[FFRP] The Bimbo Virus!


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Re: The Bimbo Virus!

Postby Maiden Miki » Sat Feb 13, 2010 1:36 am

Brnin8r wrote:
After a thorough inspection of the house, Micheal would find food in the fridge and cupboards, moldy bread on the counter, a bed for the night, and tucked away in the closet a Desert Eagle pistol, it only held seven bullets at a time but boy did it look like it could pack a punch.

Micheal was a bit relief. The house did have a lot of comforts and was a nice hide away. So far there didn't seem to be much trouble. He saw the gun and knew it would be useful. He was going have to limit himself on using it since it only held little. Still he put it into his coat and place the food he had gotten on the kitchen counter.

Micheal eventually made it to the bed and took off his coat. He looked at the shoulder and inspected it once again. The pain seem to have died down but he knew that couldn't be good.
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Re: The Bimbo Virus!

Postby Zoey » Sat Feb 13, 2010 10:32 pm

Caine looked around and tried to go for the closest car to check if it was worthy of being taken.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
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Re: The Bimbo Virus!

Postby Baku Genkaku » Sun Feb 14, 2010 7:24 pm

Chris picks the chainsaw up and pours the fuel into it, and then tries to start it
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Re: The Bimbo Virus!

Postby Brnin8r » Mon Feb 15, 2010 12:17 pm

Karen's determined efforts worked like clockwork. The first two looked down at themselves bewildered as blood poured from their chest and they themselves to their knees. The third that had sought to overcome the schoolgirl had her brain blown out the back.


The fuel worked and the chainsaw hummed to life! The noise echoed throughout the mall and was almost immediately responded to by a low, sultry moan that had as much volume as the chainsaw.


A bimbo fell to Rick's gunshots while the others continued to charge, about fifteen feet away now.


Yugi shrugged, "All I know is the funhouse gets more confusing the further you get in" he takes the walkie talkie and switches it to channel 5, "Are you going down the slide and I'm going down the pole or is this just in case we get separated?"


The room was pitch black as Richard and Shaun hesitantly entered. The girl on the ground sat in a slumped over manner off to the side blocked a little by a protruding washer. From what the boys could see her hands clutching were her head. Her loud sobs matched her bobbing shoulders. As the light passed her she looked up, the sobbing stopping a moment before starting up again. "Hey are you all right little girl?" he shone his light directly on the girl. She looked up and the two boys got a better look at her. Her face was heavily made up with black and streaked with mascara as highways of tears. Her pouty black lips and sultry eyes looked at the two boys in anger. Her bust pressed tightly against the gothy halter corset that held her waist in smaller than physically possible. The defining feature though was her incredibly long nails, black and sharpened. Shaun held the light on her, almost stunned by the vision of sobbing beauty. "Zombies don't cry...do they?" he asked. As if in answer, the zombimbo jumped to her feet with incredible agility and charged Shaun. He barely had enough time to drop the light and begin firing his magnum. He backed up as staggeringly as he could muster.


Micheal's muscles had decreased significantly in his arm, which now looked completely changed. His arm was hairless as well as his chest, which seemed just slightly bigger. In the rush of survival he hadn't noticed that his shirt sleeve had now been completely turned into what looked like a poofy blouse sleeve that went down his arm, making his shirt look rather odd. His fingernails were perfectly manicured and had grown about a centimeter


(Caine eh?) The closest car worked!! After a little hot wiring the car roared to life! Things started looking up!
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Re: The Bimbo Virus!

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Feb 15, 2010 12:26 pm

The teenager looked almost possessed. She'd lost her Father, and her two best friends, the few people that had mattered to her. She had nothing to lose anymore, just a thirst for revenge. Her blonde pigtails danced across her back as she spun after watching the bimbo's head explode. Her chest rose and fell with deep breaths beneath her uniform, and she climbed up onto the front of a bumper car to gain an extra couple of feet as she looked over at the remaining five women.
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Re: The Bimbo Virus!

Postby Maiden Miki » Mon Feb 15, 2010 2:49 pm

Brnin8r wrote:
Micheal's muscles had decreased significantly in his arm, which now looked completely changed. His arm was hairless as well as his chest, which seemed just slightly bigger. In the rush of survival he hadn't noticed that his shirt sleeve had now been completely turned into what looked like a poofy blouse sleeve that went down his arm, making his shirt look rather odd. His fingernails were perfectly manicured and had grown about a centimeter

Micheal looked at the jacket that he was wearing before and could see how he wouldn't have notice his sleeve or his hand being changed. He cursed under his breath as he tried to figure something out.

"How much more time do I have left?' said Micheal as he tried to figure something out. He knew the countdown was on him now. He could either try to find a way to reverse this or let it take his body over. He tried to think back to see what time he had decided to raid the store and now. He pulled out a small watch and saw the time and tried to figure it out. Still Micheal looked at his nicely manicured hands and chest to feel disgust running up his throat.
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Re: The Bimbo Virus!

Postby Zoey » Mon Feb 15, 2010 9:29 pm


Matt hopped into the car and road into the hospital garage with a smile as big as a mountain. He turned off the car and placed his food supply into the trunk. All he needed now was some basic supplies from the hospital, like bed sheets and first aid supplies. Then he would need some cans of fuel. If this car started then that means the others could and have some fuel in them. Matt knew a car was usless without fuel, but first he ventured back into the hospital. Hopefully to find what he needed.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: The Bimbo Virus!

