[FFRP] Sir Godmodalot: And the Dungeon of No Return


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Re: Sir Godmodalot: And the Dungeon of No Return

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Fri Mar 05, 2010 11:07 am

Too bad our heroine didn't pay attention to that clicking noise, for it was a trap that released... a man-eating car! It vroom-vroomed from a heretofore hidden recess in the wall, tearing up the carpet as it went, and jumped off of a convenient ramp. It landed on Diddlesworth with a mighty, mechanical thunk, eliciting a sickening crunch from its prey, and it revved its engine in glee. There would be no need to play the honky-tonky blues for this little clunker!
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Re: Sir Godmodalot: And the Dungeon of No Return

Postby Blaze » Fri Mar 05, 2010 5:23 pm

Yet another twist saves our heroine! The impact of the car made the gown fall down and land in Dame Diddlesworth's blood. All her blood, bone and flesh flew into the dress and she was reborn as a beautiful woman... again! The car revs a bit... and speaks!

"Oh, terribly sorry ma'am! I'm a man-eating car and... well, when you get hungry, you start mistaking things! Oh well, no harm done."

The car drives off into the dungeon in search of prey with a Y chromosome, leaving Dame Diddlesworth. She retrieves her sword and shield and moves on!
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Re: Sir Godmodalot: And the Dungeon of No Return

Postby Mistress Guendolen » Fri Mar 05, 2010 7:17 pm

(Got a little excited, did you? You skipped me!)

Alas, our poor dear heroine has struggled so much, and for what gain? Next to no progress, that's what! She throws up her hands, crying, "Forsooth, what sort of maze am I in?" And strangely enough... that word- forsooth, that is- was a magic one. If only it had been magical in a good way.... As luck- or perhaps lack thereof, depending on whose perspective you occupy- would have it, "Forsooth" was the word to open a trap door that just so happened to rest beneath our intrepid traveler's feet! The floor fell away, and Dame Diddlesworth rocketed down a dread dark shoot, slimy from mold and black from total lack of light, plummeting into... where? What? Who knows?
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Re: Sir Godmodalot: And the Dungeon of No Return

Postby Blaze » Fri Mar 05, 2010 7:20 pm

(ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH! Sorry Guendolen! >.<)
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Re: Sir Godmodalot: And the Dungeon of No Return

Postby Zoey » Sat Mar 06, 2010 11:37 pm

Lucky Dame Diddlesworth only feel for about 1 level and landed safely in a pile of hay? The new room was filled with farm yard animals. Dame Diddlesworth scratched her head confused what these animals were doing here. Little did she know any slight aggresive motion would activate the animals enchantments they had on the cast by a high class wizard. Who knows what enchatments would do?
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Sir Godmodalot: And the Dungeon of No Return

Postby muffinstud » Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:02 pm

And so, Dame Diddlesworth employed her super stealthy sneaky skills to bypass the farm animals. That is, until she sneezed violently. In a flash, she is surrounded by Ninja Goats, Cow Barbarians, Pig Sorcerors, and Chickens. All except the chickens slowly approach her, malice in their beady eyes. The chickens still just kinda do their own thing. Stupid chickens. Dame Diddlesworth does the only thing she can. She runs!

She finds a series of hallways and runs through them willy nilly. The agitated combatant farm animals follow her en masse through the hallways. Naturally, silly chase music starts from nowhere, and Scooby and Shaggy join the fray. Eventually though, Scooby and Shaggy get away by hiding in conveniently sized pots. Diddlesworth however, is jumped. She finds herself in a fracas, a big cartoony dustball of violence and stock fighting noises. Greatly outnumbered, it looks like the end for our heroine.
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Re: Sir Godmodalot: And the Dungeon of No Return

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sun Mar 14, 2010 3:15 pm

Somehow, Diddlesworth managed to crawl out of the dust-kicking scuffle. She took a moment to glance back at the limbs and various other body parts and objects that briefly flung, swung or hung out of the cloud. She supposed that that was what they called the fog of war.

Returning her attention to the task at hand, she noticed a pitch fork lying on the ground not far away from her. It was then that, in her effort to escape, she realized that she had lost her sword and shield. There was no way that she would go back into the fray to retrieve them, so she reached out and grabbed it. As soon as she had it in her possession, she was compelled to get to her feet and hold it above her head.

"By the power of Red Barn!" She exclaimed.

The pitchfork glowed with power and flowed over her body. The power donned her with clothes anew, consisting of a pair of overalls and a straw hat.

"I have... the powerrrrrrrrrrr~!"

The combatant farm animals, by then, had stopped fighting and prostrated themselves before the figure within the light show. Unexpectedly, the Master of the Pastureverse had returned to them! Oh, joy! What rapture!

"We are not worthy!" They cried.

Taking advantage of this turn of events, Diddlesworth gave them a pep talk to win them over and do her bidding. The first order of business? To help to clear her way further into the dungeon! And so it was that they preceded her further into the dungeon, to tackle what lied ahead of her. She was glad to finally get a break and make some progress!

