunts that spread across the land, burning, crushing, or drowning all in their wake who wouldnt repent. That was over a hundred years ago, but still the only practitioners of this type of magic are hermits, shamans, and outcasts. The tradition being preserved by secret covens which were able to hide... or by magicians in far away places like Watchwood. But ever since the Clergy appeared in the castle, Nature magic there has gone underground. The last public use of which ending once the Soul Killer Knights were exiled from Overwatch.

Arcane Magic: This magic is powered by mana, which is said to be pure life force. Practitioners learn to harness their mana and draw it through a focus to form spells. This focus can be a chant, a symbol, an object, it differs depending on both the spell and the tradition. A focus is not essential, but it reduces the strain on the caster and the time it takes for the spell to be done. After much consideration, the church deemed Arcane magic non-heretical. And as such it has flourished. Across the land, great libraries, schools, towers, and learning centers were made to teach those willing and able. And of course, Empire mages do everything from levitate giant stone blocks for construction to aiding the army in times of war or unrest. But with Arcane magic, all the energy comes from within. A mage doing too much too quickly runs the risk of running dry of life energy... and then dieing. To counter this problem, mages usually try to stay fit and as healthy as possible to have the maximum mana available. Also they are able to channel mana into objects, usually a staff, for use later in the heat of battle. 'Mana' potions arent actually mana at all, but a mixture of herbs and tonics that give the body a energy boost, increasing the amount of mana available short term. They are dangerous, though... and too heavily relying on them can leave a mage dead when they wear off. A darker route, also is available. Though highly illegal, it is possible for a mage to tap into the mana of others. This has led to an uneasiness about mages, since out there are real-life 'vampires'. These killers are also hunted by the church, and are said to be all but eradicated. It is also said that only a trained Paladin stands a chance against one of these mages. All others will find themselves drained of life force until death.

The Spells!

Divine: Pure energy blasts, healing, physical and mental empowering auras, protective spells, etc.

Nature: Elemental attacks, spirit summoning, plant and animal control. Also soul manipulation in places thick with loose spirits (see: Watchwood).

Arcane: Almost every spell imaginable. The only limit is the knowledge, skill, and stamena of the caster. Mana can be changed into any form, though it loses energy when it does. So pure mana blasts (see: Magic Missile) are generally more effective than transmuting mana into an element. Of course that dosent stop some people.

All types of spells can be imbued onto weapons and armor, though Nature spells work best near their element. Also, scrolls being rather impractical to hold something as volatile as a spell, Magisters have created crystals which can hold a variety of spells. They are one-use, and break when used. In fact you break them to use them. So care is advised for a instant fireball spell. They are also rather expensive to produce.

... a simple answer! Wait... *glances up* ah, who wants a simple answer anyway?

Marky wrote:Interesting, KE. Hmm...I might join, not sure. Got to have time to sit down and see if I can think of a character, which may not come for another 24 hours, at least.

Go ahead! Probably wont start it for a bit anyway.

Oh, in case your all wondering... yes I am mainly making most of this up as I go along. Its fun. Oh! And I am thinking of making a separate thread... maybe a Watchwood Codex. Or just editing the first post of this thread alot. What do ya think?
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest-Sign Up

Postby Haylie » Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:05 am

That'd be up to you, buddy.

Question: So would Peter be mostly using Nature with his charged arrows, or Arcane magic? I could easily connect it to both.
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