Official Departure Thread Mk Awesome (IV)

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Re: Official Departure Thread Mk Awesome (IV)

Postby Just some lady » Fri Jan 29, 2010 12:58 pm

@___@ Yeesh.

Well. It would probably take you too long to bother loading this page to read this, but well, see you~! I hope wherever you are that has no good internet is fun. ^^

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Re: Official Departure Thread Mk Awesome (IV)

Postby Blaze » Sun Feb 21, 2010 9:49 pm

Sorry for the drop in posting and quality of any posts I did make over the last few days guys. A three day trip to university then a couple of days to get access to the internet.
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Re: Official Departure Thread Mk Awesome (IV)

Postby Rodney » Tue Feb 23, 2010 12:28 pm

Feeling a bit tired... I'll catch up some Zzz in the next 24 hours.
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Re: Official Departure Thread Mk Awesome (IV)

Postby Helel » Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:03 am

I'm going down to Florida for the weekend, so I'm going to be scarce for the majority of the weekend and not be too active.

Interviews and papers are fun.
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Re: Official Departure Thread Mk Awesome (IV)

Postby Rowan » Sat Feb 27, 2010 9:44 pm

I'm taking a break from MSF. I don't know for how long.

Anyone wishing to keep in contact with me: That's also the email address tied to my Windows Live Messenger account.

Consider this my resignation from the Council as well. Seeing as how the term is almost over I see no need to wait.

Anyone wishing to PM me or Reply to this post, email me instead. Be sure to include your MSF Name in the subject so I know who its from.

I'll be back at some point. Players in my Wednesday night roleplaying game, the game will not be discontinued. I expect you to show up every week as usual.

Again, that's

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Re: Official Departure Thread Mk Awesome (IV)

Postby Helel » Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:39 pm

Oh hey, and now I'm back.

Still got papers to finish up, but the interviews went well. Ish.

Time will tell. ^_^
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Re: Official Departure Thread Mk Awesome (IV)

Postby Marky » Tue Mar 02, 2010 7:20 pm

Right now, I'm just utterly blah, being reminded of my past failure of a thread with my most recent failure, in just four total threads made. Nothing can ever seem to go right with me when I make my own threads, apparently. And, right now, I'm just too blah to even post. I might feel better later tonight...not sure. Either way, I was going to post one of these sometime soon, with my schedule coming up.

Today and tomorrow...especially tomorrow, since it looks like I'm not going to feel up to working on my homework, I've got an assignment due Thursday afternoon, and then homework due later that night, that might take up a good bit of my time until I'm done with them. Then, after that, I need to clean up my room and such since my grandmother decided to be a passenger with my dad when he comes to pick me up Saturday, to head back home.

That also means that Saturday, leading into Sunday, I more than likely won't be online much, if any. Next week, spring break, is up in the air. Then the Saturday after that, I'm more than likely heading back to college and re-settling back in on Sunday. Just letting everyone know. I'll try not to drop off the face of the earth, but, I won't make any guarantees, especially with my current mood.
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Re: Official Departure Thread Mk Awesome (IV)

Postby AmbushCat » Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:31 pm

This isn't really a "departure", per se, but once the elections in the Muffin Room are over with, I'm going to take a vacation from the forums. With work, Fukufics, a certain game-in-production, and---as of the weekend after this one---Pokemon Soul Silver consuming much of my time, I'm going to have to prioritize a bit; and as it stands, MSF is way down at the bottom of the list.

Trust me. When I return, you will know. Believe you me. :D

(Edited due to a miscalculation in the game's reception date.)
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Re: Official Departure Thread Mk Awesome (IV)

Postby Rodney » Wed Mar 10, 2010 1:39 pm

I will be unable to update the thread in which I am participating in the next 24 hours. But I shall be back !
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Re: Official Departure Thread Mk Awesome (IV)

Postby Just some lady » Sat Mar 20, 2010 12:21 am

=D Spring Break~!
Which actually means less activity from me, on the whole~. I'll be around some, but friends and family will be taking up a good chunk of my time~
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Re: Official Departure Thread Mk Awesome (IV)

Postby Helel » Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:11 am

Excordis Caprice wrote:=D Spring Break~!
Which actually means less activity from me, on the whole~. I'll be around some, but friends and family will be taking up a good chunk of my time~

So I was totally busy with an anime convention for the beginning, but I'm also on break for the spring. And it actually looks like spring here at last as well. :P
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Re: Official Departure Thread Mk Awesome (IV)

Postby Marky » Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:57 pm

I...think I may be done with the forums for a little while. Maybe not all that long, but, meh, I'm still thinking that over a bit. I may just take a week off to recharge and just see how what happens.

If anyone possibly cares to ask me why I'm doing this, well, I could tell you the specifics, but if you want those, I say pm, e-mail, or instant message me for them. Long story short, however, is that it's basically a combination of stuff that's happened over the past month or so that's finally, especially with this last one, just kinda spilled over and just, made me completely and utterly blah about this place. Hell, earlier, I was almost literally FORCING myself to post. That's how bad I felt. I'm only feeling slightly better...maybe because I've come to this decision or so.

But, yeah...I'm going to spend some time away from the forums for a bit, at least until my 4th exam in 11 days is over with (1st was Monday, 2nd is tomorrow, 3rd is Friday, 4th is next Thursday). It may be longer, but, yeah, at this point, I'm uncertain on that. If anyone cares to chat with me, my msn is (same as my e-mail), and just say you're from MSF and such.

Other than that, I think I'll stick around on IRC, for those on there...I just may be OOC for much of the time.

So, yeah...
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Re: Official Departure Thread Mk Awesome (IV)

Postby Rodney » Mon Mar 29, 2010 12:59 pm

I hope to see you back Marky.

As for me, I am currently dealing with some transportation issues which are taking their toll on my poor tired body and mind.
I am putting the golden finishing school RP on hiatus for several weeks. I don't want to post as a chore and produce an uniteresting RP. I hope the players will understand that stance. You may see me from time to time on the forum, but to expect too many posts.

Anyway, my transportation issue should be dealt with in early May. So there is hope ! :D
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Re: Official Departure Thread Mk Awesome (IV)

Postby Just some lady » Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:21 am

Awwww, Poor Rodney~


Hope your issues get fixed sooner then later! @__@

Aaaaalso~! I am back from Spring Break...and will be gone again as of Thursday for Sakuracon, until Monday~
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Re: Official Departure Thread Mk Awesome (IV)

Postby Marky » Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:47 pm

Well, I am back, but kinda limited for the next few days, possibly. I've got a research paper due next Wednesday that I've yet to start on and need to get to working on this weekend, at the latest. But, other than that, expect at least semi-regular posting from me.
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