by Zilla » Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:03 pm
I really want to read this thread, as it's of interest to me as a game designer. I should say, in my experience, fun is far more important than rules, if you want to put the two on a dichotomy.
I do think it's kind of strange to compare fun and rules though. Well designed rules are not supposed to get in the way of fun. The point of rules is to facilitate having fun, and they should be at odds as little as possible.
That said, when they butt heads, fun should ALWAYS triumph.
I just had to quit a D&D group because the DM didn't really understand this, and we kept getting into quarrels over rules...
In general, I don't like D&D 3, 3.5, or 4. They are far too mechanical and rules-centered for my taste.
My favorite system so far is GURPS, because of how organic it is. It really lets me get into my character, and it's not obvious what the right choices are in any scenario. D&D, to me, felt too much about how you rolled, rather than what you attempt to do, and to me, just rolling dice to try to beat the odds isn't fun... >_>
I think I have a lot of nods of agreement when I say that I play roleplaying for the roleplay part, and not the combat and skills part. I don't want to be the hero all the time (sometimes hero characters are fun, but for me, I'd rather play a character with weaknesses, with flaws). In fact, when my friend made a GURPS campaign, he gave us 200 points to build a character, and I didn't know what to do with 50 of them. I felt like my character was totally complete after 150 points, and that I didn't want to increase her skills any more because then she'd be too good at something, and I didn't want her to be an elite anything. I wanted her to be able to fail.
And when I fail, I have fun doing it! I love adapting to change!! I love it when I fail something but I can try something else, or even if I really fail, it makes the game really interesting! That's one thing I hate about D&D too, the consequences of any conflict are either you totally win, or you totally lose... The DM constantly has to fudge rolls so the players stay interested, and so that the story goes according to plan. I hate that... >_>
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