by Brnin8r » Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:20 am
Greg smirked, old memories welling up inside him, "I'm sure they would..." he half mumbled. He struggled to get up, groaning in pain, "I do have a van...though it's kind of old and beat up. But if we're headed back, I need a shave..." he eventually made it up and walked the short distance to the single restroom.
No hybrid bats an eye at his departure. It was a long and lonesome road on his way to the girl's base. As he approached the headquarters, he would be a little uneasy by how silent everything could hear the occasional wildlife...but there was absolutely no noise from industry. The large buildings seemed like their off switch had been flipped; no lights, no noise, if he didn't know any better they were in a lockdown. All windows and doors had been covered by blunt plates of metal.
After a long while of waiting, Mary Anne stepped from the closet; a completely different woman almost. Her hair had been taken out of its style, her aberrantly long hair cascaded down her front and back and her makeup had been completely cleaned off, revealing a naturally beautiful face. Her soft features without makeup seemed almost prettier. She wore a modest set of purple pajamas, fairies danced on her top and bottom, the drawstring on her waist peeking out from under the long shirt. She wore no heels and no socks. She smiled a little before jumping playfully onto the bed, "You're actually in one of the more important bases, one of the Hierarch's safe havens. And we don't have helicopters here, we specialize in land vehicles here: tanks, jeeps, motorcycles, and experimental vehicles as well. Some of the bases up north focus on air assaults and we occasionally ask them to send an air unit to help support us.
It's not about how much dough you make -- it's about how delicious a pizza you eat at the end. An ancient dA page that is thinking about standing up again someday.