by Harri-chan » Thu Jan 14, 2010 4:10 pm
Charlotte darted back and forth, trying to squeeze passed the other girl, but each time, the teenager got close enough to make her step back, not enough room to get passed without risking a possibly fatal blow from the fire extinguisher. A cry left her lips as the tank was raised high above the girl's head, and even now, she felt so humiliated at what a terrified cry it sounded, like a scared little girl. Her small hands lifted up, a pathetic attempt to block the block, and she squeezed her eyes shut tight.
When it failed to come, she opened one eye just slightly, just in time to see the sneering hatred on the teenager's face. She'd not even killed this girl's sister, but the look sent a chill through her, and made her stomach churn. She knew there were girls that would mercilessly tease her, but this was far worse, the hatred some of them had for her. She watched the girl collapse to the floor, and then lifted her head to see Mary Anne stood there with the gun, and her heart skipped a beat. Jumping over the fallen girl, she rushed to the maid, throwing her skinny arms around her, and burying her face in the girl's frilly dress, clinging to her as the girls in uniform brushed passed.
"I didn't do it... ", she whispered, "I didn't kill her sister... ". She lifted her head just a little, looking up at Mary Anne, and then glancing back, watching the other girls dragging the scientist out, giving a slight nod at the mention of getting out of there. Reluctantly, she lets go of Mary Anne's dress, and instead reaches to hold the girl's hand....