Postby Roggamer22 » Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:09 am

"Why do these things run so fast!?" Rick runs as fast as he can, shooting behind him and looking for a better way to escape.
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Re: The Bimbo Virus!

Postby Baku Genkaku » Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:39 am

"Crap", he mutters as he moves toward the lock on the gate. "Take it out!" he yells at his companion and gets to work on it with the saw.
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Re: The Bimbo Virus!

Postby Kris_Roth » Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:53 am

Lt. Harris nods, "Be careful out there, friend...if you find that girl before those things do, let me know. I hope we have enough bullets to take these creatures out before they do." He said the words "creatures" and "things" in a tone of digust, as the zombie bimbos were no longer human, but mindless monsters whose sole purpose was to transform others into their own kind. "See you on the other side. Call me if you need me. Meet at the bumper cars if we get lost."
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Re: The Bimbo Virus!

Postby Knight Errant » Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:12 pm

Jack nods, scanning the darkness with his shotgun-light. "Get that thing open, I'll watch your back."

Richard acted on instinct. As the bimbo charged Shaun he drew his saber, stepping in front of the charging girl and stabbing out... letting her impail her heart on his sword.
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Re: The Bimbo Virus!

Postby Brnin8r » Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:45 pm

The other five paid no attention to their fallen sisters, their enormous cleavage bouncing as they continued to scramble toward the crazy schoolgirl. A particularly transformed bimbo looked almost like what Karen MAY look like should they win over her. Her school uniform was far more skimpy and her body more generously proportioned though as the zombie reached out to grab the normal girl.


Micheal would find no answer to his questions. A quick guesstimation could tell he maybe had another 18 hours...so maybe around noon the next day.


There were several places to find what Matt needed, except for gas cans. The car was at about a 1/4 tank so he'd have SOME to get him places. The bedsheets and first aid was easy to find everywhere and through further searching he found himself a couple bottles of pain killers and three syringes of adrenaline.


Only the cooing moans of the bimbos answered his screaming question as he sprinted away. His lucky gunshots took another bimbo out, though it didn't stop the others. As he ran down the street there were several stores: a brake/tire outlet, a candy store, and a puzzles and hobbies store.


The moaning grew louder as dozens of zombies began to ascend the broken escalators. A sea of blonde, brunette's, and redheads of the most sexy caliber (besides the blood on their hands) began charging the two boys. The whirring of the chainsaw plus the grinding of the metal gate only spurred them to action further. The noise of gurgling could be heard over the moaning and Jack knew exactly what it meant.


Yugi clutched his pistol and walkie-talkie tight. "Yes sir." he nodded and with his flashlight on, he looked down the hole. It didn't look like there were any bimbos. Taking a deep breath, he grabbed the pole and descended into the dimly lit darkness.


The screaming girl slashed at Shaun, who quickly dropped to the floor stunned. He couldn't stand up though he continued to fire at the ravenous girl. Her glowing red eyes stared at the prone boy as she pushed through onto Richard's sword. With unearthly strength she pushed herself hard enough to slice the sword out of her, consequently spraying Richard...which if she could think about it wasn't a smart idea. Blood soaked her gothy dress and she screamed as she fell to the ground unmoving. Shaun clutched his chest as he reloaded and fired another six shots at the dead zombie. "Die you stupid bitch!!!"
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Re: The Bimbo Virus!

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:51 pm

The fact the Bimbo wore school uniform wasn't lost on Karen, who's nose wrinkled in disgust as the woman got closer with her breasts almost bursting from the blouse, "Oh no you don't!", she yelled as it grabbed her skirt, pulling it away from her thighs. Knowing her bullets couldn't last forever, she twisted slightly, swinging her opposite leg upwards and around, kicking out with a foot at the side of the Bimbo's head, her skirt swishing up to reveal her white cotton panties, the extra height she had from standing on the bumper car hopefully enough for her to be able to reach....
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Re: The Bimbo Virus!

Postby Knight Errant » Tue Feb 16, 2010 3:09 pm

((yay crescendo moment!))

Jack grits his teeth. "Hell this is going to be rough..." He takes another perfume bottle, hurling it as far as he can. He then begins firing into the oncoming horde, watching out for the bimbo he had seen before...

Richard spits, cursing at the fountain of blood sprayed on him. Looking over. "She is DEAD! Dont waste your ammo."

He wipes off his face with a hankerchief, picking up and cleaning off his bloody sword. Sheathing it, then helping Shaun to his feet. "Lets get going... I hope your not too bloodied to travel."
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Re: The Bimbo Virus!

Postby Brnin8r » Tue Feb 16, 2010 3:21 pm

Karen's kick made solid contact to the school-bimbo's head and she stumbled swiftly sideways falling to the ground, though it didn't kill her and she began to struggle back up. The kick though put her off balance on the bumper car forcing her to either lose her high ground or collapse back into the car seat.


Shaun breathed heavily, his chest had three blackened slashes from left to right. He nodded, "Thanks...I should be fine, just let me heal." he took his first aid kit and began patching himself up. Once he was sufficiently bandaged he breathed again and reloaded. After making sure he was ok he glanced to Richard, "You've got red on you."
(HAAA!!! Holy crap...this WHOLE roleplay has built up to that one quote...gah I could stop right now and be happy. Score.)
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