by Harri-chan » Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:27 pm
Charlotte's blue eyes looked over each obstacle as the coach went over what would be expected of her, a nervous, heavy feeling spreading through her stomach. She did glance back up at the girl when the name Chris was mentioned, and gave her own nose a little wrinkle, a genuine emotion. Chris had got her into a lot of trouble, and she'd never even met the guy. Back to the course, and she could feel her knees shaking a little. It was all things she'd done before, and she was certain that if she was a bit more used to this body, she'd do fairly well, but she'd not even had two full days to adjust yet, she didn't know her limits.
But then again, she didn't know wether she should even be aiming to do well. Without any idea what decisions the girls would make based on the results, she could just end up making life harder for herself by doing too well... but on the other hand, if she did bad, she might be thought of as a failed experiment and tossed aside like ones before her. She started to stretch a little, blushing as it made her more aware of her smaller body, the way the capris pulled across her girlish legs and the front of her crotch when she bent forward, the way her blonde hair tumbling down passed the head band when she touched her toes.
For a moment, she seemed to pause, bent right over, her small palms pressed flat to the floor, with her head between her legs, gazing back towards the changing room, before she stood up straight again, pulling her t-shirt slightly. This body sure was agile, and seemed quite fit too. Not fit in the way her old one had, but the little girl must have been quite active. Drawing a few deep breaths, she nodded her head, and waited for an indication to start before she sprinted off the spot as fast as she could, almost throwing herself onto the rope net. Up she went, and the new body felt more natural than she was expecting, scrambling up the face of it and crawling onto the platform at the top where she climbed to her feet and ran across to the monkey bars.
Jumping up, she grabbed onto the bar and swung forward, her t-shirt rising up over her tummy slightly, and her blue eyes widened as she found her arms were not as strong as she'd thought they were, and she very nearly slipped right off, but clenched her teeth. Her body was light, she just needed to adjust the way she was doing things. Swinging her legs forward, she twisted her hips a little too, letting go with one hand and reaching out for the next bar, grasping onto it and then letting go with the other hand to swing forward. After quite an awkward time on the first few bars, she soon got into a rhythm, and swung from the last bar, bending her feet slightly as she landed on both feet infront of the tire course, blonde hair fluttering behind her.