Dungeons and Dragons Online

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Dungeons and Dragons Online

Postby Kris_Roth » Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:11 pm

I now have DDO, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Ebberon, Unlimited. I think you can play for free.

I went to http://www.ddo.com, and followed the instructions.

I will be on the Orien server on this MMOrpg.

Also, I have Titan Quest, all the Dungeon Siege games (DS1, DS: Legends of Aranna, DS2, and DS2: broken World.

City of Heroes/Villains.
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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Online

Postby muffinstud » Sun Feb 14, 2010 7:50 pm

Just curious Kris, which Dungeon Siege did you prefer? I've got both, and I personally tend to play the first one (and LOA) a lot more often.

Be kinda nice to finally play some multiplayer for once...
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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Online

Postby Kris_Roth » Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:22 am

I liked the original and the Legends of Aranna, and then Dungeon Siege 2 came out, where you start as a mercenary in Valdis, the main villain's army, and then realize Valdis used you and your elven friend, Drevin, to secure a powerful Aegis artifact, known as the Aegis of Life at the Temple of the Coast. You get captured by Dryads, female tree-dwellers who can do nature magic or ranged weapons (bows).

Then came the expansion, Broken World, which takes place after your party defeats Valdis. You gather the 4 pieces of the Aegis artifacts, and convince the giants who made the Shield of Azunai to use Drevin's medallion to re-forge the shield, then confront Valdis at Zaramoth's Horns (Valdis's fortress HQ). The azunite scholar is in fact the dark wizard, who tricks you into giving him the shield of Azunai. When the Sword of Zaramoth, wielded by Valdis, and the Shield of Azunai the Defender meet again, it causes the end of the age, and a beginning of a new one in Broken world, where you track down the Dark Wizard, who has upsurped Valdis as the main villain.

Yeah, I play LOA and original DS, as well as a little Dungeon Siege 2.
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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Online

Postby Roggamer22 » Fri Feb 19, 2010 3:36 pm

I'm still deciding on whether I should get DDO or not.
Is it any good?
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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Online

Postby Kris_Roth » Fri Feb 19, 2010 6:18 pm

It's decent, but I play World of Warcraft more, since the character classes are well-defined, and I have all three (WoW vanilla, the first WoW), then I have Burning Crusade, which allows you to play Draenei (Alliance) or Blood Elves (Horde), and the all new Wrath of the Lich King, which allows players of higher levels to confront Arthas, the current Lich King.

Arthas was a human palladin who lived in Lorderaron, the prince of the King there. When the evl Scourge (undead) plague spread through Lorderaron, Arthas was dispatched with Lady Sylvannas Windrunner to take care of the Threat. Somehow, Arthas gained the dark power of Frostmourne, his sword, and it possessed him. Arthas destroyed the Scourge and came to Lorderaron a hero. He then killed his own father, and if you are ever in Undercity, current home of the Forsaken (playable undead in WoW), head to the throne room, where you can actually hear Arthas and his father talk, and Arthas says his final words to his dad before he kills him "Succeeding you, father.."
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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Online

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Feb 19, 2010 6:31 pm

The Paladins vs Death Knights including Arthas is my favourite part of the entire WoW Lore (I have an 80 Paladin, 80 Death Knight, 80 Priest), which is why I think personally, it's peaked for me with Wrath. Arthas' horse, Invicible, was buried at a farm near Undercity, but just before Wrath, the grave was dug up :o
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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Online

Postby Kris_Roth » Sat Feb 20, 2010 10:51 am

I have a dwarf Paladin named Moljin (level 25) on Sisters of Elune, and an undead priestess named Curix (level 11) on Wyrmrest accord, as well as an Orc Shaman named Kroma (level 23), on Wyrmrest accord. I also have an Orc Warlock named Ikanti.

I don't play DDO much, as my computer has trouble with the game. WoW is easier to play, and I can always find a Pick up group for dungeons and questing.

Let me know which server you play on and what faction you are, so I can create a character and play along.
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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Online

Postby Harri-chan » Sat Feb 20, 2010 10:54 am

Unfortunately you can't play on European servers from North America, nor the other way around.
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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Online

Postby Kris_Roth » Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:46 am

It's okay. I've made some new characters for WoW, and I have checked out the free Lord of the rings play from time to time. Dungeons and dragons online is free to play (download the game client off their website, and you can play an elf, dwarf, human, or halfling, or later on, you can buy a warforged, or drow with ddo points you earn in-game.

But, I like the World of Warcraft better, as I like to make my own gear and sell it to others, as well as trade with other players, and explore all the cool areas of the different lands. That's why I choose a different race and class to explore each starting area.

I did see the Night elf Mohawk (Mr. T's new WoW commercial) in-game. he gives out the Mohawk grenades. They are at the 1st town starting areas in game, and you pick up 5 mohawk grenades. Throw them at players to pity some fools that don't believe in the Night Elf Mohawk!

I play Kowsi, my Tauren shaman on Wyrmrest accord, as well as Curix, the Undead Priestess, the Orc warlock girl, Ikanti, and the Orc shaman, Kroma.

Ikanti has leveled up to level 22 from a weak 18. I got her better gear and some new rings and a bronze torc from a Jewelcrafter friend. Yes, you can mine and jewelcraft in World of Warcraft. The Draenaei have a special racial bonus for Jewelcrafting. Ikanti does Tailoring and Enchanting and has a cool Felsteed mount.
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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Online

Postby Albedo » Thu Jun 03, 2010 4:33 pm

I'm taking a risk by delivering this name here.
But I got Eraztor. Level 73 technically retired Troll Shaman on Farstrider's.

Gonna be rolling a worgen hunter or druid come cataclysm on Moon Guard (friend plays ally on it)
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