by Harri-chan » Sun Jan 17, 2010 3:16 pm
Her eyes widen a little as Mary Anne kneels down, and she studied the girl's face as she helped her remove the pink bow from her hair, and for a moment, she looked down at it on the floor beside her feet, before she bent, picking it back up, and handed it to the older girl, and took the band instead. "My sister used to wear these... ", she said, wincing a little as she brought it closer to her face, careful to avoid poking herself in the face, and hooked it behind her ears, then pulled it up, sweeping her blonde hair back from her face as she gently settled it in place.
A shiver went down her spine. This was all so... girly. She didn't want to risk upsetting Mary Anne though, not after all the teenage girl had done for her already. Her nose wrinkled at the mention of salad... she used to eat those quite a bit, but the thought of it now just seemed so bland. After everything she'd been through, she deserved better than just a salad.
"What about chicken nuggets? Those are easy... right?", she asked, peering hopefully at the maid, and then blushed.