by Brnin8r » Sun Jan 10, 2010 7:06 pm
The sound of tapping penmanship sounded into her ears as the doctor finished her notes. All of a sudden, the visor was taken off. The exam light seemed far brighter than it was when she came in. "Congratulations. You're a perfectly normal product of the soul swap. Now." she said as she sat Charlotte up, "I'm going to tell you things that might sound like big words," her voice had taken on a slight cutesy accent to it. "but I have to record my findings with you in the room." she whipped out a small recording device, "Subject is a perfect patient whose ectoplasmic yield is far less than projected. Her personality post-swap seems relatively constructed on her previous masculine identity. It appears the initial chemical rehabilitation has had a severe effect on her cognitive observations. It's been proven that boys see the castle, the man, and the factory; most girls see the sandbox as a whole, the mother, and the tollbooth. But the new Charlotte's case proves yet again that an age differential affects interests. While Chris remains the foundation of the soul, the girl specimen's eleven year old hobbies have seemed to transparently overlay Charlotte's subconcious. Recommend one more dose for a permanent product." she clicked the recorder off, "I'm sorry if that sounded boring. But now you're done!" she said, "Now eat these two pills quickly and you'll be back in your room!"
It's not about how much dough you make -- it's about how delicious a pizza you eat at the end. An ancient dA page that is thinking about standing up again someday.