Even if it was for only a minute, but she could hope for a minute and a second.
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Re: Sir Godmodalot: And the Dungeon of No Return

Postby Mistress Guendolen » Mon Mar 15, 2010 6:01 pm

The hope was short-lived, however. For there was an insidious being out to destroy the adventuring damsel! This shadow figure cackled and crept, and slipped the pigs an otherworldly copy of Animal Farm. No one knows this, but pigs are speed-readers! They read it, and together they rallied the animals with their newfound discover of the shackles induced by the Pastureverse! Suddenly they turrned, surrounding Dame Diddlesworth, out to take down the Evil Human and... well, they hadn't planned past that yet. But it was still a plan! And they charged, descending, pinning Dame Diddlesworth in farmyard peril....
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Re: Sir Godmodalot: And the Dungeon of No Return

Postby Blaze » Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:04 am

Dame Diddlesworth did what came naturally. She jabbed at the encroching beasts with the pitchfork, catching one of the pigs in the stomach. It squeals like a stuck... uh... pig as the other animals recoil in horror. Never did they think that such a fair maiden would lash out in violence!

The animals back off and bow their heads, this time out of fear. Diddlesworth wasn't the type to rule with an iron fist, but hopefully the animals would make a good meat shield for whatever lay ahead. She ordered them to march ahead of her and ventures deeper into the dungeon!
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Re: Sir Godmodalot: And the Dungeon of No Return

Postby Zoey » Wed Mar 17, 2010 2:56 pm

All the ruckus the animals while they charged weakened the caves ceiling. Just as Dame Diddlesworth is about to continue on the ceiling starts to collapse! Debree and rocks with debree start falling on our would be hero! A giant rock with ancient egyptian scriptures fell blocking the way the animals took, she only had 1 way to eascape as the section of the cave started to collapse!
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Sir Godmodalot: And the Dungeon of No Return

Postby muffinstud » Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:16 pm

Dame Diddlesworth takes the opening left open to her (in the open). She ducks and dodges and even dawdles in such a way as to avoid all the falling rocks until she arrived safely to the exit. She encounterd, of all things, an escalator! It goes down into the depths of the dungeon, a sign above the start of it indicates it will take her to the 50th floor. Halfway wouldn't be so bad, not this early in her adventure! She goes to take the escalator down, but is stopped by another sign. "The escalator is currently a flight of stairs. We apologize for the convenience." Sure enough, the motor seems broken and she hoofs it down the flight of stairs. It seems luck is with her. She half expected a flight of a navigator or an intruder at this point. The lack of movie references is refreshing though, and our heroine descends!
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Re: Sir Godmodalot: And the Dungeon of No Return

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:58 pm

Everything seemed to be going fine, as she descended the spiral stairway. By the time Diddlesworth thought that she would reach the bottom of the dungeon, she saw that it was getting ever brighter up ahead. At last, when she reached the landing, she stood in front of a portal of light. It was so bright that she couldn't see why lied beyond. After steeling herself, she brought her pitchfork up to bear and stepped through it...

...and she found herself outside. Some distance away was the horse that the knight, to whom she had been in service, had ridden. Alongside the noble steed was a smaller, and not-so-sightly, horse. When she turned around, she saw the yawning mouth of the cave, instead of the staircase that had brought her back to the start of her ambitious mission.

Devastated, she fell to her knees, followed by her hands. She hung her head and contemplated what to do next.
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Re: Sir Godmodalot: And the Dungeon of No Return

Postby Mistress Guendolen » Wed Mar 17, 2010 5:56 pm

Poor Dame Diddlesworth, despairing and despondent.... A single tear splashed to the earth, shed over the vagaries and unfairness of fate.... But hark, the single drop awoke a spell! It summoned forth the magical faerie Miracula! "Do not despair, fine adventurer," she said. "I hear your call. Your pure heart and selfsame nobility move me to aid you. I give you this token." She pressed a ring into the knight's hand. "Wear it on the middle finger of your left hand, turn clockwise three times and then flap your arms twice. It will take you to the place you need to be." After bestowing this magical beneficence, she faded into a mass of twinkling lights, and was gone hithermore.
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Re: Sir Godmodalot: And the Dungeon of No Return

Postby Blaze » Fri Mar 19, 2010 3:38 am

Dame Diddlesworth put it on her middle finger, turned clockwise three times and flapped her arms twice. But alas, she put it on the middle finger of her right hand, which triggered a different spell entirely! Rather then be taken to where she needs to be, it takes her to where she just was! That is, at the bottom of the escalator where the portal appeared.

Slightly disgruntled at losing the shortcut, but thankful she didn't lose her progress, she continues bravely!
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Re: Sir Godmodalot: And the Dungeon of No Return

Postby Zoey » Sun Mar 21, 2010 9:08 pm

((Whoops forgot about this one ^^" ))

Dame Diddlesworth traveled on and on... and on until she reached a dead end! She had been going in a bad direction for the last 45 minutes! Now she has to back the 45 minute walk to go back where she appeard and just as her stomach growl of hunger. Oh boy...
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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